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Member since 11/08 2088 total posts
Name: Dee
Whooping Cough in LI
I just saw on the news that 5 children have contracted it in the past 2 months, and 2 of them in LI (Kings Park Elementary). They had been vaccinated but still contracted it.
Here I was thinking of delaying the DPT vaccine which DS is supposed to get in 2 weeks because of the potential side I feel he has to get scary! I thought whooping cough was eradicated.
Posted 3/13/09 5:43 PM |
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Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
It was on the news today that a nearby school has had 6 cases of measles...scary stuff.
Posted 3/13/09 5:51 PM |
Tiebreaker on deck!!!

Member since 11/08 2088 total posts
Name: Dee
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
Geez..I didn't hear that is scary
Posted 3/13/09 5:56 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
no no no... besides the PCV, the DTaP should be given on time.... and this is coming from a vaccine weary mom!
both cover diseases that are NOT eradicated in the US, and could cause irreparable harm to an infant... (this info comes from my ped, who is allowing me to delay polio and several other vaccines until he's 2. He has personally seen several cases of meningitis and whooping cough in infants at his practice )
poor Eryk does not take well to the DTaP, but it's better than whooping cough
Message edited 3/13/2009 5:58:05 PM.
Posted 3/13/09 5:56 PM |
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Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
Posted by DomesticDeeva
Geez..I didn't hear that is scary
Its not on LI, its here in the UK. We have had a huge occurance of measles recently.
Posted 3/13/09 5:56 PM |
Merry Christmas!

Member since 6/07 2153 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
I work in Kings is going around here like crazy! Every day we get a new report of someone else who has it. One of my students(from my dance studio) has it now!
Posted 3/13/09 7:14 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
Does anyone know how much our babies are protected if they only got one vaccination so far?
Posted 3/13/09 8:57 PM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
when my DS was born in Jan the photo lady at St. Catherine's had whopping cough (we got the call two days after we came home from the hospital). All the babies were put on antibiotics just in case.
Luckily DS was fine, but its still out there.
Posted 3/13/09 9:03 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
Posted by kerrycec03
when my DS was born in Jan the photo lady at St. Catherine's had whopping cough (we got the call two days after we came home from the hospital). All the babies were put on antibiotics just in case.
Luckily DS was fine, but its still out there.
That's really scary. I am so glad your DS is ok. Yes, it's actually very common still. That's why we vaccinate. Even DR. Sears recommends getting the DTAP on time due to this. Vaccination doesn't provide a lifetime immunity for this one either...but what's making the news more is that these children's immunities apparently waned (or they weren't vaccinated at all)?
Message edited 3/13/2009 9:10:21 PM.
Posted 3/13/09 9:09 PM |
Tiebreaker on deck!!!

Member since 11/08 2088 total posts
Name: Dee
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
From what I heard they were vaccinated & the immunity waned
Posted 3/13/09 9:20 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Whooping Cough in LI
Posted by DomesticDeeva
From what I heard they were vaccinated & the immunity waned
This one does wane. I believe a booster is around 5 years old, maybe they were waning due to needing that.
I really want to know how much protection does one vaccination have or do you need to finish the series for a baby to be protected?
Posted 3/13/09 9:23 PM |