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What are your work hours???

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Member since 9/06

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Me!! All about ME!

What are your work hours???

What are your work hours? Please factor in travelling time. I feel like by the time I get home from work, then cook, then eat, its time to go to bed. Every week feels like one long day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 9/7/07 10:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/06

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Re: What are your work hours???

I get up at 5:35
Leave for work at 6:50
Get to work between 7:10-7:15 (I stop for DD coffee first)

I leave work at 4pm
I get home at 4:15-4:20 (if I don't go to the gym first)

Posted 9/7/07 10:38 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: What are your work hours???

When I worked in the city, I left the house at 7:20am and got home at 7:30pm Chat Icon

Now I work from 8:30-5 close to home.

Posted 9/7/07 11:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1071 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I know the feeling. This is my work schedule this semester. I work full time, teach a course at 7 AM, and am a part time doctoral student. Thank god my DH takes care of the house!

M: leave for work before 6 am, teach from 7-8, work from 8-4:30 (or later), grad class from 7-9, get home around 9:30

T: leave 7:45, work 8:30-4:30, get home 5:30 ish (occassionally work until 8 on these days)

W: teach/work 7-4:30, then go to the gym before going home

R: work 8:30-4:30

F: 7-3, then go to the gym before going home

Posted 9/7/07 11:21 AM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

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Re: What are your work hours???

I don't have set hours. I am an attorney at a relatively large firm.

I take the express bus at the end of my block - usually around 8:15 and I am at work a little before 9:00 AM.

I RARELY leave work before 6:30. I usually leave between 7:00 and 7:30. then walk to the subway and am home anywhere between 8:00 and 8:30.

However, it's not uncommon for me to work much later than 7:30 when we have something due.

Posted 9/7/07 11:52 AM


Member since 8/07

7972 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I go in late, nobody cares as long as I work my hours.

So I get up about 7, take my time getting ready. Drive in, commute is about 20 mins, arrive at 10.

Then I'm here until about 7:30-8pm. Drive home, usually get home about 8:30-9pm.

Posted 9/7/07 12:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I typically get up at 6:30a, leave the house at 7:30a, arrive at work at 8:30a, leave work at 4:00p, and home by 5:00p.

Posted 9/7/07 1:27 PM


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

i have a little flexibility - either 8:30-5:30 or 9-6. I catch a 7:15 train in the am, get to the office at 8:20ish, leave at 5:45ish and get home at 7.

(This is assuming there is nothing pressing that needs to get done. Then my hours could be longer.)

Posted 9/7/07 1:50 PM


Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I wake up at 8, leave the house 8:30, get to work by 9 or 9:10. Leave work between 5-6 usually takes about 30 to 35 min to get home.

Posted 9/7/07 2:30 PM

Round 2!!

Member since 1/07

1202 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I leave for work at 7:30 and get to work by 8.

I leave work around 6 and get home around 6:30.

Posted 9/7/07 4:02 PM


Member since 9/05

3423 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

Work hours are 8:30-5:30.
I work in the city so I take a 7:23 train in the morning and 5:55 at night which gets me home around 7:15 at night..its a long day!

Posted 9/7/07 4:21 PM

Summer is coming soon

Member since 1/07

3991 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

i'm up at 6:30
leave for work at 7:30
work 8:00 to 5:00
get home around 5:30 ish

Message edited 9/7/2007 4:43:25 PM.

Posted 9/7/07 4:43 PM


Member since 5/07

2197 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???


get up at 6:45, leave at 7, get home around 5

Posted 9/7/07 5:11 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05

13476 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

up at 5am

leave house 5:45

Work 6am to 2pm

Home by 2:30pm


Posted 9/7/07 8:52 PM


Member since 7/06

2969 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I work 4pm - 12 am and I absolutely love it!!! I get home by 12:15 and I am in bed by 1 am, wake up by 9-10 am and I have 6 hours to run errands, go to the gym, the beach, go out to lunch etc... Then at 3:15 or so I leave for work. I even go out sometimes on the weekends at 12 am when I get off because it's a nice time out on the

i wanted to work this time because fh and I are ttc and he works 7 am to 3 pm and our baby will always be with one of us :)

Posted 9/8/07 11:49 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

790 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

Monday-Thursday 7-3

I live 5 minutes from work....

Posted 9/8/07 2:17 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I used to leave around 7 ish and get home around 7-8 ish.

My hrs technically are 8-6 but I haven't worked those hrs in a while. I will again soon when things calm down with my brother.

So for now, I work 9-5 ish. I take an 8am train and take a 5:53 train home. I get in around 6:45.

Posted 9/9/07 12:14 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

And I only have a 10 minute commute Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/07 10:52 AM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I'm away from home from 8:25-5:25 (including the time it takes dropping DD off at daycare). I'm at work at 8:50-5:00pm.

Posted 9/9/07 11:31 AM

only love...

Member since 5/05

2034 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I'm out of the house from 8am until 7-8pm on most days.

ETA: I'm at work from 8:30 - 6:30 or 7:30.

Message edited 9/9/2007 12:08:58 PM.

Posted 9/9/07 12:08 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

get up at 7am
walk out the door around 7:40
express bus to the city plus 10 block walk to the office- get there at 9am

leave around 5- 5:15pm
express bus home

home by 7pm- depending on what time I get the bus- and if I can get the super express - which doesn't make any other sity stops

it's a longer day then I used to have by a little- but I love just sitting on the bus- and sitting in traffic

Posted 9/9/07 5:55 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I am up at 6:45-7am (to make coffee and eat breakfast), leave the house at 8:15am. my hours are 8:30-5pm, I am home by 5:15pm

Posted 9/9/07 6:51 PM

Our family

Member since 5/05

2272 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

I work Monday-Thursday 10:30-8:30. Takes me 20 minutes each way to get to and from work. I also work Saturdays from 9-1 but I am usually there an extra half hour on each end. Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/07 8:47 AM


Member since 5/05

1965 total posts


Re: What are your work hours???

Wake up between 6:30 - 7:00 am.
At work by 8:00 am
Leave at 4 pm
Home by 4:30 pm

I really love 8-4 - I've been doing it since my last job so that's a total of 6 years. Although I hate getting up early it's really nice getting home before some people even get out of work!

Posted 9/10/07 8:57 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Re: What are your work hours???

I leave my house at 6:20am. I take a 6:37am train in and get to my office between 7:45-8am.

I try to leave around 4:45pm, to catch my one express train at 5:30pm (I could wait until 4:55 at the latest but, I don't like to feel rushed). Leaving at 4:45, I usually have about 15 minutes until the train leaves.

I get home around 6:20pm.

If we're busy, I leave on the 6:37 train and work until after 8pm when we're entitled to car service so I'm home in 40 minutes (it's not worth it to take the train if I work past 6:30pm because I'd get home quicker with car service).

Posted 9/11/07 11:00 AM
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