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How often do people impose?

Forum Opinion Poll
At least 1x a day 3 6.00%
A couple of times a week 8 16.00%
Several times a week 2 4.00%
Once in a while 24 48.00%
Way too often! 8 16.00%
Never (lucky you! lol) 5 10.00%

How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

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Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

7979 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

My dad's side of the family is the worst. No one on DH's side and no one on my mom's side asks, but since my dad's side is averaging about two babies a year, I get asked a lot. Particularly by my grandmother's two sisters. One of their daughters asked me when I was having them, and said I shouldn't wait because her friends waited until they were 30 and had problems. (I'm 26). I was hurt by that.

Posted 3/12/09 9:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

2179 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

Really only occassionally from my mother. She really wants to be a grandma. I told her my brother got married first, bug him. It usually works. We are going to wait a few more years. Sometimes my co-workers will say things but no one has been overly obnoxious about it...yet.

Posted 3/12/09 9:47 PM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

6765 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

Posted by JennandRolo

about once or twice a week...and for some reason always from the same people

Same here but we are newlyweds so Im sure it will taper off. We do plan on them eventually just not for a few years.

Posted 3/12/09 9:52 PM

Our Ron is an awesome Ron

Member since 4/07

9091 total posts

baby fish mouth

Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

IMHO, I think people only ask this because they lack in communication skills... Just like when right after you get married people say 'Soooooo how's married life??' you know?

ummm married life is the same life as before!! Chat Icon

I think people have nothing else to say sometimes and only *expect* that you'll have children next. This expectation is outdated as many more people are not having children.

Just like when you've been dating for a while, people will ask 'when are you getting married?'

I know plenty of people who have no desire to get married... doesn't make them less of a couple or a family.

Posted 3/13/09 9:27 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/08

885 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

Posted by MrsM-6-7-08

I was just asked by my doctor 2 times
He said

"when are you going to have babies you are getting old"

I think i am going to find a new doctor
i was really insulated, this happened at 2 visits within a week apart

This DID happen to me, and I DID find a new doctor. I was 30 and she literally fought me on not wanting to renew my BC!!! As well as insulting me and calling me old she basically told me my child has a good chance of being born DISFORMED if i kept waiting. I "LOL" you not.

To answer your question, yes !! I get asked a lot. We have been married less than 6 months, and I may be paranoid but I could swear MIL stares at my uterus. She just sees me as a walking WOMB for her future babies
Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/09 10:12 AM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

Posted by theburbshereicome
I may be paranoid but I could swear MIL stares at my uterus.
Chat Icon

Chat Icon I'm not laughing AT you- but that was hilarious.

Message edited 3/13/2009 10:15:31 AM.

Posted 3/13/09 10:15 AM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

DH and I do plan to have children, but we wanted to be married for a bit first. My assistant principal was actually the worst offender - last spring, I think he asked me once a day! I had to threaten him with the teacher's union to get him to knock it off.

Interesting, but it's mostly random people (the lady at my deli, distant relatives, the occasional colleague) that ask most often. We've NEVER gotten any pressure from family or friends.

Posted 3/13/09 11:12 AM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

To be honest, we rarely hear it. Maybe it is because none of my friends are married and because the one piece of advice we got from both of your families was to wait and enjoy our time together.

Posted 3/14/09 8:48 AM

Cocktail Time!

Member since 10/08

4978 total posts

American mouth

Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

I answered once in a while because it usually only happens at a family gathering. I don't mind it too much...I just laugh it off and say nooo way, not yet...That usually gets the point across Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/09 9:31 AM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

Not as much anymore as I did right after the wedding.
It did just happen two weeks ago at a friend's baby shower. I saw again some of my neighbors from the old neighborhood and upon hearing that I got married, of course asked, so when are you next ? I can't be rude to these ladies, so I politely say that I'm too old (I'm 42) and it would be difficult for me without my mom. That ususally works.

For my friends, I usually just tell them that Mike doesn't want children. End of story.

Posted 3/14/09 1:19 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/09

481 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

I went to a Christening today and I was asked way too many times--relax I haven't been married a year yet. I hate that question

Posted 3/14/09 9:44 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/08

29 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

I get it the most from other teachers or from parents. The parents of my students are totally planning, they want to make sure none of their kids get stuck with a sub.Chat Icon My family and friends are non-intrustive though My SILs have been asking since the week of our wedding (they really want to be aunties)

Posted 3/16/09 7:31 PM

Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08

15158 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

I get it less often now.. It is most likely because I was sooooo snippy when people asked in the past.

Posted 3/16/09 8:15 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/08

45 total posts


Re: How often do you get, "When are babies coming along?"

I feel like I get this question everyday. I think it may be bc I'm a newlywed but I'm quite tired of it.

Posted 3/17/09 11:45 AM
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