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When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

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Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

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When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

Just wondering. DD is twisting and stretching like crazy in there so I notice my belly getting firmer at times and then soft again. It can't be Braxton hicks already right? I can't remember when I had them with DS but I think third tri right?

Posted 9/15/14 1:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

I definitely get them from time to time but I think most of the time I don't really register that that's what it is. I'm 26 weeks and have been feeling it for a while but not often. I even remember as early as 14 weeks or something feeling a little tight spot and wondering if it was BH. It felt like when you get an elbow or limb pushing on you but I knew it was way to early for that so I figure it must have been a muscle spasm like BH. I don't remember having them at all with my first but I wonder if I did and just didn't realize.

Posted 9/15/14 1:54 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

sounds like it's BH!

with my 2nd they started at 34 weeks.

with this one, they started at 31 weeks.

i'm sure i've had them much longer than that, but that's when they got noticeably different (painful).

Posted 9/15/14 1:55 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

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When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

My first started at 27 weeks; this one around 25.5/26

Posted 9/15/14 2:43 PM

In love with my baby girl <3

Member since 2/11

1417 total posts


When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

What do they feel like?

Posted 9/15/14 3:09 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

Posted by Booshka

What do they feel like?

tightening of the stomach for a few seconds and then gets soft. If your'e not sure if you're having one, lay down flat. You'll see that your stomach stays rock hard. The further along you get, the longer they might last or the more painful they might get (mine get painful).

Posted 9/15/14 3:24 PM

In love with my baby girl <3

Member since 2/11

1417 total posts


Re: When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by Booshka

What do they feel like?

tightening of the stomach for a few seconds and then gets soft. If your'e not sure if you're having one, lay down flat. You'll see that your stomach stays rock hard. The further along you get, the longer they might last or the more painful they might get (mine get painful).

Ok, I get this at night when I am laying down. They are very uncomfortable but don't last long. I always thought it was DD moving to a weird position. Thanks! Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/14 3:34 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: When do Braxton hicks contractions begin?

I had them really early when I was pregnant - around 15 weeks. I didn't even look pg but I was definitely having BH. I didn't get them hardly at all in the 3rd tri, though.

Posted 9/15/14 3:54 PM

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