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When it comes to freezing embryos...

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Member since 8/08

6657 total posts


When it comes to freezing embryos...

Thank you all for your input. DH and I have made our decision and are very comfortable with our plan. Now I just have to hope there will be embryos left to put our plan in place!

Message edited 9/30/2009 1:44:49 PM.

Posted 9/29/09 1:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

We were of the mindset we would freeze any embies that made it to freeze day. I just wouldn't be able to discard any viable embies, whether there had been 1 or 10 left over to freeze.

Message edited 9/29/2009 1:41:47 PM.

Posted 9/29/09 1:40 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/09

13 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

Well I only had 4 to freeze and am finally pregnant b/c of one or two of those. I would say its totally worth it. Plus vs the cost of an entire fresh cycle- makes it worth it as well.

Posted 9/29/09 2:06 PM


Member since 8/08

6657 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

Posted by shockednblessed

Well I only had 4 to freeze and am finally pregnant b/c of one or two of those. I would say its totally worth it. Plus vs the cost of an entire fresh cycle- makes it worth it as well.

Yeah 4 seems to be the number in my head for freezing. Did all 4 survive the thaw or did you only thaw 2 and both made it?
I know the expense is less for a FET but we are doing a type of "shared risk" program and it would honestly be *cheaper* to do another fresh cycle (if needed) then it would to do an FET then a fresh if necessary. I guess I will wait and see how many eggs I get and what if anything is left for freezing before I get all riled up about it!!
It seems so silly but we have the IVF covered financially and now we are scrambling for the anesthesia and cryo money since we tapped ourselves out with the IVF, Chat Icon

Posted 9/29/09 2:13 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

we definitely wanted to freeze whatever we had left!

you really never know how many will make the freeze and how many will survive the thaw..

we had 12 embryos on day 5 in our fresh cycle and we transferred 2.

on day 5, they were able to freeze 7 and said that the other 3 were growing more slowly, but they'd watch them. on day 6, they were able to freeze the other 3 (to our surprise!)

so we had 10 frozen.

for our first FET - we thawed 3 in hopes of transferring them all. all 3 survived, we did the FET, but it was BFN.

for our second FET - we again thawed 3 in hopes to transfer them all. 1 survived... so we thawed 2 more and transferred 3. that's how we got our BFP.

now we only have 2 that are still frozen... and we honestly have no clue whether or not they will make the thaw, but we definitely want to give them a try!

Posted 9/29/09 2:27 PM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

5213 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

Posted by MrsRbk

We were of the mindset we would freeze any embies that made it to freeze day. I just wouldn't be able to discard any viable embies, whether there had been 1 or 10 left over to freeze.

Same here. Unfortunately, we did not have any leftover embies to freeze.

Posted 9/29/09 2:28 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/09

13 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

This was my 2nd FET. My first FET I thawed 2 and transferred 2, BFN. This one we only had 2 left and luckily both survived the thaw again. I will say also the FET is much easier on your body than another fresh. But see how it goes. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/29/09 2:56 PM

Thankful for my miracle!

Member since 5/05

1939 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

We froze three and would have frozen just one if it had come down to it.

It is worth it IMO. Cost us $1200 to freeze them, but it is well worth possibly avoiding another fresh cycle at some point.

Posted 9/29/09 6:11 PM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

8178 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

We will freeze whatever we can. The cost for freezing is wayyyy less than a fresh cycle and we'll be paying OOP going forward if this cycle doesn't work.

I guess u can cross that bridge when u come to it in a few weeks.....hopefully you'll be abundant w/ follies and will have MANY left over!

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Posted 9/30/09 8:12 AM


Member since 5/07

4747 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

We frooze whatever we had left and that included any embies that maybe didn't make the quality requirements the lab had, but if it was living we told them to freeze them, cause you never know! Luckily they all meet the quality requirements and we had 4 to freeze. I would gladly pay the $1000 to not have to go through a fresh IVF cycle again! Hopefully we get 2 more babies out of these frozen embies!

Posted 9/30/09 9:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

2284 total posts


Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

You want to freeze everything!!!

Posted 9/30/09 9:16 AM


Member since 5/07

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Twin mommy

Re: When it comes to freezing embryos...

Posted by MrsRbk

We were of the mindset we would freeze any embies that made it to freeze day. I just wouldn't be able to discard any viable embies, whether there had been 1 or 10 left over to freeze.

Us too. We have two frozen embies.

Posted 9/30/09 10:19 AM

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