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Who is starting school for the first time this September?

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Emily will be going to a local preschool 3X/week in the afternoons in September.

She is SOO excited. Her babysitter's daughter went there so she is very familiar with the school from class parties.

I am excited but also NERVOUS!!!!

I was thinking today --- what if she gets teased, or if other kids hurt her feelings?

I know it is inevitable, but I still wish I could shelter her from that.

My sister and I were talking about her personality today, how she is outgoing, enthusiastic, silly and has a great sense of humor. She can also be a totaly B-I-T-C-H at times, when she is in a mood.

I just wonder how it will all work out in school. I wish I could be a fly on the wall.

If you have a child/children starting school in September, feel free to discuss and add your thoughts/feelings/worries/excitements to this thread!

Melissa Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/08 10:46 PM
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me and baby #3!

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Alyson will be going 2 mornings a week....

My fear is that she's going to get picked on since she's small in size AND she's young...they put her in the young 3 room since she's "so close" with her Jan b-day and with her interaction and vocabulary (cut off is sept 1)

I'm also so scared to LET go....she's my special girl, my's all happening SO fast.

*sigh* Luckily she has a friend in the class so we're hoping that helps the transition.

Posted 8/2/08 10:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/08

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

My DS (3 1/2) is starting preschool 3x/wk in Sept. He's actually going to camp there this summer and he loves it. It's funny...I was more worried about how the teacher's would "like" him then about how he would act with or be accepted by other kids.

He transitioned really well to going into class. Every so often, he'll get shy right before we go in until he sees one of his "friends" and then he'll go in. If not, I will usually take him in and lead him over to the toys (that usually works).

I have to say, going to the camp was the best thing for my DS this summer so I'm sure Sept. will be more of the same.

Posted 8/2/08 11:03 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Julia will be starting school in Sept, I'm a little nervous for her but she took transition classes at her school and she loved it, and liked her teachers a lot!

The mom's were also able to stay for the 1 1/2 hour class in a waiting type of room, so I felt better being there.

I think it will be harder on me then her come Sept, its going to feel so weird dropping her off and leaving her for 3 hours on her own, we are hardly ever apart from one another! I'm sure I will be fine though once I get use to it....

Julia likes to take charge and be a leader, she gets very possesive over toys and gets upset if someone takes them or makes a mess of something she was playing with, thats my only concern when school starts, but I'm sure the teachers will work on that with her like we do at home.

I sure she'll have a great school year!Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/08 11:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Jared is starting pre-school this September. I decided to only do 2x a week. I'm nervous about him going because I know he has his frequent temper tantrums. I'm also nervous we won't master this potty training thing in time. I only have a month to go.

Posted 8/2/08 11:36 PM

My Everything

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Miranda is starting Montessori 3 days a week in August and I can't wait. I think it's going to be so good for her! My excitement has taken away any nervousness for now. I'm sure I'll shed a few tears the first day though.

Posted 8/3/08 12:22 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Katherine is!!! She'll be going to nursery 3 half-days a week. I am SOOOO excited. I stalk the mailman every day to get the "back to school" letter/supply list. It's not that I want to get rid of her (although...hmmm...maybe that's a perk Chat Icon Chat Icon ), but as a teacher, back to school is my THING! I couldn't wait to have a child in school!

She actually went to a very short (1 day a week/2hours) 2s program at the same school, so I think she knows what to expect.

Can't wait!!!!!!!

Posted 8/3/08 9:03 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Hayley is going back to school 3 days a week in September. My only fear is she wont like it because it is a different school from last year.

Last September I was afraid she would cry when I left....she gave me a big kiss and said bye mommy! She can be bossy but her teacher was awesome and worked thru her bossyness.

Don't worry might be tough the first few days but they will love it.

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Posted 8/3/08 9:03 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Thank you everyone for your replys!

We are going to have to all stress together on the first day!!!

And of course, I'll be posting pics...

Posted 8/3/08 10:46 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Christopher will be starting in September. We almost didn't. He had to be potty-trained and two weeks before the sign-up deadline, he decided he was ready. So we were literally signing him up the day of the deadline. Whew! I'm really glad he's going, but I'm also really nervous. This will be the longest he's been away from me with a non-family member. I know he'll be fine. He's smart and very outgoing. I'm just worried that he's not going to want to leave at the end of the day Chat Icon Chat Icon .

Posted 8/3/08 10:52 AM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Logan will be going to the preschool I work for in September two days a about pressure! I had such a hard time figuring out what teachers to request. I am trying to potty train him now, I am using school as motivation! He wants to go so bad that I told him he had to wear underwear to go(my school changes diapers). In my class last year we started with 11 kids and diapers, and by the end of the year there was I am hopefulChat Icon
Also nervous about him having a tantrum at school, hopefully he's one who is better in school than at home!

Posted 8/3/08 5:29 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Who is starting school for the first time this September?

Maddie will be starting in September also doing 2 afternoons a week. They change diapers there so the pressure is off for me to potty train her thank goodness cause it hasn't been going well so I've put it on the back burner for now. She loves to play with other kids so that was my main motivator to sign her up, I just hope her temper won't get out of control because boy have those terrible 2's stage come full force!

Posted 8/3/08 6:17 PM

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