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LIF Adult

Member since 11/09 1248 total posts
what exactly goes on at your first
doctors visit? what do they check, test for--what type of exams do they do...tell me everything please!! i am not good w/doctors and i am the type of person that needs to know every little detail of what will happen!!LOL!
Posted 3/7/10 11:18 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/09 2490 total posts
Name: D EDD: 8/29/2010
Re: what exactly goes on at your first
At my first appt. (about a week after my BFP) we went in and the Dr. did a blood test to test for HCG levels (pregnancy hormone). Also, she did a sonogram to see if there was anything there yet (which there wasnt b/c it was too early). She took my "pre-pregnancy weight" and thats about it.
About 3 weeks later I went in again and did a sonogram and surely enough there was a little baby there, lol.
Posted 3/7/10 11:22 AM |

Member since 7/09 9209 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: what exactly goes on at your first
they might do a pap smear, depending on whether you due for one
lots of blood tests, I remember vial after vial after vial, I was really dizzy afterward. Bring a snack for afterward
you pee in a cup and you get and a sonogram to see if anything is going on
Posted 3/7/10 11:28 AM |
Due with Baby #2!

Member since 10/08 2004 total posts
Name: Tricia aka MattandTricia07
Re: what exactly goes on at your first
At my first appointment, they did a urine test, did a sonogram, took our family medical history and then we sat with the Dr. to go over some other stuff. They also gave me a prescription for blood work.
Posted 3/7/10 11:29 AM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: what exactly goes on at your first
i had the works, blood, urine, pap/breast exam, internal, internal sono
Posted 3/7/10 11:31 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09 561 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: what exactly goes on at your first
They did a pap smear because I was due for one and an internal sonogram to see the baby's heartbeat. We got a sonogram picture and that's what we used to tell our parents.
My doctor does not do bloodwork so he wrote a prescription for me to get that done ASAP at a lab as well as a urine screening.
Doctor sat down with me and DH and talked about what foods I can't eat and the type of activity I should be doing.
Posted 3/7/10 12:31 PM |
Re: what exactly goes on at your first
Posted by mrskparetta
i had the works, blood, urine, pap/breast exam, internal, internal sono
Same thing!
Posted 3/7/10 2:04 PM |