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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Hey Girls,
Maybe you can help me out. We're suppose to go up to Lake George tomorrow with our friends and we'll be there until Sunday. Last minute they *may* not come because they are concerned their son won't sleep. (He's 2) He goes down okay but usually stirs around 1-2am for a few minutes and then talks himself back to sleep. When he's home it's not a problem BUT when he is out of his element he can't get himself to fall back asleep in the middle of the night. would you handle this?
If you were them would you:
1) Not go at all for fear he may be up all night
2) Go and if it's really bad that night come home the next day
3) Go and maybe give him a little Benadryll to help make him a little more drowsy so he doesn't stir in the middle of the night
ANY and ALL suggestions are very appreciated!! Thanks girls!!
Message edited 7/28/2009 10:43:25 AM.
Posted 7/28/09 10:42 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I’d go and plan on staying the whole time. As much as I value DD sleeping well, I wouldn’t not do things like a fun trip away just to get her to sleep well at home. We went to Sesame Place last week and stayed at a hotel overnight…DD would NOT sleep, it was a nightmare. But we’re still taking a weeklong vacation in August. Do I worry that she won’t sleep and will be a crankpot? Yes. But not enough to stop me from going, never even considered it! Hopefully he’ll get so tired out, esp. if he doesn’t sleep well the first few nights, that he’ll conk out eventually.
I would never give my child medicine if they weren’t sick to help them sleep. Ever.
Posted 7/28/09 10:54 AM |
Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I voted go and see how it goes the 1st night. I would NOT give a child anything just to make them go to sleep, ever - but that is JMHO.
Posted 7/28/09 10:54 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Posted by 1stimemom
I voted go and see how it goes the 1st night. I would NOT give a child anything just to make them go to sleep, ever - but that is JMHO.
I posted almost the same response (with more) at the same time, funny!
Posted 7/28/09 10:55 AM |
I love chocolate

Member since 4/06 2047 total posts
Name: Stef
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I would go.
The child won't learn to sleep in different situations if he is never exposed to. Staying home won't help the situation.
I wouldn't give him any drugs to make him sleep.
Posted 7/28/09 10:56 AM |
Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Posted by nbc188
Posted by 1stimemom
I voted go and see how it goes the 1st night. I would NOT give a child anything just to make them go to sleep, ever - but that is JMHO.
I posted almost the same response (with more) at the same time, funny!
Great minds....
Posted 7/28/09 10:59 AM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Benedryl can make kids hyper as well- so I wouldn't go that route.
I agree with PP about just going. My 2 year old can go either way when we are on vacation. Sometimes she's so zonked from all the activity she sleeps beautifully, other times she's a mess.
Posted 7/28/09 11:00 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
ITA with everyone!!! I wouldn't do the Benadryll either.......just putting it out there in case. I wouldn't skip a vacation. If nothing else I would go and try it out for a night. That's what I told her to do so we'll see. Thanks for the replies!! least it's not just me that wouldn't care about her sleeping. I would never cancel a vacation!!
Posted 7/28/09 11:31 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I wouldn't give the kid medication, but I would not cancel my holiday, they will sort someting out when the kid wakes up.
Posted 7/28/09 11:33 AM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I voted Other.
I would go and see what happens. I would not give him Bendryl, I don't like to give medicine unless absolutely necessary. If he gets up in the middle of the night I would get up and try to get him back to sleep, the same as I would do at home if he were not able to fall back asleep on his own.
Posted 7/28/09 12:01 PM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
DD is not a good sleeper away from home. But I wouldn't let that stop me. And I wouldn't give her medication to make her sleep.
Posted 7/28/09 12:01 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Posted by MrsSteflily
I would go.
The child won't learn to sleep in different situations if he is never exposed to. Staying home won't help the situation.
I wouldn't give him any drugs to make him sleep.
I agree. I would try to stick to the nap schedule, etc as much as possible so it's doesn't worsen the problem. Maybe bring his blanket from home so things aren't as different.?
Posted 7/28/09 12:06 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
This is my take on it.
We have vacationed with Jack numerous times - including Italy. I am not going to stop my life for fear that he may/may not sleep while on vacation. I just deal with it.
Sleeping was very hard on our last trip, and very exhausting to deal with - but within a few days of being home he's back on his regular schedule.
And, I would never ever give the kid benadryl. That is crazy IMO!
ETA: The kid will sleep eventually.
Message edited 7/28/2009 1:53:12 PM.
Posted 7/28/09 12:32 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06 738 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I voted for other. I would go on the vacation and stay there whether DD was sleeping or not.
Posted 7/28/09 12:41 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
We are sort of in this boat right now. We have not been away with DS yet. Since I don't have much vacation time, we are planning a long weekend. Since I have not idea how he will sleep away from home, I plan on taking him and we'll see how it goes.
If the first night is completely miserable, we are close enough to home to just drive home. I am hoping that won't happen, but we won't know if we don't try. Until now, I haven't felt a need to get away, but I think we could all use a change of scenery and a break.
Posted 7/28/09 12:46 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Posted by cheshe
I voted for other. I would go on the vacation and stay there whether DD was sleeping or not.
Me too! I hope that my friend does the same. I would hate for them to miss out on the outside chance their DS might not sleep. Crossing my fingers she takes this point of view too!
Posted 7/28/09 12:47 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I also voted for "Other". DS has been to FL with us 2x. The first night was rough, second night got better and the nights got better and better while we were there.
It will take a night or two to adjust, but, in my experience, they get used to it.
DS slept in his PNP right next to our bed.
Posted 7/28/09 1:31 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I also voted "other."
I'd go and stay the whole time. Personally, I think it's ridiculous to even consider staying home from a vacation for this reason. I mean, maaaaaaaaybe if it was a tiny infant we were talking about - but a 2 year old? NO way!
And yeah, definitely would never consider the Benadryl scenario. (FYI, the one time I gave it to DD, she was a wild woman, but that's neither here nor there. )
Posted 7/28/09 1:36 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 686 total posts
Name: Fran
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
We are going to Lake George too, Aug 22. I have a 2 year old as well. Im worried about the kid sleeping too but I figure that I will go and see what happens. I bought a blow up bed for kids and I will try that. I figure if we run him around enough, he will pass out eventually!!
Posted 7/28/09 1:49 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I voted tha tiwould go for the first night and see what happens.
I wouldn't just stay home and I wouldn't give my kid anything to help her sleep.
Posted 7/28/09 2:11 PM |
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
I'm one to not want to go on vacation b/c I hate to interrupt sleeping schedules. I hate leaving my home in general. I get home sick fast!!!! I love my bed too much. BUT, face it, you can't live life so structured so of course I would go. Dh and I would work as a team and together we'd deal with it and get through it.
In fact the 5 of us are going tent camping in August and I'm not overly excited - but I'm still going b/c the kids will love it! Sleeping through the night is going to be a chore but we'll get through it.
Message edited 7/28/2009 2:37:38 PM.
Posted 7/28/09 2:20 PM |
Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06 2527 total posts
Name: D
Re: WWYD??? (WITH POLL) Advice Needed ASAP for a friend - TIA!
Posted by cheshe
I voted for other. I would go on the vacation and stay there whether DD was sleeping or not.
I agree!
Posted 7/28/09 2:28 PM |