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Vaccine passports

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Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Ehh I’m on the fence.

To me I think once vaccines are available to everyone then I don’t see why it’s mandatory to proof anything.

IMO you either take the vaccine or you don’t. If you don’t then it’s on you if you get it and get sick. It’s not up to others to protect because you choose to not be protected. And hospitals get overwhelmed again while that sucks again I kind of go back to you chose not to be vaccinated so if they can’t properly treat you then again it’s on you!!!

FTR I am in the fence of getting the vaccine and I still believe what i wrote. Me choosing not to get vaccinated on me and I don’t expect others to protect me.

With all that said if it comes to a point that I will have be vaccinated to be able to do anything I will definitely be getting it if I haven’t by then.

Posted 3/30/21 3:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6987 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

For large venues where hundreds to thousands will gather...............absolutely yay. I have no problem with it.

You do know that they are not sure if being vaccinated means that you cannot get or transmit COVID right? One of my friends was fully vaccinated, 2nd shot, 3 weeks post vaccination and STILL contracted COVID. She also got really sick despite being vaccinated and fairly young (42). She was actually really upset because she is a strong advocate for the vaccine and super careful (masks, wash hands, etc). So even AFTER being vaccinated she still got COVID and not a mild version either.

Her going into a venue with a vaccine passport and a false sense of security would have totally done no one any good if they came into contact with her. I'm not saying the vaccine is ineffective but I am saying it's still experimental and new. I don't get why people are so quick to mandate a vaccine passport for a virus that is still fairly new and a vaccine that is even more new? COVID testing prior to being in a venue with a large amount of people is absolutely acceptable and makes sense but segregating people based on whether or not they got an experimental vaccine is totally ludicrous IMO

You do realize that the only way we're EVER going to get back to any semblance of normal is if the majority of the population is vaccinated, right? Masks and social distancing can't be the only solution forever, it's not practical. But a vaccine is a game changer as they have been throughout medical history. It's nice not having to worry about polio, mumps, measles, etc isn't it? Over time, COVID will be added to the list of illnesses we don't have to fear death from as well. Hopefully, it's no worse than a flu at some point.

The vaccine has been proven EFFECTIVE. Is it a 100% guarantee? No, but over 90% effective is better than zero.

Personally, I would feel FAR better being at a large gathering of vaccinated people than a gathering of those who aren't. This constant diatribe about the vaccine being experimental and nobody knows how long it'll last is a big "who cares" IMO. It's been shown to work. Period. Whether it works for 6 months, 1 year or longer is irrelevant to most of us because the FACT is, it does in fact work. A vaccine that works at even 90% is better than flying blind with ZERO protection as far as I am concerned.

This is a VIRUS.

Normalcy should return when those who NEED to be vaccinated are vaccinated.

We learned to live with flu and we will learn to live with COVID. It’s not going away like polio.

Let’s focus on treatments instead of experimental vaccines.

Normalcy resumes when we can treat it.
It’s not going anywhere.

Let’s focus on being healthy. I’m appalled that they are offering free donuts to those who are vaccinated. We are such an unhealthy country. Half of those at risk probably wouldn’t be at risk if they changed their lifestyle. Instead let’s experiment on them and give them free donuts for a year.

Your last paragraph!!!! YES!!!
How about coming out and telling us how many people who have had to be hospitalized were obese or smoked cigarettes, Jules, etc. No one wants to address the fact that people are not healthy.
Washing your hands is not being healthy and what did people do before this if they decided to start now?
They eat crappy, so not exercise, they drink, smoke, do drugs and then we are all crazy about a virus that affects the immune system. One that could have been better equipped to handle this virus if they just took care of themselves.

Posted 3/30/21 3:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6987 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

For large venues where hundreds to thousands will gather...............absolutely yay. I have no problem with it.

You do know that they are not sure if being vaccinated means that you cannot get or transmit COVID right? One of my friends was fully vaccinated, 2nd shot, 3 weeks post vaccination and STILL contracted COVID. She also got really sick despite being vaccinated and fairly young (42). She was actually really upset because she is a strong advocate for the vaccine and super careful (masks, wash hands, etc). So even AFTER being vaccinated she still got COVID and not a mild version either.

Her going into a venue with a vaccine passport and a false sense of security would have totally done no one any good if they came into contact with her. I'm not saying the vaccine is ineffective but I am saying it's still experimental and new. I don't get why people are so quick to mandate a vaccine passport for a virus that is still fairly new and a vaccine that is even more new? COVID testing prior to being in a venue with a large amount of people is absolutely acceptable and makes sense but segregating people based on whether or not they got an experimental vaccine is totally ludicrous IMO

You do realize that the only way we're EVER going to get back to any semblance of normal is if the majority of the population is vaccinated, right? Masks and social distancing can't be the only solution forever, it's not practical. But a vaccine is a game changer as they have been throughout medical history. It's nice not having to worry about polio, mumps, measles, etc isn't it? Over time, COVID will be added to the list of illnesses we don't have to fear death from as well. Hopefully, it's no worse than a flu at some point.

The vaccine has been proven EFFECTIVE. Is it a 100% guarantee? No, but over 90% effective is better than zero.

Personally, I would feel FAR better being at a large gathering of vaccinated people than a gathering of those who aren't. This constant diatribe about the vaccine being experimental and nobody knows how long it'll last is a big "who cares" IMO. It's been shown to work. Period. Whether it works for 6 months, 1 year or longer is irrelevant to most of us because the FACT is, it does in fact work. A vaccine that works at even 90% is better than flying blind with ZERO protection as far as I am concerned.

I don’t take a flu shot either. I believe in building a strong healthy immune system

Everybody wants a quick fix in life. I take a pill and it will solve it all. I get surgery and I will lose all the weight. On and on.
Most don’t want to put the effort into getting healthier.
I have a good friend who got Covid and was hospitalized, still smoking. He knows he needs to stop but hasn’t.

Posted 3/30/21 3:55 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

It's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think that they are SO healthy and better than everyone else that it's impossible for them to get COVID. Nobody is immune to this virus regardless of how awesome you think you are and how much kale you shove down your throat.

Even healthy people can get infected and have underlying conditions they may be unaware of. Not everything that can be wrong with someone shows itself right away, you can easily be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or some genetic anomaly and not even know it.

If you don't want a vaccine to protect yourself, cool. But don't walk around with the attitude that you're so healthy that you're untouchable because you sound ridiculous.

Posted 3/30/21 3:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Diane

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LittleDiva

Let’s focus on being healthy. I’m appalled that they are offering free donuts to those who are vaccinated. We are such an unhealthy country. Half of those at risk probably wouldn’t be at risk if they changed their lifestyle. Instead let’s experiment on them and give them free donuts for a year.

OMG when I heard that I almost died. It's no wonder this country is the leader in obesity.
It's actually embarrassing.
Donuts. When obesity and diabetes are a co-morbidity for the very thing they are vaccinating for.
Jesus Christ.

OMG, I know. I would rather have a free coffee.

It's embarrassing that when they want to incentivize us fat, unhealthy, Americans to do something, they have to use a donut.

Not a free month's gym membership or something or a free salad for a year.

Just adding some clarity because this reads like they are giving out donuts at the vaccination sites.

This is an offer by Krispy Kreme. It's a marketing gimmick. They sell donuts. They aren't going to give away salads.

If you don't want the free donut, don't go to Krispy Kreme.

Anyone who feels strongly about this might want to contact their favorite healthy establishment to see if they can also make an offer.

I agree we have issues with obesity in this country, but I don't think the fault lies with the innovation of Krispy Kreme's marketing department. Those issues run deep and are way beyond the scope of this convo.

To answer the original question, I have no problem with the passport.

Yes, I am fully aware of that.
I know it's a Krispy Kreme marketing thing.
Just ironic is all.
All you have to do is look at the drive thrus of all the major fast food places and how long the lines are to see the why this country is so unhealthy.
But then it's ok because the pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to push a drug at you to fix it.
Type 2 Diabetes is easily curable through diet. But it's easier to pop a pill and keep eating like shit.
Same with cholesterol meds.

Sorry, even though I quoted you it wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment.

It’s a complex topic but a big piece of it is that unhealthy food is relatively cheap and we have a lower standard of living than most first world countries so sometimes people buy what they can afford.

Posted 3/30/21 4:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6987 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by Hofstra26

It's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think that they are SO healthy and better than everyone else that it's impossible for them to get COVID. Nobody is immune to this virus regardless of how awesome you think you are and how much kale you shove down your throat.

Even healthy people can get infected and have underlying conditions they may be unaware of. Not everything that can be wrong with someone shows itself right away, you can easily be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or some genetic anomaly and not even know it.

If you don't want a vaccine to protect yourself, cool. But don't walk around with the attitude that you're so healthy that you're untouchable because you sound ridiculous.

Of course just like every other illness healthy people can and will get sick.

I am sure many people have found out they had underlying issues when they got Covid just like in other instances. You could say they were healthy too as I don’t believe all in the news as it is easier to say that to put fear in people.

You do have a better chance in fighting illnesses when your immune system is better and for many it IS eating better, getting more sleep, not smoking.

Posted 3/30/21 4:22 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Diane

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LittleDiva

Let’s focus on being healthy. I’m appalled that they are offering free donuts to those who are vaccinated. We are such an unhealthy country. Half of those at risk probably wouldn’t be at risk if they changed their lifestyle. Instead let’s experiment on them and give them free donuts for a year.

OMG when I heard that I almost died. It's no wonder this country is the leader in obesity.
It's actually embarrassing.
Donuts. When obesity and diabetes are a co-morbidity for the very thing they are vaccinating for.
Jesus Christ.

OMG, I know. I would rather have a free coffee.

It's embarrassing that when they want to incentivize us fat, unhealthy, Americans to do something, they have to use a donut.

Not a free month's gym membership or something or a free salad for a year.

Just adding some clarity because this reads like they are giving out donuts at the vaccination sites.

This is an offer by Krispy Kreme. It's a marketing gimmick. They sell donuts. They aren't going to give away salads.

If you don't want the free donut, don't go to Krispy Kreme.

Anyone who feels strongly about this might want to contact their favorite healthy establishment to see if they can also make an offer.

I agree we have issues with obesity in this country, but I don't think the fault lies with the innovation of Krispy Kreme's marketing department. Those issues run deep and are way beyond the scope of this convo.

To answer the original question, I have no problem with the passport.

Yes, I am fully aware of that.
I know it's a Krispy Kreme marketing thing.
Just ironic is all.
All you have to do is look at the drive thrus of all the major fast food places and how long the lines are to see the why this country is so unhealthy.
But then it's ok because the pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to push a drug at you to fix it.
Type 2 Diabetes is easily curable through diet. But it's easier to pop a pill and keep eating like shit.
Same with cholesterol meds.

Sorry, even though I quoted you it wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment.

It’s a complex topic but a big piece of it is that unhealthy food is relatively cheap and we have a lower standard of living than most first world countries so sometimes people buy what they can afford.

True Not to mention the unhealthy food is often delicious and makes you feel so good at the moment. And actually addicting.
I watched something on Amazon Prime with DH that was very eye opening about processed foods, how they get you hooked on them, etc.
It's all about money... just like everything else!

Posted 3/30/21 4:33 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

It's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think that they are SO healthy and better than everyone else that it's impossible for them to get COVID. Nobody is immune to this virus regardless of how awesome you think you are and how much kale you shove down your throat.

Even healthy people can get infected and have underlying conditions they may be unaware of. Not everything that can be wrong with someone shows itself right away, you can easily be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or some genetic anomaly and not even know it.

If you don't want a vaccine to protect yourself, cool. But don't walk around with the attitude that you're so healthy that you're untouchable because you sound ridiculous.

Of course just like every other illness healthy people can and will get sick.

I am sure many people have found out they had underlying issues when they got Covid just like in other instances. You could say they were healthy too as I don’t believe all in the news as it is easier to say that to put fear in people.

You do have a better chance in fighting illnesses when your immune system is better and for many it IS eating better, getting more sleep, not smoking.

I just got over COVID. You absolutely should have a healthy fear of this virus, it's justified. It's NOT all media hype. While my DH, DD and myself got better it was a VERY nerve wracking two weeks and we're still dealing with a host of issues such as cough, fatigue and loss of taste and smell. Not knowing what to expect day over day and wondering if you will wake up tomorrow unable to breathe is very scary. While most of us won't die and will get better, it's remiss of anyone to repeatedly underestimate this virus as if it's just some run of the mill flu. It's not.

Lastly, of course having a healthy immune system is a good thing and gives you a fighting chance no matter what the illness but it's also a false sense of security. Even the healthiest people in the world can get sick and die. Perfect example is Bob Harper who is the picture of health and has dedicated his life to fitness. He almost died from the "widowmaker" heart attack. Point is, you just don't know 100% what is going on in your body. You can do your best to stay healthy but in the end, none of us are immune to illness, disease and death.

I am finding the attitude of many anti-vaxxers is that of they are young and healthy, never get a flu shot and eat well so they don't need to worry. Everyone needs to worry because you can do everything right and still get sick. That isn't living in fear, it's having common sense.

Message edited 3/30/2021 4:41:55 PM.

Posted 3/30/21 4:40 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by JennP

Sorry, even though I quoted you it wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment.

It’s a complex topic but a big piece of it is that unhealthy food is relatively cheap and we have a lower standard of living than most first world countries so sometimes people buy what they can afford.


Posted 3/30/21 4:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Diane

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LittleDiva

Let’s focus on being healthy. I’m appalled that they are offering free donuts to those who are vaccinated. We are such an unhealthy country. Half of those at risk probably wouldn’t be at risk if they changed their lifestyle. Instead let’s experiment on them and give them free donuts for a year.

OMG when I heard that I almost died. It's no wonder this country is the leader in obesity.
It's actually embarrassing.
Donuts. When obesity and diabetes are a co-morbidity for the very thing they are vaccinating for.
Jesus Christ.

OMG, I know. I would rather have a free coffee.

It's embarrassing that when they want to incentivize us fat, unhealthy, Americans to do something, they have to use a donut.

Not a free month's gym membership or something or a free salad for a year.

Just adding some clarity because this reads like they are giving out donuts at the vaccination sites.

This is an offer by Krispy Kreme. It's a marketing gimmick. They sell donuts. They aren't going to give away salads.

If you don't want the free donut, don't go to Krispy Kreme.

Anyone who feels strongly about this might want to contact their favorite healthy establishment to see if they can also make an offer.

I agree we have issues with obesity in this country, but I don't think the fault lies with the innovation of Krispy Kreme's marketing department. Those issues run deep and are way beyond the scope of this convo.

To answer the original question, I have no problem with the passport.

Yes, I am fully aware of that.
I know it's a Krispy Kreme marketing thing.
Just ironic is all.
All you have to do is look at the drive thrus of all the major fast food places and how long the lines are to see the why this country is so unhealthy.
But then it's ok because the pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to push a drug at you to fix it.
Type 2 Diabetes is easily curable through diet. But it's easier to pop a pill and keep eating like shit.
Same with cholesterol meds.

Sorry, even though I quoted you it wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment.

It’s a complex topic but a big piece of it is that unhealthy food is relatively cheap and we have a lower standard of living than most first world countries so sometimes people buy what they can afford.

True Not to mention the unhealthy food is often delicious and makes you feel so good at the moment. And actually addicting.
I watched something on Amazon Prime with DH that was very eye opening about processed foods, how they get you hooked on them, etc.
It's all about money... just like everything else!

Yes, hidden sugar is an issue particularly in American products.

Do you remember what the documentary was called?

Sugar really does mess with you. I'm a relatively healthy eater but if I cheat with a muffin for breakfast or something I crash and am miserable by 11:00. If not sooner.

But we are way off topic here lol.

Posted 3/30/21 5:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

It's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think that they are SO healthy and better than everyone else that it's impossible for them to get COVID. Nobody is immune to this virus regardless of how awesome you think you are and how much kale you shove down your throat.

Even healthy people can get infected and have underlying conditions they may be unaware of. Not everything that can be wrong with someone shows itself right away, you can easily be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or some genetic anomaly and not even know it.

If you don't want a vaccine to protect yourself, cool. But don't walk around with the attitude that you're so healthy that you're untouchable because you sound ridiculous.

Of course just like every other illness healthy people can and will get sick.

I am sure many people have found out they had underlying issues when they got Covid just like in other instances. You could say they were healthy too as I don’t believe all in the news as it is easier to say that to put fear in people.

You do have a better chance in fighting illnesses when your immune system is better and for many it IS eating better, getting more sleep, not smoking.

I just got over COVID. You absolutely should have a healthy fear of this virus, it's justified. It's NOT all media hype. While my DH, DD and myself got better it was a VERY nerve wracking two weeks and we're still dealing with a host of issues such as cough, fatigue and loss of taste and smell. Not knowing what to expect day over day and wondering if you will wake up tomorrow unable to breathe is very scary. While most of us won't die and will get better, it's remiss of anyone to repeatedly underestimate this virus as if it's just some run of the mill flu. It's not.

Lastly, of course having a healthy immune system is a good thing and gives you a fighting chance no matter what the illness but it's also a false sense of security. Even the healthiest people in the world can get sick and die. Perfect example is Bob Harper who is the picture of health and has dedicated his life to fitness. He almost died from the "widowmaker" heart attack. Point is, you just don't know 100% what is going on in your body. You can do your best to stay healthy but in the end, none of us are immune to illness, disease and death.

I am finding the attitude of many anti-vaxxers is that of they are young and healthy, never get a flu shot and eat well so they don't need to worry. Everyone needs to worry because you can do everything right and still get sick. That isn't living in fear, it's having common sense.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Glad you're all feeling at least a little bit better.

Posted 3/30/21 5:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/09

764 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Glad you're all feeling better.

Of course healthy adults AND children are getting it.
My 3rd grader and 10 of his classmates all got covid from the classroom! My child is completely healthy still got covid -had symptoms and wasn't feeling good for over a week. Luckily no one including my 82-year-old mother who lives in the house with us became sick .We all tested negative.
I believe since we were vaccinated (for our jobs and my mother being elderly) is the reason none of us caught covid.

Posted 3/30/21 5:39 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Diane

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LittleDiva

Let’s focus on being healthy. I’m appalled that they are offering free donuts to those who are vaccinated. We are such an unhealthy country. Half of those at risk probably wouldn’t be at risk if they changed their lifestyle. Instead let’s experiment on them and give them free donuts for a year.

OMG when I heard that I almost died. It's no wonder this country is the leader in obesity.
It's actually embarrassing.
Donuts. When obesity and diabetes are a co-morbidity for the very thing they are vaccinating for.
Jesus Christ.

OMG, I know. I would rather have a free coffee.

It's embarrassing that when they want to incentivize us fat, unhealthy, Americans to do something, they have to use a donut.

Not a free month's gym membership or something or a free salad for a year.

Just adding some clarity because this reads like they are giving out donuts at the vaccination sites.

This is an offer by Krispy Kreme. It's a marketing gimmick. They sell donuts. They aren't going to give away salads.

If you don't want the free donut, don't go to Krispy Kreme.

Anyone who feels strongly about this might want to contact their favorite healthy establishment to see if they can also make an offer.

I agree we have issues with obesity in this country, but I don't think the fault lies with the innovation of Krispy Kreme's marketing department. Those issues run deep and are way beyond the scope of this convo.

To answer the original question, I have no problem with the passport.

Yes, I am fully aware of that.
I know it's a Krispy Kreme marketing thing.
Just ironic is all.
All you have to do is look at the drive thrus of all the major fast food places and how long the lines are to see the why this country is so unhealthy.
But then it's ok because the pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to push a drug at you to fix it.
Type 2 Diabetes is easily curable through diet. But it's easier to pop a pill and keep eating like shit.
Same with cholesterol meds.

Sorry, even though I quoted you it wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment.

It’s a complex topic but a big piece of it is that unhealthy food is relatively cheap and we have a lower standard of living than most first world countries so sometimes people buy what they can afford.

True Not to mention the unhealthy food is often delicious and makes you feel so good at the moment. And actually addicting.
I watched something on Amazon Prime with DH that was very eye opening about processed foods, how they get you hooked on them, etc.
It's all about money... just like everything else!

Yes, hidden sugar is an issue particularly in American products.

Do you remember what the documentary was called?

Sugar really does mess with you. I'm a relatively healthy eater but if I cheat with a muffin for breakfast or something I crash and am miserable by 11:00. If not sooner.

But we are way off topic here lol.

Yeah this definitely is off topic, but that's nothing new here! LOL
The documentary is called Fat Fiction on Amazon Prime. It talks about the hidden sugars, the processed foods, the way we were taught to eat all our lives that lead to a lot of health problems.
Very interesting and eye opening. Worth a watch if you have some time!

Posted 3/30/21 5:40 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Vaccine passports

For those of you that had Covid and had it rough do you have any health issues like obesity, diabetes or heart disease? Just asking because my family had it and we have a pretty healthy diet, healthy weight and exercise. Only tested bc we were exposed, no symptoms or issues. Waiting on the vaccine and hope to get j and j due to my laziness and no desire to go back for a second shot. Will get vaccine sooner than later if needed to travel. Don’t really care about going to a concert or game.

Posted 3/30/21 6:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6987 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

It's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think that they are SO healthy and better than everyone else that it's impossible for them to get COVID. Nobody is immune to this virus regardless of how awesome you think you are and how much kale you shove down your throat.

Even healthy people can get infected and have underlying conditions they may be unaware of. Not everything that can be wrong with someone shows itself right away, you can easily be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or some genetic anomaly and not even know it.

If you don't want a vaccine to protect yourself, cool. But don't walk around with the attitude that you're so healthy that you're untouchable because you sound ridiculous.

Of course just like every other illness healthy people can and will get sick.

I am sure many people have found out they had underlying issues when they got Covid just like in other instances. You could say they were healthy too as I don’t believe all in the news as it is easier to say that to put fear in people.

You do have a better chance in fighting illnesses when your immune system is better and for many it IS eating better, getting more sleep, not smoking.

I just got over COVID. You absolutely should have a healthy fear of this virus, it's justified. It's NOT all media hype. While my DH, DD and myself got better it was a VERY nerve wracking two weeks and we're still dealing with a host of issues such as cough, fatigue and loss of taste and smell. Not knowing what to expect day over day and wondering if you will wake up tomorrow unable to breathe is very scary. While most of us won't die and will get better, it's remiss of anyone to repeatedly underestimate this virus as if it's just some run of the mill flu. It's not.

Lastly, of course having a healthy immune system is a good thing and gives you a fighting chance no matter what the illness but it's also a false sense of security. Even the healthiest people in the world can get sick and die. Perfect example is Bob Harper who is the picture of health and has dedicated his life to fitness. He almost died from the "widowmaker" heart attack. Point is, you just don't know 100% what is going on in your body. You can do your best to stay healthy but in the end, none of us are immune to illness, disease and death.

I am finding the attitude of many anti-vaxxers is that of they are young and healthy, never get a flu shot and eat well so they don't need to worry. Everyone needs to worry because you can do everything right and still get sick. That isn't living in fear, it's having common sense.

Many anti Covid vax (as many take all other vaccines needed) are older too so it’s not just the young people.

I have gone into cardiac arrest for an issue that I had no clue about. I have had a child that went into keto acidosis. I know very well of issues of things going on that you have no clue about.

You should be careful but you can not go around in fear as anything can happen in life. You have more of a chance of getting killed in a car accident than dying of Covid.

Posted 3/30/21 7:11 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by SJSM

Glad you're all feeling better.

Of course healthy adults AND children are getting it.
My 3rd grader and 10 of his classmates all got covid from the classroom! My child is completely healthy still got covid -had symptoms and wasn't feeling good for over a week. Luckily no one including my 82-year-old mother who lives in the house with us became sick .We all tested negative.
I believe since we were vaccinated (for our jobs and my mother being elderly) is the reason none of us caught covid.

Thank you. Chat Icon

My 12 yr old DD got it as well. For her it was more like a 3 day cold but she did lose her taste and smell and that is still not 100% yet. Glad your little one was okay after having it.Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/21 8:03 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by JennP

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

It's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think that they are SO healthy and better than everyone else that it's impossible for them to get COVID. Nobody is immune to this virus regardless of how awesome you think you are and how much kale you shove down your throat.

Even healthy people can get infected and have underlying conditions they may be unaware of. Not everything that can be wrong with someone shows itself right away, you can easily be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or some genetic anomaly and not even know it.

If you don't want a vaccine to protect yourself, cool. But don't walk around with the attitude that you're so healthy that you're untouchable because you sound ridiculous.

Of course just like every other illness healthy people can and will get sick.

I am sure many people have found out they had underlying issues when they got Covid just like in other instances. You could say they were healthy too as I don’t believe all in the news as it is easier to say that to put fear in people.

You do have a better chance in fighting illnesses when your immune system is better and for many it IS eating better, getting more sleep, not smoking.

I just got over COVID. You absolutely should have a healthy fear of this virus, it's justified. It's NOT all media hype. While my DH, DD and myself got better it was a VERY nerve wracking two weeks and we're still dealing with a host of issues such as cough, fatigue and loss of taste and smell. Not knowing what to expect day over day and wondering if you will wake up tomorrow unable to breathe is very scary. While most of us won't die and will get better, it's remiss of anyone to repeatedly underestimate this virus as if it's just some run of the mill flu. It's not.

Lastly, of course having a healthy immune system is a good thing and gives you a fighting chance no matter what the illness but it's also a false sense of security. Even the healthiest people in the world can get sick and die. Perfect example is Bob Harper who is the picture of health and has dedicated his life to fitness. He almost died from the "widowmaker" heart attack. Point is, you just don't know 100% what is going on in your body. You can do your best to stay healthy but in the end, none of us are immune to illness, disease and death.

I am finding the attitude of many anti-vaxxers is that of they are young and healthy, never get a flu shot and eat well so they don't need to worry. Everyone needs to worry because you can do everything right and still get sick. That isn't living in fear, it's having common sense.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Glad you're all feeling at least a little bit better.

Thank you. Chat Icon We're all better, the lingering symptoms are just frustrating to deal with. Hoping those subside as the weeks go by.

Posted 3/30/21 8:04 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by Anotherplease

For those of you that had Covid and had it rough do you have any health issues like obesity, diabetes or heart disease? Just asking because my family had it and we have a pretty healthy diet, healthy weight and exercise. Only tested bc we were exposed, no symptoms or issues. Waiting on the vaccine and hope to get j and j due to my laziness and no desire to go back for a second shot. Will get vaccine sooner than later if needed to travel. Don’t really care about going to a concert or game.

I had GD with both pregnancies so now I am Type 2. My DH doesn't have underlying conditions. We didn't have a severe case nor a mild case, it was moderate and lasted a full 2 weeks. We both eat well and up until I got sick I was exercising every single day but in the end, we ended up sick. Again, you just never know how your body will respond to the infection. I consider us lucky, it could have been worse.

Posted 3/30/21 8:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Vaccine passports

Not arguing that America is full of unhealthy fatties and free donuts is ironic but the reality is genetics are the biggest indicator of how COVID affects any given individual. Should you eat a healthy diet and exercise? Of course. Will that potentially prevent some of the comorbidities that can put someone at a higher risk for severe illness? Possibly, if the reason for the comorbidity is donuts and cheeseburgers. Probably not if the reason is genetic.

I think everyone is putting too much stock in how diet effects this particular illness. Truth is, any one of us can get COVID and have no idea how sick we would end up.

Anyway, I’m fine with the passports and if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated that’s their problem.

Posted 3/30/21 9:21 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by LuckyStar

Not arguing that America is full of unhealthy fatties and free donuts is ironic but the reality is genetics are the biggest indicator of how COVID affects any given individual. Should you eat a healthy diet and exercise? Of course. Will that potentially prevent some of the comorbidities that can put someone at a higher risk for severe illness? Possibly, if the reason for the comorbidity is donuts and cheeseburgers. Probably not if the reason is genetic.

I think everyone is putting too much stock in how diet effects this particular illness. Truth is, any one of us can get COVID and have no idea how sick we would end up.

Anyway, I’m fine with the passports and if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated that’s their problem.

This is true. Friends of ours had it recently and they are some of the most unhealthy people I know. No exercise, terrible diet, pre-diabetes, a host of other health issues etc etc- they both had barely a symptom- one said it he mistook it for sinus infection at first and only got tested because he was around someone who was positive, and the other said some mild body aches and a head cold.
So yeah, being healthy and eating right may help, but it's no guarantee- and being "unhealthy" is not a guarantee it will hit you harder-just like with anything else. I see it all the time- how good your immune system is is truly luck of the genetic draw

Posted 3/30/21 9:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6987 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LuckyStar

Not arguing that America is full of unhealthy fatties and free donuts is ironic but the reality is genetics are the biggest indicator of how COVID affects any given individual. Should you eat a healthy diet and exercise? Of course. Will that potentially prevent some of the comorbidities that can put someone at a higher risk for severe illness? Possibly, if the reason for the comorbidity is donuts and cheeseburgers. Probably not if the reason is genetic.

I think everyone is putting too much stock in how diet effects this particular illness. Truth is, any one of us can get COVID and have no idea how sick we would end up.

Anyway, I’m fine with the passports and if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated that’s their problem.

This is true. Friends of ours had it recently and they are some of the most unhealthy people I know. No exercise, terrible diet, pre-diabetes, a host of other health issues etc etc- they both had barely a symptom- one said it he mistook it for sinus infection at first and only got tested because he was around someone who was positive, and the other said some mild body aches and a head cold.
So yeah, being healthy and eating right may help, but it's no guarantee- and being "unhealthy" is not a guarantee it will hit you harder-just like with anything else. I see it all the time- how good your immune system is is truly luck of the genetic draw

No one want to address the smoking and breathing issues associated with Covid. I think many have more severe symptoms because of this too but it seems to be put to the wayside.

Also as much as we know about people, we truly don’t know what happens behind closed doors.

Posted 3/30/21 9:38 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Diane

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LittleDiva

Let’s focus on being healthy. I’m appalled that they are offering free donuts to those who are vaccinated. We are such an unhealthy country. Half of those at risk probably wouldn’t be at risk if they changed their lifestyle. Instead let’s experiment on them and give them free donuts for a year.

OMG when I heard that I almost died. It's no wonder this country is the leader in obesity.
It's actually embarrassing.
Donuts. When obesity and diabetes are a co-morbidity for the very thing they are vaccinating for.
Jesus Christ.

OMG, I know. I would rather have a free coffee.

It's embarrassing that when they want to incentivize us fat, unhealthy, Americans to do something, they have to use a donut.

Not a free month's gym membership or something or a free salad for a year.

Just adding some clarity because this reads like they are giving out donuts at the vaccination sites.

This is an offer by Krispy Kreme. It's a marketing gimmick. They sell donuts. They aren't going to give away salads.

If you don't want the free donut, don't go to Krispy Kreme.

Anyone who feels strongly about this might want to contact their favorite healthy establishment to see if they can also make an offer.

I agree we have issues with obesity in this country, but I don't think the fault lies with the innovation of Krispy Kreme's marketing department. Those issues run deep and are way beyond the scope of this convo.

To answer the original question, I have no problem with the passport.

Yes, I am fully aware of that.
I know it's a Krispy Kreme marketing thing.
Just ironic is all.
All you have to do is look at the drive thrus of all the major fast food places and how long the lines are to see the why this country is so unhealthy.
But then it's ok because the pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to push a drug at you to fix it.
Type 2 Diabetes is easily curable through diet. But it's easier to pop a pill and keep eating like shit.
Same with cholesterol meds.

Sorry, even though I quoted you it wasn’t directed at you. Just a general comment.

It’s a complex topic but a big piece of it is that unhealthy food is relatively cheap and we have a lower standard of living than most first world countries so sometimes people buy what they can afford.

True Not to mention the unhealthy food is often delicious and makes you feel so good at the moment. And actually addicting.
I watched something on Amazon Prime with DH that was very eye opening about processed foods, how they get you hooked on them, etc.
It's all about money... just like everything else!

Couldn’t agree more! McDonalds, for example, invests millions of dollars in continuously perfecting their recipe formulas (taste and smell) to make their food more appetizing, not just to satisfy a craving but to signal the brain to continue eating more. Add to that the insane amount of money they spend on advertising (primarily to kids as “first consumers”) to the point that just looking at one of their burgers would signal a craving for it. They do all of this while knowing the type of food they sell is far from nutritional rich. They’re not in the market to feed people properly, they’re in it to make big bucks. These fast food places are a clever and greedy big monster, I mean industry, all on its own.

Posted 3/30/21 10:15 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LuckyStar

Not arguing that America is full of unhealthy fatties and free donuts is ironic but the reality is genetics are the biggest indicator of how COVID affects any given individual. Should you eat a healthy diet and exercise? Of course. Will that potentially prevent some of the comorbidities that can put someone at a higher risk for severe illness? Possibly, if the reason for the comorbidity is donuts and cheeseburgers. Probably not if the reason is genetic.

I think everyone is putting too much stock in how diet effects this particular illness. Truth is, any one of us can get COVID and have no idea how sick we would end up.

Anyway, I’m fine with the passports and if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated that’s their problem.

This is true. Friends of ours had it recently and they are some of the most unhealthy people I know. No exercise, terrible diet, pre-diabetes, a host of other health issues etc etc- they both had barely a symptom- one said it he mistook it for sinus infection at first and only got tested because he was around someone who was positive, and the other said some mild body aches and a head cold.
So yeah, being healthy and eating right may help, but it's no guarantee- and being "unhealthy" is not a guarantee it will hit you harder-just like with anything else. I see it all the time- how good your immune system is is truly luck of the genetic draw

No one want to address the smoking and breathing issues associated with Covid. I think many have more severe symptoms because of this too but it seems to be put to the wayside.

Also as much as we know about people, we truly don’t know what happens behind closed doors.

Are you suggesting every single person who is severely ill with covid is either a smoker or unhealthy eater? I am going to hope and assume I am reading this wrong, as it is incredibly ignorant and uneducated to believe that.

Posted 3/30/21 10:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6987 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LuckyStar

Not arguing that America is full of unhealthy fatties and free donuts is ironic but the reality is genetics are the biggest indicator of how COVID affects any given individual. Should you eat a healthy diet and exercise? Of course. Will that potentially prevent some of the comorbidities that can put someone at a higher risk for severe illness? Possibly, if the reason for the comorbidity is donuts and cheeseburgers. Probably not if the reason is genetic.

I think everyone is putting too much stock in how diet effects this particular illness. Truth is, any one of us can get COVID and have no idea how sick we would end up.

Anyway, I’m fine with the passports and if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated that’s their problem.

This is true. Friends of ours had it recently and they are some of the most unhealthy people I know. No exercise, terrible diet, pre-diabetes, a host of other health issues etc etc- they both had barely a symptom- one said it he mistook it for sinus infection at first and only got tested because he was around someone who was positive, and the other said some mild body aches and a head cold.
So yeah, being healthy and eating right may help, but it's no guarantee- and being "unhealthy" is not a guarantee it will hit you harder-just like with anything else. I see it all the time- how good your immune system is is truly luck of the genetic draw

No one want to address the smoking and breathing issues associated with Covid. I think many have more severe symptoms because of this too but it seems to be put to the wayside.

Also as much as we know about people, we truly don’t know what happens behind closed doors.

Are you suggesting every single person who is severely ill with covid is either a smoker or unhealthy eater? I am going to hope and assume I am reading this wrong, as it is incredibly ignorant and uneducated to believe that.

Absolutely not.

Do I think it increases the chances of being sick by not taking care of yourself? Yup.

Posted 3/30/21 10:51 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Vaccine passports

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by LuckyStar

Not arguing that America is full of unhealthy fatties and free donuts is ironic but the reality is genetics are the biggest indicator of how COVID affects any given individual. Should you eat a healthy diet and exercise? Of course. Will that potentially prevent some of the comorbidities that can put someone at a higher risk for severe illness? Possibly, if the reason for the comorbidity is donuts and cheeseburgers. Probably not if the reason is genetic.

I think everyone is putting too much stock in how diet effects this particular illness. Truth is, any one of us can get COVID and have no idea how sick we would end up.

Anyway, I’m fine with the passports and if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated that’s their problem.

This is true. Friends of ours had it recently and they are some of the most unhealthy people I know. No exercise, terrible diet, pre-diabetes, a host of other health issues etc etc- they both had barely a symptom- one said it he mistook it for sinus infection at first and only got tested because he was around someone who was positive, and the other said some mild body aches and a head cold.
So yeah, being healthy and eating right may help, but it's no guarantee- and being "unhealthy" is not a guarantee it will hit you harder-just like with anything else. I see it all the time- how good your immune system is is truly luck of the genetic draw

No one want to address the smoking and breathing issues associated with Covid. I think many have more severe symptoms because of this too but it seems to be put to the wayside.

Also as much as we know about people, we truly don’t know what happens behind closed doors.

Are you suggesting every single person who is severely ill with covid is either a smoker or unhealthy eater? I am going to hope and assume I am reading this wrong, as it is incredibly ignorant and uneducated to believe that.

Absolutely not.

Do I think it increases the chances of being sick by not taking care of yourself? Yup.

Thank you for clarifying. I understand what you were saying now.

Posted 3/30/21 11:11 PM
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