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Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
if you weren't done having kids yet? To family members/close friends, who have the means to buy their own'd just be being "nice" and loaning them your DC's stuff. Again, you're not done having kids yet.
Just curious.
Message edited 7/28/2009 7:04:13 AM.
Posted 7/28/09 7:03 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Personally probably not if I was having more kids. Things get stained so easily.
Posted 7/28/09 7:05 AM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted 7/28/09 7:13 AM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted by SweetCin
Personally probably not if I was having more kids. Things get stained so easily.
Posted 7/28/09 7:14 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
No I wouldn't uinless it was a specific kind of outfit that someone needed and then said they would give back to me like a dress or a coat.
Posted 7/28/09 7:26 AM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
loan, no. but I have given away many items to a friend. stuff I didn't really love and had no personal attachment to.
I would never loan out her coming home out, for example.
Posted 7/28/09 7:28 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted 7/28/09 7:31 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted by OneOfEach
Posted 7/28/09 7:32 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
No because I'm saving them for any other children we plan on having. If I was done having babies then I wouldn't mind giving them away but until that times comes I've packed everything away nicely for my next baby.
Posted 7/28/09 7:32 AM |
It's a boy!
Member since 11/07 1603 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted 7/28/09 7:34 AM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
No if your planning on having more kids.
Posted 7/28/09 7:39 AM |
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
I have....I gave my boy stuff to my SIL after I found out we were having a girl since we were pg at the same time and she was having a boy. For DD's stuff, first I gave it to a close friend a year after DD's birth and now she pasted the stuff that her DD outgrew and gave it to one of my other friends. A lot of the stuff rarely got worn and why not share it. I would only lend it to people who I know will take care of it and I also offered the clothes nobody asked me.
I kept a few things from both DS and DD that I didn't want anyone else to have.
Posted 7/28/09 7:40 AM |
OMG, time is going way to fast

Member since 9/08 3797 total posts
Name: Bali
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted by Merf99
No I wouldn't uinless it was a specific kind of outfit that someone needed and then said they would give back to me like a dress or a coat.
Posted 7/28/09 7:44 AM |
Two is better than one!!!

Member since 12/07 4474 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
No. I woud let someone borrow a "dressier outfit" that would be worn once and then returned right after.
Posted 7/28/09 7:53 AM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
For the most part, no. But, maybe a winter coat or snow suit or something like that, I would.
Posted 7/28/09 7:59 AM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
I would never "loan" any baby item I expect back. Because very easily an item you've loaned either gets damaged, is loaned to someone else, or just gets lost.
Posted 7/28/09 8:29 AM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
I wouldn't have a problem with that, however I wouldn't include any outfits that were special to me.
Posted 7/28/09 8:29 AM |
Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
my sister in law gives us a bag of stuff EVERY time we see her and my YES - i will be giving them back to her and giving her OUR stuff as well.
we both understand if there's a 'special' outfit - it DOES NOT go to the other...but just generic onesies, etc...yes...
not sure if either of us will have girls as our second - but it has worked out for us so far! (though some of the stuff doesn't line up - as she had her baby in January - but as Emma's still rather small - it's okay. we can use about 1/2 of the stuff she gives us).
Posted 7/28/09 8:32 AM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted 7/28/09 8:33 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
No. When we are done, no problem I would give them away but not if I wasn't done.
Posted 7/28/09 8:50 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
As a rule, if I loan clothes out, I figure its not coming back. I only loan things I don't care to have back. I always figure a loan of clothes is more like a "gift".
Posted 7/28/09 8:56 AM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted by sunflowerjesss
I would never "loan" any baby item I expect back. Because very easily an item you've loaned either gets damaged, is loaned to someone else, or just gets lost.
My response exactly.
Posted 7/28/09 9:19 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
absolutely....we loan things back and forth
Posted 7/28/09 9:19 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Posted 7/28/09 9:20 AM |
Re: Would you loan out your saved baby clothes
Sure... Maybe not the things I loved though.
Posted 7/28/09 9:28 AM |
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