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2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Just trying to get a sense of how kids in each district eat lunch as we are trying to come up with solutions to our new lunch issue.
Previously - they ate on little mats iwth lapdesks on the floor 6ft apart. They could be 6ft from anyone in their grade.
Currently - they are eating at their desks 3ft apart. They will remain in their classroom all day on cold days and since they are 3ft apart, removing their masks for 20 minutes will lead to quarantine of any unvaccinated child who hasn't had covid within 90 days within 6ft of the positive case.
Where do your kids eat lunch? How far apart do they sit? How long is lunch? Are they subject to quarantine?
Posted 1/27/22 8:43 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
DD is in middle school
Where do your kids eat lunch?- In the cafeteria
How far apart do they sit?- I honestly don't know- to hear DD talk I think it's just right next to each other like the old days but I have to ask her
How long is lunch? 40 minutes but they recently cut the eating time to 20 minutes so half the kids eat, then they leave to go outside or to the gym while the other half eats
Are they subject to quarantine? Yes at lunch only. My daughter came close once- but she was apparently one seat away from the quarantine area so she got lucky and didn't have to - but all her friends did
Posted 1/27/22 8:47 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 7/07 463 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
DS is in 5th grade
Where do your kids eat lunch? Half the kids eat in the cafeteria, half in the gym.
How far apart do they sit? My son eats in gym which has 6 foot folding tables set up and only two kids sit at that table. Each are seated at the heads of the table. I believe the kids in the cafeteria are also 6 feet apart.
How long is lunch? 20 min lunch/20 min recess
Are they subject to quarantine? I don't believe they are subject to quarantine because of how many feet apart they are.
Posted 1/27/22 9:00 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/14 7274 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
The little ones eat in the smaller cafeteria on a staggered schedule. I think it’s 2 classes at a time. They sit 3 feet apart with the plastic barriers. Lunch is 20 mins and then 20 min recess.
I have no idea if they’re subject to quarantine. I haven’t gotten a quarantine call this year (yet).
ETA in warmer weather they eat at picnic tables outside.
Message edited 1/27/2022 9:08:47 AM.
Posted 1/27/22 9:07 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
They are split into three groups - two remain in classroom spaced out. The other group goes to the cafeteria and sit at tables like they normally would. So it makes no sense to me what so ever.
Posted 1/27/22 9:50 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Posted by lululu
They are split into three groups - two remain in classroom spaced out. The other group goes to the cafeteria and sit at tables like they normally would. So it makes no sense to me what so ever.
That's what confuses me too- they split the kids so they can spread out I guess- but I am not sure they are spreading out. I have to ask my daughter if they make them sit apart- and enforce it- because to hear her talk it sounds like they are on top of each other like normal. She talks about how they share snacks, how they take selfies (they are allowed to have their phones for their lunch period) etc So I'm not too sure of the logic but then again there is no logic so....
Posted 1/27/22 9:58 AM |
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by lululu
They are split into three groups - two remain in classroom spaced out. The other group goes to the cafeteria and sit at tables like they normally would. So it makes no sense to me what so ever.
That's what confuses me too- they split the kids so they can spread out I guess- but I am not sure they are spreading out. I have to ask my daughter if they make them sit apart- and enforce it- because to hear her talk it sounds like they are on top of each other like normal. She talks about how they share snacks, how they take selfies (they are allowed to have their phones for their lunch period) etc So I'm not too sure of the logic but then again there is no logic so....
Then they leave school, like the kids I watch everyday going home from school together in packs, hanging out everyday at each other's houses, riding their bikes, in the summer selling lemonade, wrestling on my lawn
Posted 1/27/22 10:00 AM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
I know.
I'm just trying to gather research to see how things are handled in school.
Posted 1/27/22 10:03 AM |

Member since 12/12 6656 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
DD is in Kindergarten. She eats lunch in the gym at a desk 3 feet apart from other kids. They are allowed to talk but not really supposed to get up from their desks and go to other kid's desks. Of course, they're 5/6 years old so that's not always feasible and kids will be kids. They get about 20 minutes for lunch (in my experience when I've gone to assist with special lunch days) and then they spend the other 20 minutes of their lunch break outside in the field or on the playground.
They also have a peanut butter room for any kids who have brought peanut butter snacks/lunch. Desks are still 3 feet apart in there.
And yes, quarantine is required as directed by CDC. My DD is currently home today because she hasn't had her second dose of the vaccine and was exposed to a Covid positive person last night in close quarters. She's allowed to return after 5 days with a negative test, at home rapid tests are acceptable.
I'm in Nassau county and none of these restrictions bother me or my daughter. She's used to it, as well as wearing a mask.
Posted 1/27/22 10:23 AM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Sheesh Ali20206, way to be exclusionary!
{100% kidding}
Posted 1/27/22 10:45 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Where do your kids eat lunch? Cafeteria
How far apart do they sit? 3 per table. Not sure distance or size of table
How long is lunch? 20-30 minutes
Are they subject to quarantine? No. When my DS had Covid, no one at his table quarantined. Only people on the bus.
Posted 1/27/22 10:50 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/21 302 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Students…. 6 feet apart either in the cafeteria or art or music room at desks. They have art and music come to them in order to use the rooms for lunch. Desks on an “x” on the floor and god forbid they move it off the x they get reprimanded. Can only get up to throw things out once everyone is masked up at the end of lunch. I think prisoners have more freedom than my kids.
Teachers… a table 2019 style. How do I know? My friend who teaches there and eats in her car or classroom told me and showed me a photo.
Posted 1/27/22 12:59 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 794 total posts
Name: Kim
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Where do your kids eat lunch? In their class room at their tables
How far apart do they sit? Same distance as during the day. Definitely not even 3 ft apart.
How long is lunch? 20 lunch/ 20 recess
Are they subject to quarantine? I dont think so, DS hasnt had to quarantine yet!
For reference - he is in kindergarten.
Posted 1/27/22 1:22 PM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
They eat in the cafeteria at the tables. Lunch I think is 15-20 minutes They are not that far apart spread. But from what my DD told me they were able to pick who they wanted to sit next too and that’s who they sit next to everyday.
If there is a positive from the person you sit with then you are quarantined.
Posted 1/27/22 2:12 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/15 731 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Cafeteria 6 ft apart 20 mins Not subject to quarantine bc of distance
Posted 1/27/22 2:23 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Cafeteria at spaced desks 20 minute lunch No quarantines from lunch
Posted 1/27/22 4:06 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Thanks everyone!
They sent another email a little while ago. This is just a temporary fix and they are hoping to get the kids into the cafeteria at desks going forward.
Posted 1/27/22 4:24 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
All I know is they eat in the cafegymatorium
Posted 1/27/22 7:15 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15 793 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
In the cafeteria. They have dividers at the table 20 min lunch/20 min recess No quarantines from lunch. 4th grade
Posted 1/27/22 7:37 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
I’m in NJ and I homeschool so have any insight but I just cannot believe two years in this and masking nonsense still is continuing. I feel bad for all the parents and kids on this thread who have to deal with it.
Posted 1/27/22 8:25 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Posted by MrsA1012
I’m in NJ and I homeschool so have any insight but I just cannot believe two years in this and masking nonsense still is continuing. I feel bad for all the parents and kids on this thread who have to deal with it.
And people really think this nonsense and bullshitt makes a difference....that's even more mind blowing. Even the CDC finally admits those masks don’t work. Just like it says on the box
Posted 1/27/22 8:53 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by MrsA1012
I’m in NJ and I homeschool so have any insight but I just cannot believe two years in this and masking nonsense still is continuing. I feel bad for all the parents and kids on this thread who have to deal with it.
And people really think this nonsense and bullshitt makes a difference....that's even more mind blowing. Even the CDC finally admits those masks don’t work. Just like it says on the box . It’s all nonsensical theater. The kids could go to school with underwear on their heads every day and it would make as much difference! How people can support measures like this, I will never understand. The school requirements are as useless as the vaccine passports.
Message edited 1/27/2022 9:04:42 PM.
Posted 1/27/22 9:04 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
The principal called me last night after 6pm. I was cursing under my breath when I saw the school # pop up on my caller id thinking DS was heading into quarantine on day 1 but, they solved the issue.
They are now eating at desks in the cafeteria/gym multipurpose room. Spaced 6ft apart, no quarantines. The only downside is that the gym will not be able to be used going forward - which according to DS, they really weren't using much anyway since they couldn't use it during lunch periods and the gym teacher tries to get them outside as much as possible.
Posted 1/28/22 8:00 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/12 1461 total posts
Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Dd 1st grade-eats in classroom at desk/no partitions and only 3 feet away from others-dumb!!
Dd middle school-cafeteria class spaces from other classes-dumb!!
Posted 1/28/22 8:04 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 1/22 16 total posts
Re: Spinoff - how do your elementary kids in NY eat lunch?
Where do your kids eat lunch? Classroom How far apart do they sit? 3 feet I believe How long is lunch? 20 minutes then outside for recess weather permitting if not they have down time in classroom Are they subject to quarantine? not anymore unless they themselves test positive
Posted 1/28/22 8:06 AM |
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