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WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney) UPDATE

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WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney) UPDATE

We have my cousins shower tomorrow in NJ- 2 hours from me- plus i have to make 2 different stops in bklyn to pick up other family members (both going there and back to drop them off). It's supposed to be a mixture of rain & snow for most of the day and i'm so uncomfortable with the idea of being on I95 with the trucks and tractor trailers in those conditions. If the roads were as bad as last week (tuesday night- i drove 30mph on the LIE b/c it was that bad), then i wouldn't feel so bad about cancelling, but since the roads were fairly clear today, i feel bad. My concern is that even if they're clear when we're going down, there's supposed to be a rain/snow mixture until late afternoon (the shower is 12-4pm).

What would you do?
(PS- the family members that i'd be picking up feel the same way about the roads and stuff, so they're on board with whatever decision, but i was looking for an outside opinion).



We're not going. I didnt want to make the decision myself, but my 73 yr old aunt (who i was driving) is too nervous to even walk outside b/c its icey by her, and my mom spent the night at the hospital with her friend and she's a little neurotic that i'm getting that nagging feeling 'for a reason' (I'm certainly no psychic, but no good has ever come from me ignoring that feeling).

Thank you for all of the responses and feedback! I still feel bad, but i think we're actually going to go out in 2 weeks to visit her, bring her the gifts and actually get to spend time with her.

Message edited 2/23/2008 8:37:05 AM.

Posted 2/22/08 10:33 PM
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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

hmmm..I guess I would cancel and maybe send a little something extra in a gift to make up for it, as I feel the same way about the weather etc.

Its ok now on the roads but will freeze tonight and so you risk black ice tommorow.

Posted 2/22/08 10:34 PM

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Send me a Neenie mask and I'll go in your place.

Posted 2/22/08 10:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by dm24angel

Its ok now on the roads but will freeze tonight and so you risk black ice tommorow.

That's my other concern. I really just hate driving in conditions like that.

We got her really nice gifts too lol, but i was thinking of returning them to BRU tomorrow and getting her a gift card for the same amount and putting a little note in the card about what we had bought and intended to give her... so she could put the GC toward that, and get the stuff this week instead of waiting a month (in which time i'm sure she'll need it since she's due in like 2 weeks).

Posted 2/22/08 10:38 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Me personally, if I wanted to go based on who the person was, I would go. But then again, weather like this doesn't generally deter me. I really suspect tomorrow will be more messy than anything else. But if it concerns you that much, and you can get away with not going, don't go.

Posted 2/22/08 10:40 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by neenie

Posted by dm24angel

Its ok now on the roads but will freeze tonight and so you risk black ice tommorow.

That's my other concern. I really just hate driving in conditions like that.

We got her really nice gifts too lol, but i was thinking of returning them to BRU tomorrow and getting her a gift card for the same amount and putting a little note in the card about what we had bought and intended to give her... so she could put the GC toward that, and get the stuff this week instead of waiting a month (in which time i'm sure she'll need it since she's due in like 2 weeks).

why would she have to wait a month? Cant you mail it?

P.s I mean I know ALL ABOUT you and Shower gifts Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/22/2008 10:41:21 PM.

Posted 2/22/08 10:40 PM

So worth the wait :)

Member since 10/07

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

hmmm now I see why you replied that its a good thing my friends shower isn't tomorrow lol.......don't feel too bad about cancelling, if its a long drive and its supposed to be nasty out, I'm sure she'll understand. stinks since you already got her a nice gift!! good luck, and whatever you choose tomorrow, be safe!

Posted 2/22/08 10:42 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

I would feel too guilty not going if the roads are what they are right now. Wait it out...tommorrow if the roads are slick ...dont go. The other thing that would make me feel guilty is the amount of people that were going with you. They all wont be there as well and it probably will cost the "party thrower" alot of money. Obviously if the roads are slick stay home. If they are decent, I would go.

Posted 2/22/08 10:43 PM

Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

If you have any level of discomfort...don't go. Always trust your 6th sense.

I would mail her the gifts w/ a card apologizing for missing the shower.

Posted 2/22/08 10:43 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

I say s-ck it up and go. THen, if it starts to get gross out again, leave early.

Posted 2/22/08 10:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by dm24angel

why would she have to wait a month? Cant you mail it?

P.s I mean I know ALL ABOUT you and Shower gifts Chat Icon Chat Icon

they're pretty big- the exersaucer, swing, bouncy-kid thingy.... money is tight for her and her DH, i'd rather give her more $$ on the GC than spend it all on shipping Chat Icon

PS- you got your gift, didn't you! Chat Icon (doesn't matter that Noah was like old enough to sign for the delivery himself though) Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/08 10:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by neenie

Posted by dm24angel

why would she have to wait a month? Cant you mail it?

P.s I mean I know ALL ABOUT you and Shower gifts Chat Icon Chat Icon

they're pretty big- the exersaucer, swing, bouncy-kid thingy.... money is tight for her and her DH, i'd rather give her more $$ on the GC than spend it all on shipping Chat Icon

PS- you got your gift, didn't you! Chat Icon (doesn't matter that Noah was like old enough to sign for the delivery himself though) Chat Icon Chat Icon

yes we got and LOVVVEEEEDD our gift and you did bring the obligatory Book....LOL Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

OHHH, that would cost a lot to ship...Yeah go the gift card route and maybe something small to outfit or one of those star stuffed animals they have at BRU.

OH OH OH..I may have to go on Sudnay, wanna meet up?

Posted 2/22/08 10:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by dm24angel
OH OH OH..I may have to go on Sudnay, wanna meet up?

Yes!! let me know! Even if i dont return them, i'll still meet up!!!

Meanwhile- i even spent 45 minutes at that little station thingy wrapping them too. (i stink at wrapping, so this is a big deal).

i feel SOOOO torn. Chat Icon For some reason, i just have a bad feeling, and unfortunately when i get that feeling its usually right.

Posted 2/22/08 11:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by LittleBlueBug

If you have any level of discomfort...don't go. Always trust your 6th sense.

This is what my mom was just saying.

Posted 2/22/08 11:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by leighla

Send me a Neenie mask and I'll go in your place.

You rock!

I'll FM you a list describing the entourage that you need to bring with you, as well! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 12:30 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

I'd probably go. And if the roads are as bad as you think. Just turn around & go home.

Posted 2/23/08 7:52 AM

22 Months?!!!!

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)


if you feel uncomfortable, i say don't go

honestly though, i was on the LIE last night during the precipitation and it really was not bad at all - the roads were totally clear

Posted 2/23/08 8:11 AM

Peace out Homies!

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Since I was just out this morning...I say go. The roads aren't bad at all and the precipitation seems to be done.Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 8:22 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

Posted by neenie

Posted by LittleBlueBug

If you have any level of discomfort...don't go. Always trust your 6th sense.

This is what my mom was just saying.

ITA. your safety and the safety of those that you are driving is more important than a baby shower. i am sure your cousin will understand.

Message edited 2/23/2008 8:28:10 AM.

Posted 2/23/08 8:27 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney)

My husband said the roads weren't bad - but if you have any reservation about going - then don't.

If you do go - I would leave by 3 though - that way you are on the road and home before it starts to get too dark.

Posted 2/23/08 8:28 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney) UPDATE

Thank you for all of the responses and feedback!!! Chat Icon

If it were just an hour away, i would definitely just $uck it up and go, but with picking them up in the 2 different places in brooklyn and then going from there, it's 2.5-3 hrs each way- i feel like that's kind of pushing my luck Chat Icon

Thank you again!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 8:40 AM

Partners in crime

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney) UPDATE

Glad you didn't have to make the decision yourself. Better to be safe than sorry.Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 9:09 AM

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Re: WWYD? (Warning: It may read as very Whiney) UPDATE

Posted by LittleBlueBug

If you have any level of discomfort...don't go. Always trust your 6th sense.

I would mail her the gifts w/ a card apologizing for missing the shower.

i agree.

if it were me and someone did this w/ my shower - i would TOTALLY understand - you don't mess around when it comes to really bad weather, driving and LONG trips! Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 10:18 AM

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