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When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

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and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

And did you do it because they were climbing out of the crib, or just because you thought they were ready?

Posted 3/5/07 2:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

I moved him out last month, he was tossing himself out of his crib

Posted 3/5/07 3:10 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

Michael was not sleeping well in his crib for about 2 months... he was 22 months old when we converted his crib to the toddler bed...

Posted 3/5/07 3:32 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

Posted by stayandjohn

I moved him out last month, he was tossing himself out of his crib

And how old is he now, Stace?

Posted 3/5/07 4:01 PM

My guys

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Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

I moved him at about 2 and a half because it was either that or potty training. And potty training wasnt really happening at the time.

Posted 3/5/07 4:05 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

He went to the Big Boy bed at 22 months because his sister came along. If she had not, he would have made the move probably between 2-1/2 and 3 years old (he was not climbing out).

Posted 3/5/07 4:19 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

My plan is to do it around 3. Katherine will be 20 months in May when the new baby comes--I felt that was too early for us to make the transition. She sleeps fine in her crib and has no climbing issues yet and I didn't want to start any toddler bed issues at this point. We just bought her a new crib yesterday in fact.

Posted 3/5/07 5:56 PM

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Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

We converted his crib to a daybed at around 2 years, mainly because he was climbing out. We haven't thought about when we'll convert the daybed to a regular bed. He still fits comfortably in the daybed, so there's no rush at this point, but we'll probably switch when he gets a bit taller.

Posted 3/6/07 7:34 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

We hope to do it by this summer - he will be about 27-28 months. Not looking forward to it since he looooves his crib and sleeps well in it..but #2 is coming this summer so we want to get him settled in a big boy bed before then.

Posted 3/6/07 9:00 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

Posted by Niecey

We hope to do it by this summer - he will be about 27-28 months. Not looking forward to it since he looooves his crib and sleeps well in it..but #2 is coming this summer so we want to get him settled in a big boy bed before then.

Same for us, except Andrew will move into his toddler bed at 26 months.

Posted 3/6/07 9:13 AM

Making big changes

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Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

We haven't yet, but I have a feeling he's going to try to start climbing out soon. As soon as he starts trying, I think we're going to convert his crib to the daybed. He's 19-months right now.

Posted 3/6/07 9:30 AM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: When did you/ will you move DC from crib to bed?

i moved dd from her crib at 18 months so i could use the crib for the baby on the way. but i totally knew my dd was ready for it as well. then with ds, i moved him out of his crib at 2. he started climbing out several times a night. i didnt think he was ready for it, but rather then him falling out of the crib, i thought the bed was much safter. and he adjusted very well to his bed.

Posted 3/6/07 9:32 AM

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