LIF Infant

Member since 8/09 130 total posts
Name: Katie
Formula allergy? Reflux? Help!!
DS is almost 5 months old and had been exclusively BF for the first 4 months. Then, I introduced one bottle of emfamil a day (I work so he gets 3 bottles a day, and I BF morning and night). About 10 days into it, he started refusing the bottle of emfamil, throwing up, and got a rash all over his body. Also he became extremely sleepy - sleeping through his last feeding of the day, taking 3+ hour naps, etc. The doc didn't think it was an allergy to the formula because there was no blood in his stool, and told me to lay off the formula for a few days but try again once he seemed back to normal. So I tried again, but he refused to take it. But I'm just not producing enough milk anymore and I have no more frozen back up supply, so I need to give him formula. So the other day I tried similac, which he's not crazy about, but he's taking it. This morning was his first full bottle, and he threw about half of the bottle back up right after finishing it. I feel like I'm torturing him for no good reason. Do I need to wait 7-10 days now to see if a rash shows up again? And wait for there to be blood in his stool? Or could this just be reflux, and is his body just getting used to the formula? Mind you - when I started with the emfamil, he was fine at first. My poor baby.