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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
What are we doing wrong?
Lexi (9 months old) is still having accidents - mostly pee.
She is crated during the day for approximately 6 hours, sometimes less.
She is still new to the house, I know. I always take her out right before I go to work, and we also take her out right after she eats. Usually she pees and poops each time she is out but sometimes she doesn't.
For example, this morning she ate (6:30am), I took her outside (in the backyard), she peed and pooped. I took her out again from 7-7:30am for a walk, she did nothing. The nanny just told me (12:oopm) that she peed in her crate.
She doesn't get a lot of water before I leave, what gives?
Posted 7/27/10 12:23 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/08 4551 total posts
Re: What are we doing wrong?
this is our routine that we have been doing with hershey since he was house trained:
- wake up around 7 -- outside RIGHT AWAY... this is key! still to this day, the first thing hershey does in the AM is go outside... he is usually out there for about 30-40 mins (he loves being outside)
- then he comes inside and we feed him.... when he was younger than 6 months, we would wait about 30 mins and send him outside to pee/poo... as he got older, we found that there was a longer stretch between the time he ate and when he was ready to "go"... that could be your issue.. your pup is 9 months old & when hershey was 9+ months old, he wouldnt pee/poo until about 1 1/2-2 hours after he ate
now he is old enough where when we leave him home, he has a doggie door so he comes and goes as he pleases.... but when we were crate training him, that was the routine... i think its important to have her go outside RIGHT AWAY after waking up and then again after enough time has passed after eating
also, is she being distracted while shes outside the second time? sometimes hershey needs a little redirection when we have him outside to pee.... like if its right before bedtime and hershey wants to play, we go outside with him and play a little bit, but then redirect him to "go make"
Posted 7/27/10 12:37 PM |
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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by MeeshMosh
this is our routine that we have been doing with hershey since he was house trained:
- wake up around 7 -- outside RIGHT AWAY... this is key! still to this day, the first thing hershey does in the AM is go outside... he is usually out there for about 30-40 mins (he loves being outside)
- then he comes inside and we feed him.... when he was younger than 6 months, we would wait about 30 mins and send him outside to pee/poo... as he got older, we found that there was a longer stretch between the time he ate and when he was ready to "go"... that could be your issue.. your pup is 9 months old & when hershey was 9+ months old, he wouldnt pee/poo until about 1 1/2-2 hours after he ate
now he is old enough where when we leave him home, he has a doggie door so he comes and goes as he pleases.... but when we were crate training him, that was the routine... i think its important to have her go outside RIGHT AWAY after waking up and then again after enough time has passed after eating
also, is she being distracted while shes outside the second time? sometimes hershey needs a little redirection when we have him outside to pee.... like if its right before bedtime and hershey wants to play, we go outside with him and play a little bit, but then redirect him to "go make"
This is a good idea, to let her out and then feed her.
You're right, she may be getting distracted... she is going in the backyard, but not when we take her for walks I think maybe we need to focus on walks for elimination and the backyard for play.
It's so hard with two kids, plus I am home alone in the mornings 
Would it make sense to "walk" her in the front (strip of grass by the sidewalk) and then feed her IN her crate till the nanny gets there, when I can take her for a longer walk?
Also, is 20-30 minutes a long enough walk in the morning? She gets a much longer walk at night plus lots of playtime in the backyard.
Posted 7/27/10 12:43 PM |
last month on leave!
Member since 6/08 4551 total posts
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by headoverheels
This is a good idea, to let her out and then feed her.
You're right, she may be getting distracted... she is going in the backyard, but not when we take her for walks I think maybe we need to focus on walks for elimination and the backyard for play.
It's so hard with two kids, plus I am home alone in the mornings 
Would it make sense to "walk" her in the front (strip of grass by the sidewalk) and then feed her IN her crate till the nanny gets there, when I can take her for a longer walk?
Also, is 20-30 minutes a long enough walk in the morning? She gets a much longer walk at night plus lots of playtime in the backyard.
a lot of people on here will say that walks are not for elimination purposes... however i always used hershey's walks as his time to make if he needed to (i'm 6 months preggo right now so i dont do much of the walking anymore lol) 20-30 minute walk in the morning is def long enough! i used to walk hershey every morning for 30 mins
how long between you feed her and then the nanny comes? if its no longer than 4 hours, i'd say you could take her outside to pee/poo, play and walk her and then wait until right before you leave to feed her in the crate
in the winter when its REALLY cold outside, we leave hershey inside and turn his doggie door off (its an automatic door-opens and shuts when he gets close, but we can turn it on and off) we would ALWAYS leave him outside until we were ready to leave for work & feed him right before we left... some days he was alone inside for 7 hours & he wouldnt make at all in the house
also, a good thing to remember, they say the amount of months a dog is, is how long they can hold in their pee.... like, hershey is 20 months old, so he could hold his pee for 20 hours (not that he would have to, but you know what i mean! lol)
Posted 7/27/10 1:00 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: What are we doing wrong?
We got Brinkley at 9 months and had to housetrain him too. It took a while to try out different times and ways to get him to do his business, but he's been on a schedule for a long time with no accidents. We did crate him and he never did his business in the crate. Is it possible her crate is too big? It should be big enough for her to turn around in and lay down, nothing more.
Brinkley wouldn't "tell" us when he needed to go out so we taught him how to ring the bells by the back door. Once we started noticing what times he rang the bell, we set the schedule for him. It works for Ginger too, she's never had an accident.
Some things that we tried out that have worked for us:
Awake at 6am, we all say good morning to each other, then they go straight outside with DH.
When the dogs pee, we say "pee pee!" in a happy voice. When the dogs poop, we say "poop!" in a happy voice. Why? Not because I'm crazy and talk to my dogs, because they recognize those words now and when they're not doing their business, and I know they have to go, I use those words. They do understand. And, I want them to recognize that relieving themselves first thing in the morning is not just something that makes me happy, but it's required in order to get breakfast.
Breakfast - Ginger is fed in her crate to keep Brinkley from eating her food. And because she stays in the crate for an hour following to guard against bloat. And because when we taught her the "crate" command, we wanted to associate it with a positive thing - being fed.
30 minute walk at 11ish - before we leave, they go in the backyard and understand they need to pee and poop before they get to the good stuff - walking. Lexi's energy might be different but our dogs are older (2 and 3 years old) and this is sufficient for them, in addition to the playtime they get daily.
Dinner is at 5pm. Then backyard to relieve themselves and to play between 7 and 7:30pm.
We used to do a walk right before dinner but Ginger doesn't really seem to enjoy them and Brinkley just wants to eat.
I'm sorry this is so long. I really have a problem with brevity. 
Posted 7/27/10 1:42 PM |
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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by greenfreak
We got Brinkley at 9 months and had to housetrain him too. It took a while to try out different times and ways to get him to do his business, but he's been on a schedule for a long time with no accidents. We did crate him and he never did his business in the crate. Is it possible her crate is too big? It should be big enough for her to turn around in and lay down, nothing more.
Brinkley wouldn't "tell" us when he needed to go out so we taught him how to ring the bells by the back door. Once we started noticing what times he rang the bell, we set the schedule for him. It works for Ginger too, she's never had an accident.
Some things that we tried out that have worked for us:
Awake at 6am, we all say good morning to each other, then they go straight outside with DH.
When the dogs pee, we say "pee pee!" in a happy voice. When the dogs poop, we say "poop!" in a happy voice. Why? Not because I'm crazy and talk to my dogs, because they recognize those words now and when they're not doing their business, and I know they have to go, I use those words. They do understand. And, I want them to recognize that relieving themselves first thing in the morning is not just something that makes me happy, but it's required in order to get breakfast.
Breakfast - Ginger is fed in her crate to keep Brinkley from eating her food. And because she stays in the crate for an hour following to guard against bloat. And because when we taught her the "crate" command, we wanted to associate it with a positive thing - being fed.
30 minute walk at 11ish - before we leave, they go in the backyard and understand they need to pee and poop before they get to the good stuff - walking. Lexi's energy might be different but our dogs are older (2 and 3 years old) and this is sufficient for them, in addition to the playtime they get daily.
Dinner is at 5pm. Then backyard to relieve themselves and to play between 7 and 7:30pm.
We used to do a walk right before dinner but Ginger doesn't really seem to enjoy them and Brinkley just wants to eat.
I'm sorry this is so long. I really have a problem with brevity. 
This is really helpful, thanks!
I sort of see what we are doing "wrong" - she gets walked by DH at 4am before he leaves for work and she pees and poops, so when I go to her at 6:30am she shouldn't have to go but she does anyway. I am definitely going to try letting her out first, then feeding her in her crate - she doesn't like the crate so this should help. Then I can take her out and walk her when the nanny comes at 7am. The crate is exactly the right size, it's just a smidge bigger than her when she stands up.
She also doesn't have any signals that she needs to go out, I like the bell idea.
I wasn't sure if she would associate pee/poop with walk, which I would prefer, but DH would prefer that she go in the backyard so we can just let her out there in really bad weather.
She gets a lot of exercise in the backyard but we do walk her 2-3x a day because we know she needs it.
Thanks to both of you! I know she CAN hold it, she just won't
Posted 7/27/10 2:38 PM |
Life is Good :)
Member since 11/07 6605 total posts
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by headoverheels
Would it make sense to "walk" her in the front (strip of grass by the sidewalk) and then feed her IN her crate till the nanny gets there, when I can take her for a longer walk?
don't do this. we were doing this and the dog's get really confused by which door to go to when they need to go out. ours was going to the front door and waiting then going to the back door. it could cause accidents outside of the crate too.
Also- I know my puppy has no control of how much water he drinks. he will drink a lot more water then he needs to in a sitting. if yours is doing the same you can limit it, or at least limit it before going into the crate.
Is the puppy drinking water while in the crate? if so that might be an issue
and lastly, the crate should be no bigger then a space to allow them to walk in and turn around and sit/lay in. if its larger the that, they will go in the crate because they still have a dry area to sit or sleep in.
Posted 7/27/10 3:48 PM |
Drama Momma

Member since 9/06 9947 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Tonka took close to 1 1/2 years to be fully trained. I don't know why but I think some dogs just have accidents. It doesn't seem like you're doing anything wrong. Good luck!
Posted 7/27/10 4:32 PM |
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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by HeatherRose
Posted by headoverheels
Would it make sense to "walk" her in the front (strip of grass by the sidewalk) and then feed her IN her crate till the nanny gets there, when I can take her for a longer walk?
don't do this. we were doing this and the dog's get really confused by which door to go to when they need to go out. ours was going to the front door and waiting then going to the back door. it could cause accidents outside of the crate too.
Also- I know my puppy has no control of how much water he drinks. he will drink a lot more water then he needs to in a sitting. if yours is doing the same you can limit it, or at least limit it before going into the crate.
Is the puppy drinking water while in the crate? if so that might be an issue
and lastly, the crate should be no bigger then a space to allow them to walk in and turn around and sit/lay in. if its larger the that, they will go in the crate because they still have a dry area to sit or sleep in.
I totally forgot to FM you back 
DH and I talked, we're going to let her go in the back (it's really just easier) and then walk her on the leash for exercise - if she goes, she goes.
I think today was a freak occurrence. We took the sheet out of her crate (which is the right size, we checked) and we're going to be a little more stingy with water in the mornings. She doesn't get water in the crate - we tried that and it made a mess 
Thank you so much everyone! Today I noticed she goes to the back door - kind of paces back and forth from there to the living room and back - when she has to go so we are just going to pay better attention!
Posted 7/27/10 8:15 PM |
Lovin' my mini man!

Member since 3/07 2475 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: What are we doing wrong?
I sometimes "walk" Maggie in the yard on her leash until she does her business... then I unclip her to play. was she crated where she was before. my friend got a dog from little shelter and it took a longer time to crate train her because in the shelter they are forced to do their business where they eat and sleep...
I used to walk her to use the bathroom but now I'm too preg and it's too hot. Our new routine works well. I greet her at her crate with a big bowl of water. She drinks it and we go right outside to pee. She comes in eats her food, hangs out for about 20 minutes, then goes back out for another pee pee and a poop.
Message edited 7/27/2010 10:44:35 PM.
Posted 7/27/10 10:41 PM |
Life is Good :)
Member since 11/07 6605 total posts
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by headoverheels
Posted by HeatherRose
Posted by headoverheels
Would it make sense to "walk" her in the front (strip of grass by the sidewalk) and then feed her IN her crate till the nanny gets there, when I can take her for a longer walk?
don't do this. we were doing this and the dog's get really confused by which door to go to when they need to go out. ours was going to the front door and waiting then going to the back door. it could cause accidents outside of the crate too.
Also- I know my puppy has no control of how much water he drinks. he will drink a lot more water then he needs to in a sitting. if yours is doing the same you can limit it, or at least limit it before going into the crate.
Is the puppy drinking water while in the crate? if so that might be an issue
and lastly, the crate should be no bigger then a space to allow them to walk in and turn around and sit/lay in. if its larger the that, they will go in the crate because they still have a dry area to sit or sleep in.
I totally forgot to FM you back 
DH and I talked, we're going to let her go in the back (it's really just easier) and then walk her on the leash for exercise - if she goes, she goes.
I think today was a freak occurrence. We took the sheet out of her crate (which is the right size, we checked) and we're going to be a little more stingy with water in the mornings. She doesn't get water in the crate - we tried that and it made a mess 
Thank you so much everyone! Today I noticed she goes to the back door - kind of paces back and forth from there to the living room and back - when she has to go so we are just going to pay better attention!
thats exactly what Mitch does. he doesn't make it known very well that he wants to go out, so its a bit of a pain and I can't see the door very well from other areas of the house. He gives us like 2 minutes otherwise he has to go in the house. I have been trying to find bells to hang on the door, for weeks now with no luck. My cousin did it and it worked very well.
As for the FM I figured you were busy with the pup or my advice wasn't what you wanted to hear
Posted 7/28/10 10:00 AM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by headoverheels
we are just going to pay better attention!
That's one of the most important things about learning a new dog's habits so you can train them better. You sound like you're totally on the right track.
Posted 7/28/10 10:45 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by greenfreak
Posted by headoverheels
we are just going to pay better attention!
That's one of the most important things about learning a new dog's habits so you can train them better. You sound like you're totally on the right track.
No accidents yesterday... baby steps, right?
Posted 7/29/10 9:25 AM |
last month on leave!
Member since 6/08 4551 total posts
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by headoverheels
No accidents yesterday... baby steps, right?
YAY! thats great!!
Posted 7/29/10 11:10 AM |
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Be careful with feeding her in the crate. It can cause food aggression . we did this with our first dog and she is very food aggressive now :(
Posted 7/30/10 1:53 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: What are we doing wrong?
Posted by SchizoBride09
Be careful with feeding her in the crate. It can cause food aggression . we did this with our first dog and she is very food aggressive now :(
Did a dog behaviorist tell you that? Because when we were considering adopting a food aggressive dog, the rescuer told us they use the crate as a training tool while working on the aggression. (to keep the other dogs in the house safe too) What do you do to curb that outside the crate?
Posted 7/30/10 3:03 PM |