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I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06 1029 total posts
Name: N
What week does the baby turn?
Posted 3/13/07 12:00 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 686 total posts
Name: Fran
Re: What week does the baby turn?
I'd like to know that too. I went for a sono at 30 weeks and he is breech so far. I hope he flips... They were talking about a C Section at the OB if he doesnt go and I thought there was plenty of time for him to flip around. I gave him a stern talkin too but I dont think he is listening!!!
Posted 3/13/07 12:04 PM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: What week does the baby turn?
I am 32 wks today, when I had my last sono lat Wednesday they said he was head down already.
Not sure when they and in the "head towards the light" position, but I have read on here of girls whos babies turned multiple times.
Posted 3/13/07 12:14 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: What week does the baby turn?
Mine just turned head down at 26 and 1/2 weeks....hoping he stays that way!
Posted 3/13/07 12:20 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: What week does the baby turn?
No clue myself...will find out mon but my sisters little one didnt turn until she was 37wks. They almost had to go in there and do it themselves...then she finally shifted.
Posted 3/13/07 12:32 PM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: What week does the baby turn?
My sono yesterday at 24 weeks 4 days had the baby turned already. I'm not sure if she keeps rotating, but she's head down right now.
Posted 3/13/07 1:00 PM |
My girls!!

Member since 8/06 5843 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: What week does the baby turn?
this one turned at 31 weeks and still head down, but she is so big there is no room for her to flip back the other way!!
Posted 3/13/07 1:53 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: What week does the baby turn?
I feel pressure at times down there....
does that mean thats her head???
Posted 3/13/07 1:58 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/07 311 total posts
Re: What week does the baby turn?
My 2nd son flipped to breech when I was 33 weeks pregnant, and he flipped BACK to head down at 37 weeks.
You still have plenty of time.
Posted 3/13/07 2:06 PM |
Proud Mommy
Member since 3/06 1745 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: What week does the baby turn?
Stupid Question
Is there a way to tell? I feel movement but I really dont know what body part is where...
Posted 3/13/07 3:11 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: What week does the baby turn?
I am 33 weeks and right now she is breech. I can kind of tell because I feel pressure all over down below and I only feel pressure on the top right hand side where her head is.
Posted 3/13/07 4:21 PM |