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Yet another spit up question

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My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Yet another spit up question

I know some babies are spitter uppers...and I most definitely have one because she shows no signs of pain it just up and comes out. It can be 2 hours after her bottle. I didn't mind so much but now that she is on the floor playing a lot more on her belly, it's becoming and inconvenience and ruining all her outfits, the floor mat, etc.

Do you think it's worth it to try another formula or just deal with it?

Posted 4/21/07 8:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

Spitting up is normal. I wouldn't switch formulas unless it's excessive and curdled. Emma spits up a couple of times a day and I just keep a bib on her while we are home because I noticed it was staining her clothes as well. When she does get it on her clothes, I take them off and soak the spot with spray n wash, which seems to be working.

Posted 4/21/07 8:40 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

Well what do you consider excessive? She'll spit up like 2 or 3 times per bottle. And if we are in public or around a lot of people it's a lot more. Like I said - not in any pain, poops, etc...all that good stuff...just the whole spit up thing.Chat Icon

Posted 4/21/07 8:42 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

Posted by Kitkat

Well what do you consider excessive? She'll spit up like 2 or 3 times per bottle. And if we are in public or around a lot of people it's a lot more. Like I said - not in any pain, poops, etc...all that good stuff...just the whole spit up thing.Chat Icon

Maybe she is eating too fast? Is she burping a couple times during the feeding? If it's not curdled looking and looks just like the formula did going in, then I think it's fine, but I would speak to the ped. about it.

Posted 4/21/07 8:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

347 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

My son used to spit up excessive - im talking so much it went through his clothes and sometimes mine. He was bf though. I was so concerned but he grew out of it slowly but surely at about 3 months. He still spits up more then the average baby but does not soak his clothes anymore. I would not change formula if its only spit up with no other discomfort. See how it goes and give it time. My son would sometiems even smile after spitting up so I wasnt too concerned.

Posted 4/21/07 8:56 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

She smiles after it too Chat Icon . She is 5 months old now. It def isn't curdled when it comes up. I'll mention it to the doctor next week. She used to spit up a lot when she got burped a lot but she gets VERY mad if I take her bottle away so she only burps once or twice max after the whole bottle usually. How many times should she be burped for a 7 ounce bottle?

Posted 4/21/07 9:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

633 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

My two kids were the same way - I wouldn't swiutch formulas since its not bothering her, although with my DD we tried Enfamil AR and it did help a little bit since it was thicker.

I promise it will stop soon - once she learns how to sit up it will gradually decrease and then all of sudden you will wonder why you have 50 bibs and counteless burpies. Drew is 7 months old and he almost never spits up anymore - he just started keeping everything down about a month ago.

Hang in there!

Posted 4/21/07 9:56 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

You might find that as she moves around more and tries to do more, she will spit up more. Everytime she moves, it puts pressure on her belly, and then she'll spit up. Even though Ava had reflux, once she was on the floor trying to crawl around, it was so much worse. Then, by 6 months, she basically stopped spitting up altogether.

Posted 4/21/07 9:59 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Yet another spit up question

Posted by prncss

You might find that as she moves around more and tries to do more, she will spit up more. Everytime she moves, it puts pressure on her belly, and then she'll spit up. Even though Ava had reflux, once she was on the floor trying to crawl around, it was so much worse. Then, by 6 months, she basically stopped spitting up altogether.

That's what I'm finding right now - she loves being on her belly so all that squirming, etc. is making it worse. Thanks!

Posted 4/22/07 7:57 AM

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