I have PCOS and irregular cycles - I think I do o most months but not every month - so I was at 30 days last month and I didn't o this month until day 24.
I used FF to chart (my DD wakes up strange times so it isn't totally reliable) - I used 2 boxes of OPKs since I ran out of the first box. My OB told me to BD every single day when I could be O'ing - or as much as possible all month - we BD'd for much of the month - but I think we BD'd O-2, O-1, and O. We didn't BD O+.
I will say last pregnancy that the dollar store tests were great! Well this one I got my 1st BFP with FRER and a CBE digital. Not a dark line but definitely visible with FMU. The DS tests - I didn't get a + for another day or two and it was very faint. But I tested with FRER the same day and it was a darker line. So if you don't get a BFP try a different test.