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Why do people home-school their kids?

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2984 total posts


Why do people home-school their kids?

Help me understand this. Why would a parent choose to keep their children home (besides religious reasons)?

I honestly don't get it and I would like to understand. No judging - please educate me!

Posted 7/16/09 2:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

I will not homeschool my children because I think that socialization is important. HOWEVER, seeing a lot of kids because of my nieces and nephews - I DO understand the temptation to do so. I feel like there are fewer and fewer children being raised with the same values that I grew up with. I am disgusted at some of the things that my nieces and nephews have told me about. While, they remain relatively good kids - it is a daily struggle to parent when you have all of these outside forces trying to influence your children!

Posted 7/16/09 2:08 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Also, many don't agree with or like the curriculum taught in public schools.

Posted 7/16/09 2:11 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Some people who don't vaccinate also choose to home school.

Posted 7/16/09 2:19 PM

My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by Tilde

I will not homeschool my children because I think that socialization is important. HOWEVER, seeing a lot of kids because of my nieces and nephews - I DO understand the temptation to do so. I feel like there are fewer and fewer children being raised with the same values that I grew up with. I am disgusted at some of the things that my nieces and nephews have told me about. While, they remain relatively good kids - it is a daily struggle to parent when you have all of these outside forces trying to influence your children!

Well said ,and ITA !! My oldest is 10 ,and going into 5th grade ...the things she has learned already ,and gone through makes me very sad Chat Icon .

Posted 7/16/09 2:20 PM


Member since 6/08

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by Tilde

I feel like there are fewer and fewer children being raised with the same values that I grew up with. I am disgusted at some of the things that my nieces and nephews have told me about. While, they remain relatively good kids - it is a daily struggle to parent when you have all of these outside forces trying to influence your children!

I have considered homeschooling my 3 children for exactly these reasons, but I won't because I feel they need to be in school for the socialization aspect. This is why I am VERY involved in my kids school, am a class mom, involved with the PTA, because I want to be an active participant.

Posted 7/16/09 2:30 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by donegal419

Also, many don't agree with or like the curriculum taught in public schools.

I think that home schooled kids are held accountable for state standards in the least. They may have to be tested on some level with state exams. I dont know that for sure.

I could feasibly home school my child as I am an educator with two licences but I'd never do it. It would be a major detriment to my child and I have enough faith in my choices of places to live that I would choose a home within a school district that I would choose for myself.

Message edited 7/16/2009 2:37:44 PM.

Posted 7/16/09 2:35 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

A friend of mine home schools her kids for a couple of reasons - her kids weren't vaccinated and I believe she thought the schools in her area were sub-par.

I asked her about it once wrt socialization and she said there were a bunch of children in the area who were home schools so the moms did it together. This family in particular also is rather large - 5 kids and lots of cousins, aunts and uncles - so I don't think socialization is an issue for them.

Posted 7/16/09 2:37 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

I read a magazine article recently that told the story of a mom who home schooled her 3 kids. Her oldest child was having a lot of behavioral problems and was not staying focused in the classroom. The school could not come up with solutions that she was satisfied with, so she decided to home school him. She had such success with it, she said, that she decided to home school the other two as well. She claims that her children are exposed to a lot of things they wouldn't be if they were in a traditional school setting (she takes them on more outings and field trips to museums and cultural things for example).

As far as the socialization, this mom said that her kids were very involved in afterschool activities in their town - scouts, sports, etc. so the kids had lots of friends through those activities.

I was always skeptical, but after reading this woman's story, I could sort of see why someone would do it.

Posted 7/16/09 2:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by dpli

I read a magazine article recently that told the story of a mom who home schooled her 3 kids. Her oldest child was having a lot of behavioral problems and was not staying focused in the classroom. The school could not come up with solutions that she was satisfied with, so she decided to home school him. She had such success with it, she said, that she decided to home school the other two as well. She claims that her children are exposed to a lot of things they wouldn't be if they were in a traditional school setting (she takes them on more outings and field trips to museums and cultural things for example).

As far as the socialization, this mom said that her kids were very involved in afterschool activities in their town - scouts, sports, etc. so the kids had lots of friends through those activities.

I was always skeptical, but after reading this woman's story, I could sort of see why someone would do it.

Probably because she gave them one on one teaching. real life, many times you won't get this so I don't think that is an advantage.

Posted 7/16/09 2:55 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

believe me, a lot of these kids get to socialize.

I HATE when I am out and make the mistake of attending somewhere on "homeschool" day.

Its big down here.

A lot of it has to do with family values.

I keep an open mind, as long as your 10 yr old isn't clobbering my 2 year old.

Posted 7/16/09 3:26 PM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

my former doctor told me that he would homeschool his children b/c he didn't want them exposed to children who had a different value/moral system than he and his wife...he was really concerned about his children learning about different things before they were ready to teach them (i assume drugs, sex, etc) i wonder though, about how much tv he would allow them to watch, considering most kids get too much information from tv

Posted 7/16/09 3:35 PM

Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Events like Columbine may play a factor.

Some parents feel that they can do more one on one instruction than in a regular classroom. They also can do science experiments or trips that aren't feasible in a school setting.

I would think religion or values is part of it in some cases. It's not big in NY, but is growing quickly around the country.

Posted 7/16/09 3:41 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

I think we are living in a society that is more and more materialistic- especially with the kids- they define themselves by the labels that they wear, what they have, etc.. instead of who they are on the inside.

I think this is probably the MAIN reason why people homeschool- regardless of faith.

I am scared S***less to send my DD to public school- knowing how I felt- always sub par b/c I couldn't have the best fashions, etc... and that the other kids judged me b/c of that.

But, that too is a part of life that we need to deal with.

Posted 7/16/09 3:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1376 total posts


Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by dpli

I read a magazine article recently that told the story of a mom who home schooled her 3 kids. Her oldest child was having a lot of behavioral problems and was not staying focused in the classroom. The school could not come up with solutions that she was satisfied with, so she decided to home school him. She had such success with it, she said, that she decided to home school the other two as well. She claims that her children are exposed to a lot of things they wouldn't be if they were in a traditional school setting (she takes them on more outings and field trips to museums and cultural things for example).

As far as the socialization, this mom said that her kids were very involved in afterschool activities in their town - scouts, sports, etc. so the kids had lots of friends through those activities.

I was always skeptical, but after reading this woman's story, I could sort of see why someone would do it.

this is exactly what my SIL is doing with her 3 kids. she and her DH was very upset when her eldest daughter watched a certain type of movie at school. they decided to home school her (and the rest kids followed later).

there was certain curriculum they must cover but at the same time, she makes it fun. taking them to different outings, going to the museums, etc. even when we're on vacation, they have to learn about the towns we visit. they're involved with activities around towns; take lessons, and also have gathering with other home schooled kids.

i personally think it's great when parents are taking on the responsibility to educate their kids. it's really hard work but there's no better teacher than yourself. at the same time, you get to develop a deeper understanding of your own child and have a closer bond.

if i could, i would but NY state have really tough rules for homeschooling.

Posted 7/16/09 4:40 PM

Life is Good :)

Member since 11/07

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

my DH always jokes around that he wants our (future) children to be home-schooled. In a way I can understand it. But we will not be doing this.
When violent things happen at school, when kids are exposed to diseases... other things that parents are allowing their children to do, even though you feel very strongly against this (and I'm not talking about religious issues) by keeping them home, you are not exposing them to these things.

But my feeling is this... so you keep them in your safe bubble for 18 years, then what? they eventually have to go out into the world, and get a job, and exist in environments where all these "bad" things are present. IMO, better to expose them to these things over a length of time explaining and teaching them why those things are not good/healthy etc. for them, then leave it up to them to decide when they are overwhelmed with it all at once
Unless I lived on a farm and was amish, and my kids weren't really going to go out into the real world, I don't see how this could ever benefit them

Posted 7/16/09 4:43 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

I see this a LOT in my work - my office receives and investigates allegations of discrimination in public schools. This, of course, covers discrimination on the basis of disability and violations of Section 504.

Most of the cases in which we see children being home schooled are cases in which the parent feels that the services being given to a child with either a behavioral or learning disability are inadequate and feel they can do a better job of it. I even had a few cases of students who have severe allergies or medical issues, and the parents felt that the District just couldn't adequately address the child's needs.

Oftentimes as well, we receive a lot of cases of disability, sexual and racial harassment. More often than not, the complaints get to us after months and months of fighting with the District to at least acknowledge something was going on, and conduct an investigation. I have to say, if my daughter was the recipient of some of the bullying and teasing I see in these cases, I too would remove her from the school setting ASAP.

Posted 7/16/09 4:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3272 total posts


Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by Sassyz75

I think we are living in a society that is more and more materialistic- especially with the kids- they define themselves by the labels that they wear, what they have, etc.. instead of who they are on the inside.

I think this is probably the MAIN reason why people homeschool- regardless of faith.

I am scared S***less to send my DD to public school- knowing how I felt- always sub par b/c I couldn't have the best fashions, etc... and that the other kids judged me b/c of that.

But, that too is a part of life that we need to deal with.

I remember begging my mother for 5 Swatch watches, Nike sneakers over Thom McAnn items, Esprit and Benetton tops and other hot items.

I remember thinking I would DIE if I didn't have a car to drive on my 16th birthday. That I would be the ONLY KID ON LI without a car come that first Saturday night

Message edited 7/16/2009 5:29:38 PM.

Posted 7/16/09 5:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3272 total posts


Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by julybride0706

if i could, i would but NY state have really tough rules for homeschooling.

One of the few things NY state does right in my opinion.

Now if they would just raise the standards for all educational requirements so kids don't graduate needing remedial classes when they enter college

Posted 7/16/09 5:32 PM

Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07

12820 total posts


Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Posted by ziamaria

my former doctor told me that he would homeschool his children b/c he didn't want them exposed to children who had a different value/moral system than he and his wife...he was really concerned about his children learning about different things before they were ready to teach them (i assume drugs, sex, etc) i wonder though, about how much tv he would allow them to watch, considering most kids get too much information from tv

I believe this is the reason my cousin's son is home schooled. His wife is a SAHM and she homeschools their son - and will be homeschooling their 1 year old and new baby on the way too. She told me that it's very difficult to follow the curriculum, but it was important for them. They are also religious (my cousin is a pastor), and she said that while she follows the basic curriculum so that he can pass the tests, she focuses a lot more on their religion and moral aspects that would not be covered at school. He is testing above his grade level and she said that he gets socialization because they meet up with other home schooled children and have events and field trips, and also through the church.

I do have to agree with HeatherRose on this - while I agree that my cousin's son is bright, he is lacking a bit in his social skills (when we get together for family functions with other kids). What happens when he has to go out in the real world? Hopefully he will not have any problems and it will be a non-issue.

Posted 7/16/09 9:43 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Why do people home-school their kids?

Homeschooling is larger than you think here. It's just not talked about. There are a lot of groups on Yahoo and Meetup dedicated to homeschooling families. They have an abundance of field trips, plenty of socialization, classes at local gyms, etc.

I know a few parents of special needs children who homeschool their children due to issues with their district not being able to provide an appropriate placement for them that allows them to thrive. So rather than fight and ultimately sue them, they just pull back and do it all at home. Some still get their therapies through the district, some don't. I contemplated it myself when I was having multiple issues with our previous district, but we moved to another district that I'm happy with (for now).

Posted 7/16/09 10:40 PM

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