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Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

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Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I know this has been discussed before - a while ago.

I am so anxious about this. I just read in one of my books that when pushing, anything in the rectum is going to come out. So now, since I am coming close to the end , I am trying to , ahem, go to the bathroom all the time bc I dont want to go to the hospital , then realize I have to go to the bathroom

Also - I think once you have the epi, you cant walk around anyway, (right???) so what happens if you have to go to the bathroom then??

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Posted 7/30/08 10:05 AM
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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I think drs are so used to it that they dont even mind anymore. Im sure it happens to lots and lots of people. Ive been trying to do the same thing. Trying to get myself on some sort of "schedule".

Posted 7/30/08 10:09 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

what about an enema?

Posted 7/30/08 10:11 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

If it happens, it happens the doctors and nurses have seen it a bazillion times. I'm not worried. If I poop it means I'm pushing right.

Posted 7/30/08 10:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/07

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Ok, I can definately answer this!! I just delivered last week..

It was my worst nightmare to poop while pushing, but it happened! DH had to point it out to me & the nurse yelled at him & said "why did you tell her?" (I had a feeling I did anyway)
I had the epidural so I couldn't walk around. They give you a foley catheter to urinate and if you have to go #2 then you just go, right there. Very mortifying, but it's just one of those things you can't control. In the 2 days before I delivered I was in the bathroom (#2) A LOT (sorry if TMI) so when it was time to go to the hospital I thought I wouldn't poop while pushing, but I was wrong. But trust me, as embarassing as it is, the nurses/doc/MW could care less.

Good luck!!

Posted 7/30/08 10:21 AM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Posted by Mama2Jennah

Ok, I can definately answer this!! I just delivered last week..

It was my worst nightmare to poop while pushing, but it happened! DH had to point it out to me & the nurse yelled at him & said "why did you tell her?" (I had a feeling I did anyway)
I had the epidural so I couldn't walk around. They give you a foley catheter to urinate and if you have to go #2 then you just go, right there. Very mortifying, but it's just one of those things you can't control. In the 2 days before I delivered I was in the bathroom (#2) A LOT (sorry if TMI) so when it was time to go to the hospital I thought I wouldn't poop while pushing, but I was wrong. But trust me, as embarassing as it is, the nurses/doc/MW could care less.

Good luck!!

ya - i guess its just routine for them but God - its so embarassing for us!

eta - and Dh is a jokester and said it was going to point and yell "poop' if I did! But i think if it actually does happen , he wont say anything and let me keep my dignity

Message edited 7/30/2008 10:27:21 AM.

Posted 7/30/08 10:26 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I am really nervous about this too. There are no secrets between DH and myself, and at times, even no dignity (lol), but I really don't fancy the idea of pooping in front of him. (I don't care about pooping in front of the docs/nurses.)

With my last DD, I was induced and sent straight from the OB's office. While DH went home to get my bags, I actually asked the nurse for an enema (since i could not use the one I had at home). She was delighted! And it was calm, pleasant, and no, no pooping on that table!

Posted 7/30/08 10:35 AM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I didn't poop on the table with DD so it doesn't always happen. You usually don't eat for several hours before the pushing starts so try not to worry about it. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/08 10:48 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

oh god, this is one of my fears as well, i will take a colace the night before and hope to go the following morning or afternoon, i am being induced tue at 6:30

Posted 7/30/08 10:55 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I asked my OB if he wears a "splash guard" because it WILL happen with me as I have been a slave to my intestines for the past 6 years. He said he wears them.

Posted 7/30/08 10:58 AM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I know if your being induced they won't let you eat past a certain point...
If i end up being induced i will try to clean myself out as best as I can prior...if not then whatever...Dr's are used to it...I mean something is obviously going to come out besides a baby when you are pushing that hard
and in the moment I probably won't care.

Posted 7/30/08 11:00 AM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Yet another reason I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad I have a scheduled csection!!!!! Thank goodness! Bad enough you have all these people looking at your cooch and then to let them all see your bowel movements...Dear LORD!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
On the other side, they're all used to

Posted 7/30/08 11:17 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

The closer I get the more I am considering an enema at home before I go to the hospital. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/08 11:19 AM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

First, please keep in mind that your body prepares for labor way more than you'll realize. Your body is designed to naturally clean itself out in preparation for the big event. It's one of the signs that labor is about to start, actually.
Second, labor can last for a really long time, and you generally can't eat during it, so your body isn't working to produce waste really at that point.
Third, once you're actually in labor and at the point of pushing - you most likely won't even think about the pooping possibility! You just want to meet that baby!!

By the way - I didn't when I gave birth to my daughter - it doesn't always happen!

Posted 7/30/08 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Posted by mikeswife06

The closer I get the more I am considering an enema at home before I go to the hospital. Chat Icon

How do you have an enema at home??Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/08 11:21 AM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I'm def. not worried. If it happens, it happens, so be it. I'm sure they've seen it 100s of times.

Posted 7/30/08 11:22 AM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Ok someone explain this to me as I'm confused. Where does it go exactly? I understand the catheter, I've had one of those before, but the poop, if you just have to go, even not while pushing and you say just go, where do you go?? Right on the bed where you're laying??

And while you're pushing if it happens, where does it go? Fall on the floor???? I'm sorry I'm just so confused and I've never been in a delivery room so I don't know the bed set-up.....

Posted 7/30/08 11:23 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Posted by newwife08

Posted by mikeswife06

The closer I get the more I am considering an enema at home before I go to the hospital. Chat Icon

How do you have an enema at home??Chat Icon

You can buy one at CVS type stores.

Posted 7/30/08 11:26 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Posted by CkGm

I didn't poop on the table with DD so it doesn't always happen. You usually don't eat for several hours before the pushing starts so try not to worry about it. Chat Icon

Same here. I woke up at 5am to to the hospital at 9am and was given the epi by 11 (maybe earlier) and slept on and off the rest of the day. I never ate that day (had a small dinner the night before because I was feeling "off") and when I delivered my son - he was the only thing that came out.

Posted 7/30/08 11:34 AM


Member since 7/06

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Mama :)

Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

when I first heard about this years ago, I was Chat Icon .. but now I am pregnant and there are so many other things that could possibly go wrong (but heaven forbid!), this issue suddently doesn't seem like a big deal to me anymore.
If it happens it happens.. I am already exposed on the table for all to see, I have to grow thicker skin.

Posted 7/30/08 11:47 AM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

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Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I didn't poop during delivery. I had the catheter for urine and no poopy issues. Also, by the time you are trying to push the baby out, you don't care about ANYTHING except delivering that baby. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/08 12:16 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08

402 total posts


Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Posted by mikeswife06

The closer I get the more I am considering an enema at home before I go to the hospital. Chat Icon

Do it! My doctor advised me years ago to replace the solution in the bottle with warm tap water, which is what I have done pre-labor.

Posted 7/30/08 1:33 PM

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Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

not an issue to me.....

it's sooo common during labor, and the staff is always so professional about it (they clean it up before anyone even notices) that I don't care.

after all, you're ALREADY on a table in pain and spread eagle.... I think of it this way... to become mothers, at first, we all must sacrifice our figures and our autonomy, and later, our comfort, and finally, our dignity.....

it's all worth it!

Posted 7/30/08 1:40 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

I have been SOOOO constipated since the day I got my BFP, so one of 2 things will happen:

1. i can make up for the last 9 months on that day OR

2. I will remain as constipated as i have been for the last 17 weeks

I feel like I push pretty darn hard at home and nothing happens so maybe that will be the case on the big day


Posted 7/30/08 1:54 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Can we revisit the pooping while pushing topic?

Posted by snowflake08

I have been SOOOO constipated since the day I got my BFP, so one of 2 things will happen:

1. i can make up for the last 9 months on that day OR

2. I will remain as constipated as i have been for the last 17 weeks

I feel like I push pretty darn hard at home and nothing happens so maybe that will be the case on the big day


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Oh my too! I was wondering if the constipation during pregnancy was to prep us for pushing.

Posted 7/30/08 1:57 PM
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