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Double Stroller Help.......

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So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08

6368 total posts


Double Stroller Help.......

DD will be 13 months old when DS arrives in July, so we'll definitely be needing a double stroller. We have the Chicco Cortina car seat now, which is what DS will be using when he arrives. As far as I can tell, there is no double stroller that Chicco makes that I can just snap the car seat into like I can with our travel system now. What are my options here?? Does Snap n' Go make something like what I'm looking for? Does Chicco make one that I'm just not aware of?? I'm so confused!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

TIA! Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/10 8:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/06

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Re: Double Stroller Help.......

we have the same issue with our eddie bauer... what we ended up doing was i got a city mini double as my main stroller with the extra supports for a newborn.. i will have to take him out of the carrier but what am i gonna do

now dh and i have to take my older ds to get his hair cut on tuesday and run some errands so, since there are two of us, we plan on bringing my travel system stroller for ds#2 and my umbrella for ds#1... i have a mini van so i have the room... i also plan on doing the same if i go out with my mother.... however we didnt use the carrier for long with ds and i do not intend on using the carrier for very long with this baby either so that was a major deciding point

i do have to say that i wish that i had known that my carrier was not going to have compatibility with double strollers because i would of never have picked it in the first place since we always intended on having our children close in age

Posted 1/17/10 9:31 AM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: Double Stroller Help.......

don't quote me on this but I believe the city mini double can support the chicco carseat with the car seat adapter. I remember reading that on here, but didn't need to look into it since I have a graco car seat. I would maybe look into that.

Posted 1/17/10 10:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

1314 total posts


Re: Double Stroller Help.......

Hello! My children are 12 months apart and I looked high and low for the perfect double. I ended up with the Peg Perego Aria twin because it was smaller and the graco car seat fit low into it. I didn't like the city mini double because the carseat adapter was too big. My stroller stinks because my older one is constantly touching my younger one and poking him in the eye. He is finally getting better- now at 8 months and 20 months. I usually try to take two strollers when we go out- the city mini and the snap and go.

Posted 1/17/10 10:14 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: Double Stroller Help.......

Chicco is coming out with a double stroller in the summer. I inquired about this last year as DH and I contemplated TTC again. It could be coming out sooner. Write to their customer service department. Good luck.

Posted 1/17/10 10:30 AM

So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08

6368 total posts


Re: Double Stroller Help.......

Posted by Goldi0218

Chicco is coming out with a double stroller in the summer. I inquired about this last year as DH and I contemplated TTC again. It could be coming out sooner. Write to their customer service department. Good luck.

This is great to know. I will definitely do that.

Thanks for the responses ladies!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/10 11:55 AM

lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05

7401 total posts


Re: Double Stroller Help.......

yes, the 2010 city mini double takes the chicco. the adaptor for that started shipping out yesterday (i wrote the company). The Bumbleride Indie Twin also takes the Chicco and that is what we are going to get. I think the Mountain Buggy double also takes it. You can write Kelly at for help, she's great!

Posted 1/17/10 12:35 PM

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Member since 9/08

3762 total posts


Re: Double Stroller Help.......

Valco Baby makes a double stroller which has an infant carrier adapter for Chicco.

LOVE my stroller

Posted 1/17/10 12:38 PM

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