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vaginal births

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

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Re: vaginal births

apparently some drs do let you choose --i have a friend who wanted a c section. it was not medical at all and she is not wealthy in the sense she threw enought money at thet drs to do it--and she had it. she was very happy with the experience. on some small level it seems kinda nice to have it all doen so quickly and not have to go thru allof that pushing. but after the fact many people find recovery a lot harder and insurance usually give you 2 extra weeks off for it so i would imagine there is a reason. i will definatley try for a vaginal birth and only do a c section if dr said i had to but part of me thinks not going thru traditional labor sounds a little better.
you are not at all crazy for wanting a vaginal birth. there are a lot of reasons why it would be more desiarable and c section is major surgury-- if you dont need it then why put yourself through it? good luck with your delivery!

Posted 8/22/07 9:12 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Two in Blue

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Re: vaginal births

Posted by juanvi

Posted by shellybean

can you actually choose???

that's a good question. I didn't think you could chose. but I guess if you find the right doc. you can get them to do anything

Of course you can choose! Unless your baby is in danger. I would highly suggest the book Misconceptions. It talks all about vag vs. c-section and ways to facilitate the birth you want


Unfortunately I have been advised to have a c-section because of some medical issue-I'm not Pg right now, but I am kind of upset about that and will probably see if there is a way I can go naturally. I have some immune issues and the Dr's would like to see me deliver at 38 weeks since the placenta starts to degrade after that-so I will prob be induced an dend up having a c anyway. Good luck to you all!

Posted 8/22/07 9:27 AM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: vaginal births

Honestly, the vaginal birth isn't that bad at all! Your body knows what to do, and makes room when room is needed. The recovery can be a little uncomfortable....but it's better in less than 2 weeks.
And the area eventually returns to it's former state and everything works fine Chat Icon .

Posted 8/22/07 9:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: vaginal births

C-Sections are no walk in the park are having major surgery and the recovery can be hard..

I think that whatever you want is right for you. It's scary either way to me. I had one vaginal birth already and it hurt but it's the labor that really hurts the most.

I've never had a c-section and that actually scares me more. I hope to have a vaginal delivery with baby to be as well.

Sometimes you can't plan what happens but which ever way you go - will be great.

Posted 8/22/07 9:32 AM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Re: vaginal births

Posted by ssdbk

I thought that most people want a vaginal birth.

Chat Icon I know right? I don't think most doctors give you that choice...there has to be an underlying medical reason for a c-section since its a major surgery...I really don't understand women who want a c-section "just because"...I mean we were created to give birth vaginally...your muscles and all that good stuff will go back to normal eventually...yeah its painful and awful but thats how we were created to procreate and give birth.

Message edited 8/22/2007 11:02:12 AM.

Posted 8/22/07 10:26 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: vaginal births

I had a vaginal birth with DS and it was an amazing experience. I was afraid at first but I had a great doctor who topped off my epi before I pushed so I didn't even know I tore until she told me that she had to stitch me up. It was so much easier than I had expected and recovery was amazing. I was up and about the next morning and all I needed was motrin for a few days.

Posted 8/22/07 10:54 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: vaginal births

Posted by MEWF

apparently some drs do let you choose --i have a friend who wanted a c section. it was not medical at all and she is not wealthy in the sense she threw enought money at thet drs to do it--and she had it. she was very happy with the experience. on some small level it seems kinda nice to have it all doen so quickly and not have to go thru allof that pushing. but after the fact many people find recovery a lot harder and insurance usually give you 2 extra weeks off for it so i would imagine there is a reason. i will definatley try for a vaginal birth and only do a c section if dr said i had to but part of me thinks not going thru traditional labor sounds a little better.
you are not at all crazy for wanting a vaginal birth. there are a lot of reasons why it would be more desiarable and c section is major surgury-- if you dont need it then why put yourself through it? good luck with your delivery!

Are you kidding me? If my doctor was going to take money to give me a c-section I would find another doctor PRONTO! A c-section is major abdomional surgery, and not to be taken lightly. Even if the doctor says the reason for the section is the baby is large, that is a REASON at least.

I had a vaginal birth, I had a pretty nasty tear and it still wasn't that bad. I had a HORRIBLE pregnancy and I honesly could not believe how much better I felt as soon as DS was out of my body. I was never afraid of a c-section until I was induced and not progressing so well. But when you are there, you have to trust your doctor and that they will do what is right for you and your baby.

Posted 8/22/07 10:58 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: vaginal births

I was adament about having a vaginal birth and I did, despite my Dr pushing c sections.

If a c-section was necessary (i.e. breech or baby was in distress) I would do it. But a vaginal birth is more healthy for the baby and mommy!

Posted 8/22/07 11:52 AM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: vaginal births

I had a vaginal birth as well... for years I have been so afraid of giving birth and it really wasnt that bad... your body knows what to do! I had a friend that had a c-section and she wasnt able to take care of her baby... her family had to help her with everything, imagine how frustrating it is! I was up and about right after and taking care of my son since the beginning...

Posted 8/22/07 11:56 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: vaginal births

I had both kinds of birth. Hands down for me though I would pick a c section over my V birth experience anyday!

I had a really rough rough delivery and recovery with my v birth, my c section delivery was a picnic in the park compared to the pain i endured and still do from my v birth.

Posted 8/22/07 12:04 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

5698 total posts


Re: vaginal births

You recover quicker from a vaginal birth. Yes, there is discomfort after - but I would hate to take care of a baby after a c-section.

Posted 8/22/07 12:30 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: vaginal births

Posted by cjik

I would much prefer a vaginal birth. The c-section leaves a nasty scar, and it has to be painful. I had an appendectomy years ago, and that was painful. Plus, that's just a little incision--about an inch and a half!

just for the record, I do not have a "nasty" scar from my c-section and my recovery was great...just wanted to set the record straight Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/07 12:39 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: vaginal births

Posted by stephanief

Posted by cjik

I would much prefer a vaginal birth. The c-section leaves a nasty scar, and it has to be painful. I had an appendectomy years ago, and that was painful. Plus, that's just a little incision--about an inch and a half!

just for the record, I do not have a "nasty" scar from my c-section and my recovery was great...just wanted to set the record straight Chat Icon

DITTO--having had a surgery with the exact same type of incision and having seen many C-section scars, they are not bad. My surgery was in 2003 and the scar is barely visible. The "line" of the scar is now broken because some spots are completely faded.

At any rate, for those who think that people they know are having elective C-sections, maybe they are not elective. I have a serious medical reason, related to my prior surgery. I no longer explain the reason because it is not worth the debate about C-sections.

Posted 8/22/07 12:50 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

759 total posts


Re: vaginal births

Posted by ABCiverson

I have had 2 vaginal births and I fear a c-section. I wouldn't have my labors any other way unless medically needed. I NEVER wanted a c-section.

I forgot to mention, Maybe TMI!

But my DH and I find sex better than before children!

Ugh, possibly TMI, but same here. Chat Icon Wouldn't want it any other way!

Posted 8/22/07 10:28 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: vaginal births

I completely skipped over the c-section portion of my book because I was convinced that I was having a normal birth. I should have read that part because I had a section. When I try get pregnant again...I would love to try for a regular birth but I think I'll probably wind up with another c-section.

The pain of recovery is what I'm not looking forward to again...Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/07 12:42 AM

Should be working

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Re: vaginal births

I really, really want to deliver vaginally but will deal with a c-section if the baby is breech or for some other totally medically necessary reason. I'm more afraid of c-section recovery than I am of vaginal delivery.

Posted 8/23/07 5:17 AM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

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Re: vaginal births

my plan is to have a vaginal birth, but either way-whether it be vaginal or c-section, i'm still nervous!

Posted 8/23/07 6:45 AM
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