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what age did you transition DC out of crib??

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Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


what age did you transition DC out of crib??

Alyssa is just about 14 mths. She doesnt sleep well in her crib - but she will sleep excellent on a couch, twin bed, in our king bed, anywhere else but her crib. Im thinking 14 mths is waay too young to take her out of the crib.

wondering how old your DC was when you took them out of their crib? anyone do it really young? and what did they go into? toddler bed/convertible crib or a regular twin bed?

any input?

Thanks LadiesChat Icon

Posted 8/8/07 3:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

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Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

19 mths and still IN the crib.

Posted 8/8/07 3:29 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

Patrick was over 3 & still in the crib. He loved it & who was I to tell him he needed a big bed?

Posted 8/8/07 3:30 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

Julia is 2 and still is co-sleeping with us!Chat Icon we got her a toddler bed that is right next to our bed, and when she falls asleep I will put her in her new bed, but she wakes up every 3 or 4 hours to come into my bed again.....Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/07 3:34 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

Posted by MelToddJulia

Julia is 2 and still is co-sleeping with us!Chat Icon we got her a toddler bed that is right next to our bed, and when she falls asleep I will put her in her new bed, but she wakes up every 3 or 4 hours to come into my bed again.....Chat Icon

well....see thats my problem. Aly has always slept well in her crib up until about a month ago - - now she wakes about 4 hrs after I put her down and wont sleep till I put her in bed with us. I dont really want to continue this. But she will nap on the couch or bed by herself (so I dont think its an issue of wanting to be with us in bed)!!!Chat Icon she used to be such a good sleeper.

Posted 8/8/07 3:42 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

Posted by dawnygirl25

Alyssa is just about 14 mths. She doesnt sleep well in her crib - but she will sleep excellent on a couch, twin bed, in our king bed, anywhere else but her crib. Im thinking 14 mths is waay too young to take her out of the crib.

wondering how old your DC was when you took them out of their crib? anyone do it really young? and what did they go into? toddler bed/convertible crib or a regular twin bed?

any input?

Thanks LadiesChat Icon

**read 3rd reply down for more info...

Posted 8/8/07 3:43 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

Member since 5/05

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Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

michael got his big boy bed for his 2nd bday and he's been in it ever since

Posted 8/8/07 5:21 PM

I love these boys

Member since 7/07

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Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

ds was out of his crib by 19mos only because once he learned how to climb out there was no stopping him. Now he refuses to sleep in his toddler bed or even my bed, he loves the couch for some odd reason.

Posted 8/8/07 6:02 PM

My guys

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Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

2 and 1/2

Posted 8/8/07 6:26 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

I just switched DS at 18 months. I don't want to jinx it, but one night he went in and now he loves going to bedChat Icon I felt confident that he could get himself out if need be safely. The only danger is that he is a restless sleeper and I basically have made a crib out of pillows to keep him in (even with the guard- there are also gaps between the mattress/wall and mattress/headboard)

Posted 8/8/07 9:39 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

Posted by emc

I just switched DS at 18 months. I don't want to jinx it, but one night he went in and now he loves going to bedChat Icon I felt confident that he could get himself out if need be safely. The only danger is that he is a restless sleeper and I basically have made a crib out of pillows to keep him in (even with the guard- there are also gaps between the mattress/wall and mattress/headboard)

this is what Im worried about. I just don tknow what to do anymore, we all need a good night of sleep!!!

Posted 8/8/07 9:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: what age did you transition DC out of crib??

We are having a problem with the crib too always have. DD just climbed out of the PNP so Im worried about the crib next. I have put a blow up matterss on the floor and I lay there until she goes to bed then leave and when she wakes up I go back in and lay down till she falls back asleep.. At least shes not in my bed, neither am I totally but DH is reallyagainst the bed thing so... It may work for others but he is so scared of crushing her. I think she is too young 19 monthsfor a toddler bed and to be free in her room so this will do for now..

Posted 8/8/07 9:54 PM

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