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what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

788 total posts


what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

My DD has suddenly develpoed colic (along with baby acne). My ped is trying to rule out many different causes but and the last one my ped put DD on Florastor (for yeast in gut). (Also put me on dairy free diet).
My DD was on the Florastor for 2 days and has been constipated ever since, :-, I stopped it and will contact ped tomorrow but are there any remedies to help with constipation???


BTW - I think it is reflux!

Message edited 6/7/2009 5:08:59 PM.

Posted 6/7/09 5:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

Have you taken the baby to the doctor? At 5 weeks old they really aren't 'eating' anything that should bind them too much so you will want to let the doc know and see if there is something going on. Robbie had a tight rectal band and we were instructed to loosen it with a q-tip that had a tiny lubricant on it - but you really ought to ask your ped.

HTH!Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/09 5:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/06

1206 total posts


Re: what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

My DS has always been constipated. I used the thermometer to stimulate his rectum. Put vaseline on the tip and insert it like you were taking her temp. This always worked when he was younger. Other than that, we had to do prune juice and now maalox, but I wouldnt do that without talking to your ped.

Hope your little one feels better!

Posted 6/7/09 5:49 PM

It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07

6453 total posts


Re: what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

MY DS has alwasys had constipation issues also (turned out I can't eat dairy) I agree with the thermometer trick, our PED has also had us try brown sugar water (4 tsp to 4oz) or molasses water (1 oz molasses to 4 oz water) as well as prune juice (1 oz juice to 3 oz water) but I woud talk to your PED before trying any of the sugar water remedies.

Posted 6/7/09 7:46 PM

Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09

5351 total posts


Re: what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

i actually had to do suppositories. they sell the baby ones at walgreens. it worked like a charm and my DS felt soooo much better!!!! i just loaded them up with vaseline and he didn't even cry! it worked for me!!!!!

Posted 6/7/09 7:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

788 total posts


Re: what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

Thanks for all the help!!!

Posted 6/8/09 7:24 AM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: what are some remedies/help with constipated infant? (5 weeks old)

Around 4 weeks, my son exhibited signs of reflux. My aunt who was staying with us at the time kept saying it was colic. I could have killed her. Chat Icon I did NOT want to hear that word. I knew it wasn't colic though. Turned out it was reflux and bad!

Did you take her to the ped yet about it?

Posted 6/8/09 8:13 AM

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