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Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08 4030 total posts
Work plans after baby?
I'm expecting baby #2; i commute 60-75 minutes each day daily.
I've decided to look for a new job for next year. My job really isn't flexible with working from home; leaving early and the 70 minute commute can't be changed. I don't know why but I feel so guilty about leaving! ideally I'll find a job during my maternity leave and come back to work for a few weeks; give them notice and then start my new job. I would feel bad about just not coming back at all after my leave (if I find another job during my time off).
obviously this is a personal decision I have to make but I'm Just curious how many others expectant Mom's are either not returning to work at all; not returning to the same job for a shorter commute/less work load; switching to part time etc? my priorities have shifted; I know this is ok; and my personal life will benefit so much from being home more.
Posted 9/2/14 10:41 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Work plans after baby?
I'm expecting #2 and will be returning to my job. While I'd love to look for something with shorter hours, we do need the income and my job is slightly flexible--but we also have a ton of family nearby so I rarely have to leave work for anything since my mom or MIL can help.
Posted 9/2/14 10:46 AM |
Member since 1/13 1329 total posts
Re: Work plans after baby?
After baby #1 I started working part time from home. I had a reasonable commute (30 min or so, subway, less by cab).
Then we moved to the burbs, and my commute is now 75 min each way on a good day if I go in. I couldnt do that kind of commute 5 days/week. I have begun working more and more frequently from home (sometimes 3-4 days a week) and would like to return after baby #2 working from home 3 days a week, or go part time.
A job closer to home would be great but I have it pretty good all things considered at my current job, and I would likely take a bigger pay cut switching to a LI firm than going part time at my firm.
Message edited 9/2/2014 11:45:55 AM.
Posted 9/2/14 11:45 AM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Work plans after baby?
I am going back full time. Wouldn't consider otherwise. But I have a 10 minute commute and while my hours can be demanding at times, they are also flexible when necessary.
Posted 9/2/14 12:14 PM |
Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11 6338 total posts
Name: Theresa
Work plans after baby?
After having my DD last year I did reduce my hours a lot. I would have left all together but ultimately decided part time was better.
Posted 9/2/14 12:19 PM |
Fly high little one
Member since 6/10 2662 total posts
Name: nicole
Work plans after baby?
I will be returning 4 days a week I work for family so my job is flexible
Posted 9/2/14 12:29 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Work plans after baby?
I will be returning. The good thing about working retail is that I have very flexible hours which believe it or not works out great in terms of childcare. While I'd love to stay home, we simply can't afford to right now and with my job I have so much vacation and sick time accrued I could pretty much take a vacation day every week and work 4 day work weeks the whole year if I wanted to. It's also only a 10 min commute for me and my dh as well...
Eta: I've really been thinking about a career change but with a new baby on the way it doesn't make sense financially right now. In a few years when both kids are starting school I may knock down to part time and then go back to school. I really need to think about what I wanna do if imd gonna start all over...
Message edited 9/2/2014 12:42:24 PM.
Posted 9/2/14 12:39 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Work plans after baby?
I'll be returning part time. I work out of three offices right now so I will cut one of them out and work only half days.
Posted 9/2/14 2:16 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/10 423 total posts
Name: las1 from LIW
Work plans after baby?
Returning full time. We can't afford to live on DH's salary alone. Hoping to work from home a bit since I only get 6 weeks. My commute is about 1 hour each way, but can't give up my salary or benefits.
Message edited 9/2/2014 2:40:07 PM.
Posted 9/2/14 2:39 PM |
Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08 4030 total posts
Work plans after baby?
Thanks everyone!! I think the best solution will be to find a job closer to home. I can't take the 75 minutes each way. I feel like I'm losing precious time home :(
Posted 9/2/14 2:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: Work plans after baby?
I know how you feel but don't have a good solution for you. I went back to my job almost out of guilt after my first ( I work 4 days a week but considered either not going back or looking for a better fitting practice to join). If we have another I know I will again question whether or not I should go back after maternity leave or use that time to try and find a better situation. My gut tells me I wills again feel guilty (even though I work in a terrible place) and go back. I think for me I just feel guilty because you always hear the "oh you aren't going to come back after the baby " thing which is why in my industry men are gunshy about hiring women of child bearing age. I just didn't want to contribute to that generalization. In reality you do need to just worry about yourself because no one else is. That commute sounds dreadful to me so it would seem perfectly reasonable to look for a better situation. If you find a way to get rid of the guilt though...let me know
Posted 9/2/14 3:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/13 2352 total posts
Work plans after baby?
I'm due the end of April and am a teacher. I will be out of work May and June, then have summer and will be returning to work full time that following September.
Posted 9/2/14 4:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Work plans after baby?
I'm returning. I'm not ready to give up my income. I have a lot of flexibility though. My commute into Manhattan is close to 75 mins door to door also but I will start working from home 4 days a week once LO arrives. If I didn't have the flexibility I would look for a new job closer to home. The commute is such a waste of time!
Posted 9/2/14 4:35 PM |
Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08 4030 total posts
Re: Work plans after baby?
Posted by bunnyluck
I'm returning. I'm not ready to give up my income. I have a lot of flexibility though. My commute into Manhattan is close to 75 mins door to door also but I will start working from home 4 days a week once LO arrives. If I didn't have the flexibility I would look for a new job closer to home. The commute is such a waste of time!
That's amazing you will be able to work from home all those days!!! I work for such a large company; i don't understand why they don't let us work from home! Not having that daily commute will make such a HUGE difference!
Posted 9/2/14 5:05 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Re: Work plans after baby?
Posted by Samira0407
Posted by bunnyluck
I'm returning. I'm not ready to give up my income. I have a lot of flexibility though. My commute into Manhattan is close to 75 mins door to door also but I will start working from home 4 days a week once LO arrives. If I didn't have the flexibility I would look for a new job closer to home. The commute is such a waste of time!
That's amazing you will be able to work from home all those days!!! I work for such a large company; i don't understand why they don't let us work from home! Not having that daily commute will make such a HUGE difference!
I know a lot of women in your situation. It really stinks. It's amazing to me that larger firms don't encourage it. It's less overhead for them and in this day and age I feel like most professions can work virtually and be equally successful. Goodluck with your decision!!! From one commuter to another, I feel your pain and think you're making the right choice especially when you factor not only time but commuting costs.
Posted 9/2/14 5:35 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1101 total posts
Re: Work plans after baby?
I work in a school so no flexibility. I also have a killer commute. I never realized how much my priorities would shift, but I can't leave my position just yet. I'm in the process of looking and interviewing.
Posted 9/5/14 8:51 AM |
Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08 4030 total posts
Re: Work plans after baby?
Posted by SLPRunner
I work in a school so no flexibility. I also have a killer commute. I never realized how much my priorities would shift, but I can't leave my position just yet. I'm in the process of looking and interviewing.
Good Luck job hunting!!
Posted 9/5/14 10:07 AM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 3/14 37 total posts
Work plans after baby?
I am planning on returning after 3 months but part-time (3 days a week). I am fortunate my job will allow me this flexibility. This could change once I have the baby...he will be my first and his first month may be spent in NICU so I just cant commit to anything. However, I also have a 60-75 minute commute everyday. My hours aren't terrible but I'd essentially have to be out the door by 6:30am and get home typically between 4-4:30pm. I think everyone's situations are different though. Some people would prefer to stay home, some would hate to stay home. I'm afraid if I leave my position it could be hard to find employment later on down the line. It's a very hard decision and at the end of the day I'm sure what's best for everyone's personality, lifestyle and finances is different. I'm going to ultimately see how it goes. Maybe I'll hate to leave him or maybe I'll be dying to go back to work to have adult conversation. Whatever you decided good luck!
Posted 9/5/14 7:44 PM |

Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: Work plans after baby?
I took my maternity leave and informed them a week before I was supposed to return that I wasn't. I wasn't planning to return from the beginning, but my company had a policy that made it impossible to inform them you will not be returning and still get paid for the leave.
Posted 9/5/14 8:44 PM |