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He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Which "party" type are you?
Are you the person who has parties at home (birthdays, christenings, showers, etc) at your or a family member's house, and goes crazy doing everything.....
Or are you the type that goes to a place (hall, restaurant, etc.) and pays a little extra to have someone do everything for you?
I ask because my SIL and MIL insist on having every affair in their homes, and I end up doind a lot of work, which I would rather not do, but can't really sit on my butt like everyone else! I told DH we will be having our kids Christenings at a restaurant, not in the house where it gets trashed, rains and is a disaster, like his sister's was!!!
Posted 8/25/06 11:38 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Loving Summer.....

Member since 8/06 6636 total posts
Name: Samantha aka Sammy Bones
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by curliegirl
Are you the person who has parties at home (birthdays, christenings, showers, etc) at your or a family member's house, and goes crazy doing everything.....
Or are you the type that goes to a place (hall, restaurant, etc.) and pays a little extra to have someone do everything for you?
I ask because my SIL and MIL insist on having every affair in their homes, and I end up doind a lot of work, which I would rather not do, but can't really sit on my butt like everyone else! I told DH we will be having our kids Christenings at a restaurant, not in the house where it gets trashed, rains and is a disaster, like his sister's was!!!
I like to do both depending on the type of party.... as for a Christening I would do the same as well.. have it somewhere. You want to be able to enjoy the day and not be so stressed out cleaning,and cooking and entertaining. so I say go for it!!!
Posted 8/25/06 11:44 AM |
Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I prefer to pay someone to do everything for me...not just parties. Laundry, Groceries, Shopping, House Cleaning....if its left for me to do, everyone will be SOL cause it won't get done.
Posted 8/25/06 11:47 AM |
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by Libragal07
Posted by curliegirl
Are you the person who has parties at home (birthdays, christenings, showers, etc) at your or a family member's house, and goes crazy doing everything.....
Or are you the type that goes to a place (hall, restaurant, etc.) and pays a little extra to have someone do everything for you?
I ask because my SIL and MIL insist on having every affair in their homes, and I end up doind a lot of work, which I would rather not do, but can't really sit on my butt like everyone else! I told DH we will be having our kids Christenings at a restaurant, not in the house where it gets trashed, rains and is a disaster, like his sister's was!!!
I like to do both depending on the type of party.... as for a Christening I would do the same as well.. have it somewhere. You want to be able to enjoy the day and not be so stressed out cleaning,and cooking and entertaining. so I say go for it!!!
I mean, a birthday BBQ is fine, but a shower where you have to set up a tent and cook and clean? Or a Christening? I would rather not, thanks. DH doesn't understand.....I have to de-brainwash him...
Posted 8/25/06 11:48 AM |
Member since 5/05 10278 total posts
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Luckily I haven't had to host anything large, but I would definitely do a small restaurant if I could afford it. Or have it catered in my apt.
Posted 8/25/06 11:50 AM |
Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06 3235 total posts
Name: D
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by curliegirl
Are you the person who has parties at home (birthdays, christenings, showers, etc) at your or a family member's house, and goes crazy doing everything.....
Or are you the type that goes to a place (hall, restaurant, etc.) and pays a little extra to have someone do everything for you?
I ask because my SIL and MIL insist on having every affair in their homes, and I end up doind a lot of work, which I would rather not do, but can't really sit on my butt like everyone else! I told DH we will be having our kids Christenings at a restaurant, not in the house where it gets trashed, rains and is a disaster, like his sister's was!!!
I enjoy having parties as home. I love to cook and have family and friends over. I have never had my house trashed and, even, when it rained for a particular occasion, everyone still seemed to have a good time. I don't mind clean up. However, I understand that, especially, when it comes to a special event as a Christening, a restaurant would be an attractive alternative. It's hard to take care of everyone else and still enjoy the day.
Posted 8/25/06 11:51 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I prefer to have things at the house.
Posted 8/25/06 11:53 AM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I have very strict ideas of how things should be, so I tend to turn into a party planner whether it's a party at home, or at a restaurant. I always create work for myself either way.
Posted 8/25/06 11:53 AM |

Member since 5/05 9941 total posts
Name: Missy
Re: Which "party" type are you?
i do NOT like having people over for big parties. I abhor it, actually. i will certanily pay to have a christening or whatnot at a restaurant. there is no way i can handle that many people at my house.
i didnt even have a housewarming party....i just dont like having dh thinks im mean but i just dont like all the work involved
6 -8 people is max for me
Posted 8/25/06 11:54 AM |
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I guess I exaggerated a little with trashed, but to me, any mess is the equivalent of trashed, especially if I have to clean it up.
Oh, and SIL's son's 1st birthday party is supposed to be tomorrow, but may be postponed. We couldn't go away for the weekend because of it, so we may go next weekend. Guess when the party is postponed till? You got it, next weekend!!!!!
Posted 8/25/06 11:55 AM |
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by nferrandi
I have very strict ideas of how things should be, so I tend to turn into a party planner whether it's a party at home, or at a restaurant. I always create work for myself either way.
I hear you Nicole, for my birthday last weekend, I planned the menu for a week, went to 5 different stores for food, it was crazy!!!! And I had roughly 25 people at my house at any given moment. I never really got to relax and enjoy myself. I wanted to hire someone to cook because Ialways do the cooing and DH said he would take care of it....yeah right!
Posted 8/25/06 11:57 AM |

Member since 6/05 3321 total posts
Name: Rose
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I'd rather do everything myself at my house. I love it and enjoy doing it, doesn't matter how much work I have to put into it. But that's just me.......CRAZY!
Posted 8/25/06 11:57 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Which "party" type are you?
If it is for 8 people then I do not mind hosting it at home but if it is a large crowd then I will have it catered.
Posted 8/25/06 12:12 PM |
So in love!

Member since 6/06 4378 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I don't like hosting parties at my house but DH's family is big into it. Not for christenings, or something big like that, but for eveyrthing else - every other weekend there's a party. I hosted my first, 30th bday for DH in March, and I hated it - too much stress! They don't even like you to order in, whenever my mom had parties - we called for pizza, easy and hardly any clean up!
Posted 8/25/06 12:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Which "party" type are you?
We could never have anything growing up at my house. My mom died when I was young and the house we moved to had a tiny dining room.
I dreamed of owning a home like I do now... big kitchen, big diningroom, den and livingroom.
I told DH I've always wanted to wake up Christmas morning and have it at my house instead of trekking to someone else's so we agreed. At least christmas will always be here.
We are home party people.
Posted 8/25/06 12:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 9941 total posts
Name: Missy
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH
We could never have anything growing up at my house. My mom died when I was young and the house we moved to had a tiny dining room.
I dreamed of owning a home like I do now... big kitchen, big diningroom, den and livingroom.
I told DH I've always wanted to wake up Christmas morning and have it at my house instead of trekking to someone else's so we agreed. At least christmas will always be here.
We are home party people.
Posted 8/25/06 12:26 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Which "party" type are you?
You have a standing invitation anytime you want Although next April I might not be the best hostess
Posted 8/25/06 12:29 PM |
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH
You have a standing invitation anytime you want Although next April I might not be the best hostess
OMG< Theresa, I just noticed!!!!!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! Do twins run in your family? They are on all sides of both of ours, so we'll see....Congrats again!!!!!
or or
Posted 8/25/06 12:36 PM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I would most definitely have the party out. I hate the stress of all the ppl in my house and the cleaning before and after.
Posted 8/25/06 12:38 PM |
Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05 4750 total posts
Name: God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I'm against having kids events and "parties" in halls. Luckily, I have a house and yard big enough for everyone. Unluckily, my family doesn't celebrate aything so we'll be going to NY for X-mas and other events.
Posted 8/25/06 12:43 PM |
My Babies

Member since 5/05 4956 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I love doing house parties for holidays and yearly birthday parties. But for big stuff, I prefer a hall or restaurant. For my moms 50th we rented a benevolent hall and for her 60th I am looking for a catering hall.
Posted 8/25/06 12:48 PM |

Member since 6/06 4563 total posts
Name: Fabulous
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Both it depends on how many people it is and what the event is. I don't like more then 6-8 guests at a time in the house but for an outdoor BBQ it can be much more then that. If it is for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, etc then home is fine.
Something like a big birthday, baptism, or shower then I rather spend the money and go to a hall or restaurant.
Posted 8/25/06 1:01 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Which "party" type are you?
Posted by curliegirl
OMG< Theresa, I just noticed!!!!!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! Do twins run in your family? They are on all sides of both of ours, so we'll see....Congrats again!!!!!
or or
sorry to hijack.
I battled infertility. We were trying since April of 05.
I finally got pregnant through IVF. It wasn't going to happen any other way Thank God for the drugs and doctors.
I'm 7 weeks
OK, carry on... party types????
Posted 8/25/06 1:19 PM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I am the type that am willing to pay anyone anything if it saves me the hassle.
Posted 8/25/06 2:09 PM |

Member since 2/06 2984 total posts
Name: Dianne
Re: Which "party" type are you?
I like to go out once in awhile, but there is nothing like having a party at home and having total control over everything
Posted 8/25/06 2:23 PM |
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