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When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

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I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

what are some special touches that they have had that you thought was nice?

What are your peeves for holiday dinners?

Posted 11/25/07 8:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Amarylis and Paperwhites around the house..if there are older kids or no kids...candles in hurricanes going up the stairs, on mantles and sporadically around. Sprigs of evergreen tucked places.
Mulling spices in a pot to simmer.
everygreen sprigs in center of table with candles and battery operated lights twined around them. (sprigs) with giant candles or flowers in center.
Hmmm cannot think of anyore didn't finish my coffee..Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 8:56 AM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

I alwasy appriciate when the table is set and the food s cooked BEFORE we arrive at someones house for dinner!!

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Posted 11/25/07 9:11 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Posted by Lisa

I alwasy appriciate when the table is set and the food s cooked BEFORE we arrive at someones house for dinner!!

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Good one!! Let your guests know about when you plan to serve the meal. I was once invinted to someone's house for Christmas at 3 and then didnt have dinner until 6.30 or so. For an ordinary day that's not too bad but when you are trying to juggle visits on a holiday it's annoying to sit around snacking for a big chunk of the day.

Posted 11/25/07 9:21 AM

Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

I just love a decorated table with nice plates and linens. I also enjoy where there is ICE on the table. It drives me nuts when I have to drink something room temp. because there is no ice.

In addition, I hate when people try to squeeze 100 people on 1 table. There is no room to eat when I can't live my arms up to put the food in my mouth! And, I hate when the food is served cold because there are so many people and so much food that it just can't all be done at the same time.

Posted 11/25/07 10:15 AM

Becoming a Big Brother!

Member since 5/07

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

What are Amarylis and Paperwhites?

Posted 11/25/07 10:32 AM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

One peeve of mine is when they say dinner at 7pm and we end up eating at 10pm. I'm starving by then and I hate eating that late.

I say definitely use the serveware you received at your wedding showers. Example: Put ketchup in a pretty bowl with a spoon, don't use jars or bottles.

Light unscented candles around the house. Keep a nicely scented one lit in the bathroom. Put disposable bathroom napkins by your sink so guests don't have to use your hand towel.

If you have cocoa or cider etc, have the extras with it. Chocolate dust, whip cream, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, etc...

Posted 11/25/07 10:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Posted by lkrpaul

What are Amarylis and Paperwhites?


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Posted 11/25/07 11:25 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by lkrpaul

What are Amarylis and Paperwhites?




They are Holiday flowers and the paperwhites smell fantastic!!!!!!
I do every cookieswap with my house filled with them and evergreens and the house looks killer!

Posted 11/26/07 8:33 AM

Loving Motherhood!!!

Member since 11/07

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Great ideas!!! Keep them coming!!!!

Posted 11/26/07 8:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

i agree with the others... i appreciate when the food is ready or almost ready when we get there, and we can eat at a decent time ( before 8 or 9 at night ). i also like when theres enough room at the table for everybody, and we're not squished elbow to elbow.
i also appreciate little things outside of the dinner- that the bathroom is nice and clean with maybe a scented candle lit in there, and a nice liquid soap and clean hand towels.
i also appreciate when the host tries to involve everybody in conversation. my aunt always makes these "popper" things at christmas dinner and puts one at each place setting. its wrapped up, and has a small toy or gift in it, with a peice of paper with a joke on it. after we eat, we all go around and open ours and read the joke in it outloud to everybody. it just really gets everybody involved and laughing and starts some conversations

Posted 11/26/07 9:03 AM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

I agree with a properly set table and/or buffet.
I don't use disposables unless its a big summer outdoor party, I'm always disappointed when I go to an indoor holiday party & I have to eat off a paper plate.
Its all about presentation for me, I like linen lined baskets & crystal bowls rather than tupperware or foil pans.
at coffee & desert time I appreciate when tea water, decaf coffee & reg coffee are all ready to be served with creamers & milk & sugar. I think alot of hostesses drop the ball at coffee time because they are tired. I like when cakes & pies are served out of the boxes, on stands or serving plates if possbile. Even an entemans looks better out of the box.
The use of a warming tray & a few candle or sterno warmed serving pieces makes it easy to keep everything hot at one time.
A holiday house that is not over decorated so there is room to move & places for people to set their drinks down without knocking over a snowman.
Ice buckets in the bar area.
real wine glasses & wine glass charms are nice too.
I also like guest napkins in the rest room.
I'm not a fan of the TV being on during parties, I like hostesses that have low music playing & perhaps a TV in a seperate room for those that want to watch.

Posted 11/26/07 9:05 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

I always notice fresh flowers and candles when I am at someone's house.

2 inexpensive things that really make a difference IMO

Posted 11/26/07 9:07 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

We went to my Aunt's house for Thanksgiving which we do every year, we say a prayer for people who aren't there, sick, passed away etc. I am no religious at all but I always thought it was nice. Also - a quirky thing they do- we always sing "God Bless America"

Posted 11/26/07 9:15 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Okay, keep them guys are helping a lot!!!

Let me ask one question. I agree about Kelly's comment about paper plates, but what if it's only for dessert? We have small plates, but I think they will all be dirty by the time we get to dessert. And I doubt I'll remember in time to do a load of dishes at that point. Ideas?

Posted 11/27/07 6:44 AM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Paper plates for desert are fine, especially if they are decorative & your desert presentation is good. If I have a large crowd I'll often get holiday themed desert plates & matching napkins, most desert doesn't need to be cut with a knife so its not like trying to eat dinner on disposable. I never buy plastic plates or Styrofoam plates because they are an environmental disaster.

Posted 11/27/07 6:50 AM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

oh I meant to write this yesterday, I like to make little cards to go in front of each serving dish with the food that is in it if I'm serving buffet style & I love making inexpensive place cards that can double as wine glass charms, napkin holders or anything else.

Posted 11/27/07 6:53 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Posted by KellyFG

oh I meant to write this yesterday, I like to make little cards to go in front of each serving dish with the food that is in it if I'm serving buffet style .

Excellent idea!

Posted 11/27/07 6:55 AM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

Posted by MissJones

Posted by KellyFG

oh I meant to write this yesterday, I like to make little cards to go in front of each serving dish with the food that is in it if I'm serving buffet style .

Excellent idea!

thanksChat Icon

Posted 11/27/07 7:19 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: When you go to someone's house for a holiday dinner,

costcos sells those unreal plates and throwaway utensils now that look real--silver utensils and real lookng plates that are fake. My mom bought them for Thanksgiving-they even felt real at first! Grab them if you think you will have dirty dishes they were great!

Posted 11/27/07 7:44 AM

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