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Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

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Member since 5/05

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Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

We had company over the weekend and over the course of the weekend my almost 9 month old DD was fed (not by me) scrambled eggs (including the whites), pieces of chicken from BBQ wings, ground beef from a burger, pieces of spaghetti and bread with seeds (not all at onceChat Icon )

So yesterday she was spitting up all day, but seemed fine otherwise. I'm really only worried about the eggs because I know they are only supposed to eat yolk until they are 1.

Is it ok for 9 month olds to eat that much table food?

Posted 8/21/07 10:30 AM
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Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

I really don't think there is a problem with it other than having a belly ache from so much food, but at 9 months, I think she is ok.

My DH grandma gave DD Chocolate @ 6 months old - it is BULL$hit !!!

Posted 8/21/07 10:32 AM

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Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

My son decided that at 9 months he had enough of baby food and was on table food. Eggs are fine to give. As long as the chicken and whatever else wasnt too spicy there shouldnt be a problem

Posted 8/21/07 10:32 AM

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Member since 9/05

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Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

Almost all of Steven's meals are table food.

IMO, it's fine!

Posted 8/21/07 10:35 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

If she was allergic to the egg white the reaction would have been right after or hours after eating itChat Icon

IT's fine, i gave DD egg whites around 10-11 months old, I figured she had the flu shot-which has the same proteins in it, and if she had no reaction to that, she'd be fine with pancakes and scrambled eggs :)

Posted 8/21/07 10:35 AM

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Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

My mom always laughs when i say things like "they advise against egg whites and wheat etc...".

She always says "how any of you managed to survive is beyond me!!". Lol.

With that being said, i've given Johnny everything short of peanut butter and he has not had one reaction. I think its good to try foods and monitor them after...

Posted 8/21/07 10:38 AM

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Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

DD has been eating scrambled eggs since about 9 problems.

Posted 8/21/07 10:58 AM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: Why is it bad to eat egg whites before 1?

Posted by luvsun27

DD has been eating scrambled eggs since about 9 problems.

same here.

Posted 8/21/07 11:05 AM

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