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Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

I had my top two wisdom teeth pulled already, bottom two still to go.

I've been getting headaches -- the kind I had when my other 2 needed to be pulled, and was just assuming it was becaue the bottom 2 needed to be done...

But the more I think about it the pain seems like it is coming from the top --- and I was feeling around where my wisdom tooth was pulled last week, then again this morning, and it feels like there is something up there that is coming down more. There was a little bump last week and now a really big bump.

On the other side there is nothing.

I am calling the dentist to make an appt today for x-rays and for them to check it, but is it possible that when they pulled my tooth part was left in? It sounds so gross and I've never heard of that before but that is what it feels like!

Has this ever happened to anyone??

It hurts pretty bad Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/5/06 5:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

4189 total posts


Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

well, if you tooth absolutly had to be pulled, you would feel a great deal of pain near those two wisdom teeth.

If there is a good case they are started to grow sideways or become impacted, they will pull em...

Is the bump on your gums? That could mean an effection of the gum. Where the bump is should tell something might be up with that tooth. Have you had a root canal on that tooth where bump is?
How does it feel with hot and cold items?

Get it checked out and tell them about bump. I started to get an effection, had a bump...had no idea what it was then it went away. Then saw dentist, told me i needed work done...(same tooth as bump) and he said it because of effection got deep and trying to expand down the wall. I didn't need surgery as medicine and a deep cleaning can possible fix it....

Posted 12/5/06 7:01 AM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

there very well maybe be a peice that they missed, that happen to me when i had mune pulled... and it is trying to make it's way out. or you can have a infection where the tooth was. Yes it is very important that you go see the dentist right away. feel better sweety!!! i know it hurts.. try ambasol(sp) and a ice pack for a little and take tylanol sinis to help with the pressure(or any sinis pill)Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/5/06 7:07 AM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

How long ago did you have it pulled? It's possible there's a tooth fragment in there. It happened to me with the last one that was pulled but it was "pushed out" of the wound. The dentist warned me that might happen.

You're doing the right thing, getting the xrays done. Good luck!

Posted 12/5/06 8:37 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

Posted by janet

there very well maybe be a peice that they missed, that happen to me when i had mune pulled... and it is trying to make it's way out. or you can have a infection where the tooth was. Yes it is very important that you go see the dentist right away. feel better sweety!!! i know it hurts.. try ambasol(sp) and a ice pack for a little and take tylanol sinis to help with the pressure(or any sinis pill)Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

When I had my wisdom teeth out, one of them had some "buts" left under the gum that did not comeout with the extraction. It was pretty painful & a few days later a piece of tooth emerged. It actually "popped" out while I was brushing my teeth, and as soon as it came out I felt better. I would call your dentist though & make sure that there is no associated infection.

Chat Icon Feel better

Posted 12/5/06 8:38 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

My dentist told me about phantom pain once. That you can feel the pain on the top but it's actually the bottom where there is the problem.

Posted 12/5/06 8:52 AM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

Sounds like it's infected...maybe he missed a piece of tooth or something like that.

Posted 12/5/06 9:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

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Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

Posted by LaurenExp

My dentist told me about phantom pain once. That you can feel the pain on the top but it's actually the bottom where there is the problem.

I was just going to say this. Its also called something else. But it happens a lot. When my bottom wisdom teeth were hurting, it hurt on top.
Thats most likely what is it.

Posted 12/5/06 9:30 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Wisdom tooth question...(kinda gross)

Posted by babybug631

Sounds like it's infected...maybe he missed a piece of tooth or something like that.

I actually didn't end up calling the dentist today -- it was so crazy with our trip to Radio City and I forgot my cell at home by accident so I couldn't even call on my way home from work.

I have to call tomorrow -- but I doubt it's an infection --- since I had the tooth pulled like a year and a half ago.

I don't know, I just don't know what it can be but it HURTS! Hopefully I can get an appt soon!

Posted 12/5/06 8:53 PM

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