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Valentine 's are not allowed

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so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Valentine 's are not allowed

I know 90% of the school holidays are now called other things not to offend anybody ...but this is getting ridiculous. My daughter brings home a note today they are having a friendship day party at school NO Valentines!
It is so different from when I was a kid

Posted 2/9/06 5:12 PM
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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

what are schools coming to these daysChat Icon

Posted 2/9/06 5:13 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

wth? people are getting too pc.Chat Icon

Posted 2/9/06 5:13 PM


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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Can she give out "friendship notes" to all the kids in her class?

That's so crappy. I used to love when we'd get to make a little mail box for our desk and going around during the party to give out the valentines and then opening them at home. I really loved the kids who would tape a lollipop on them!

Posted 2/9/06 5:16 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I Know it was so fun, Id always keep the card that the boy I had a crush on gave me forever Chat Icon ...I just bought her spongebob cards that had heart lolipops attached.....But the note also reads that these are my options of what she can bring in ,
Cheese puffs, pretzels or juice boxes Chat Icon

Message edited 2/9/2006 5:20:24 PM.

Posted 2/9/06 5:20 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I realize it takes away the fun, but unless the class enforces a policy that each student must bring a valentine for everyone in the class, I agree with this.
How would you feel if you were the mom of the student who only got a valentine from the teacher and not from any other schoolmates?

Posted 2/9/06 5:21 PM

Proud SAHM

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by mrswask

I realize it takes away the fun, but unless the class enforces a policy that each student must bring a valentine for everyone in the class, I agree with this.
How would you feel if you were the mom of the student who only got a valentine from the teacher and not from any other schoolmates?

I think this is the reason teachers do away with valentines day..because of a few inconsiderate moms.
It does make the kids feel terrible

Posted 2/9/06 5:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by mrswask

I realize it takes away the fun, but unless the class enforces a policy that each student must bring a valentine for everyone in the class, I agree with this.
How would you feel if you were the mom of the student who only got a valentine from the teacher and not from any other schoolmates?

That's a good point. I remember everyone bringing them in, but maybe things have changed.

Man, those kids are going to OD on cheese puffs and pretzels if that's what everyone's bringing in! I'm picturing a table with 30 bags of cheetos and nothing else. Chat Icon

Posted 2/9/06 5:25 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I remember in elementary school they stopped letting kids bring in birthday party invitations for that exact reason - making others feel badly!

Posted 2/9/06 5:26 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

THIS is why I'm so glad I work in a private school. We can do whatever the hell we want, and we do! We go nuts over all the holidays for the kids. They LOVE it!

ETA: We do, however, have a policy that if one person gets something, everyone does. And everyone seems to adhere.

Message edited 2/9/2006 5:50:22 PM.

Posted 2/9/06 5:49 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by prncssrachel

THIS is why I'm so glad I work in a private school. We can do whatever the hell we want, and we do! We go nuts over all the holidays for the kids. They LOVE it!

ETA: We do, however, have a policy that if one person gets something, everyone does. And everyone seems to adhere.

I completley agree....of course My daughter has a card/treat for everybody!!!

Posted 2/9/06 5:52 PM

Mom of 3

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by mrswask

I realize it takes away the fun, but unless the class enforces a policy that each student must bring a valentine for everyone in the class, I agree with this.
How would you feel if you were the mom of the student who only got a valentine from the teacher and not from any other schoolmates?

This was why our school (or teacher) had a no cards policy when we were in 3rd or 4th grade b/c some kids didn't get any cards.

Posted 2/9/06 5:56 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I sent home a note that if the students brought in valentine's, they had to bring in one for everyone.

Posted 2/9/06 5:57 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

see I agree with this 100% but to not allow them to celebrate valentines day as it may offend people I think is crazy

Posted 2/9/06 5:58 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by momAGAIN

see I agree with this 100% but to not allow them to celebrate valentines day as it may offend people I think is crazy

Some of the other classes in my grade have students that are Jehovas' Witnesses and they are unable to celebrate any holidays. The students would not come to school if any holiday was being celebrated.

Posted 2/9/06 6:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I don't remember doing anything like this in school. Maybe the other kids did. I don't feel that kids/parents should be made to feel that they have to waste money on silly little cards or candy for an entire class. But if someone wants to and has the means then so be it.

Thats said I will totally be the mom buying these for my son to give out if its still permitted in a couple years. Chat Icon

and to changing the name to Friendship Day.... Chat Icon get the PC stick outta your rear Chat Icon

Posted 2/9/06 7:25 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I think part of the reason some schools do not allow holiday and birthday celebrations is to not isolate the children whose parents cannot afford to go all out on these holidays. I know some classes in my school spend the day before or a couple of days making cards and what not to give to their friends, rather than have parents go out and buy them. And we are in a private school where 99% of them have the money to pay the ridiculous tuition. It's more about the experience for a lot of kids.

Posted 2/9/06 7:44 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

My step-daughter brought home a list that everyone is required to bring in a valentine...and the teacher gave them a list of all the students in the class so they don't forget everyone. I was the teacher supplying the $5 for the mandatory boxes of valentine's cards Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/9/06 8:13 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

see last year my son just had a note sent home with the # of kids in the class she asked that names not be written on them because it gets too crazy when they handed them out, but she wanted to make sure every child had one

Posted 2/9/06 8:16 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Sorry but i have to disagree.....

Back when i was in grade school (before light and the wheel was invented) we all got cards...All the kids filled out a card for everyone...

I do not see anything wrong with this...

friendship stupid

Posted 2/9/06 8:17 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by Redhead

Sorry but i have to disagree.....

Back when i was in grade school (before light and the wheel was invented) we all got cards...All the kids filled out a card for everyone...

I do not see anything wrong with this...

friendship stupid

I feel the same way

Posted 2/9/06 8:23 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by VirginiaDeb

I sent home a note that if the students brought in valentine's, they had to bring in one for everyone.

So did I, but our school says that they can't have any "treats" attached to them (lollipops, chocolates etc) b/c of food allergies. I understand about the allergies but come on! Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 7:34 AM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Scotty got a note home yesterday that they will be exchanging Valentines and having a party, and to please bring in a valentine for all of the kids, along with a class list. I totally agree with this, and I would hate for him to not be allowed to bring them inChat Icon

It works the same way with birthday party invitations...if your child is having a birthday party, you can either mail invitations to whichever children you want to invite, but if you send the invitations in to school, the whole class has to be invited (which is what we did for Scotty's b-day party)

Posted 2/10/06 9:27 AM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

Posted by momAGAIN

Posted by Redhead

Sorry but i have to disagree.....

Back when i was in grade school (before light and the wheel was invented) we all got cards...All the kids filled out a card for everyone...

I do not see anything wrong with this...

friendship stupid

I feel the same way

same here.

Posted 2/10/06 9:29 AM

Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Valentine 's are not allowed

I went to Parochial school, and the teacher made a "mailbox" type thing, and we all put our cards in for her to distribute.

AAAHHHH.....the good old days.

Posted 2/10/06 9:37 AM
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