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Moms Due in July..

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LIF Toddler

Member since 11/10

451 total posts


Moms Due in July..

My due date is July 30th and just wondering if any of you are experiencing any symptoms? Its not that Im looking for morning sickness or anything but sometimes I worry a bit? The most I feel is a little cramping...?? Anyone else on the same page?

Posted 11/26/10 5:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

280 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I'm due July 11. The morning sickness comes and goes. I really didn't have any symptoms at first except for gas and cramps. Then my boobs started to hurt a bit, and I started to get some morning sickness.. Today, I don't even feel pregnant. My boobs are just a bit sore, not too bad.

Have a happy and healthy 9 months :O)

Posted 11/26/10 5:38 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/10

451 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

Oh yeah now that you mention it I do get ALOT of gas!! lol

Happy and Healthy to you as well!

Posted 11/26/10 5:40 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

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Re: Moms Due in July..

Due July 4th. I'm just shy of 9 weeks and full on nauseau all afternoon into night. feel like a train ran me over and then after a truck...not fun at all

Posted 11/26/10 6:23 PM

Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09

8306 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

aww July mommas!!!!!!!!!!

I'm due July 3rd (Pickles! they moved me up a day!!)

I felt symptoms since the BFP... but some were mild. Now they are stronger at times for sure.

Overall my symptoms have been:
sore boobs
sneezing all the time
peeing a whole lot
vivid dreams
cant stay asleep... also wake up for every little sound and movement, have a hard time falling back asleep
slight cramping from time to time
sleepy at random times of the day
feeling run down
strange feelings of insane hunger and stuffed
I can smell things from really far away

umm, that's all I can think of at the moment.

With having all those symptoms, I do not feel them all at once... so that's good... and there are still times where I feel great and not like I'm even pregnant at all. I had more of those moments in the real beginning though.


i love seeing July preggos!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: gas pains too....

Message edited 11/26/2010 7:03:04 PM.

Posted 11/26/10 7:01 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

Huge, hurtful boobs
Extreme back pain
Nausea just started today

I'm due July 28.

Posted 11/26/10 7:26 PM

loving my babies!

Member since 4/08

4594 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

due July 25 and so far my only symptoms are random extreme tiredness, some crampiness and small amt of nausea. With DD the real symptoms didnt really hit until around 7 weeks.

Posted 11/26/10 7:33 PM


Member since 6/10

4094 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

Due July 14th

Symptoms have been:

nausea here and there
clenching my teeth the past few days for whatever reason
sore boobies
was getting headaches but that stopped

thats it so far

Posted 11/26/10 7:36 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

Due July 3/4 (OB gave me both!Chat Icon )

symptoms so far have been:
-extreme tiredness
-nausea (no throwing up though) but this is getting better

Posted 11/26/10 9:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

2827 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I didnt go to the Dr yet but I think I am due on 7/31.

I am not tired or sick at all.

I just have sore boobs and I cant sleep through the night.

Posted 11/26/10 9:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

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Re: Moms Due in July..

Posted by BeachGal

I didnt go to the Dr yet but I think I am due on 7/31.

I am not tired or sick at all.

I just have sore boobs and I cant sleep through the night.

due 7/21 and almost ditto. i have indigestion and feel really stuffed no matter how little i eat. also keep waking up at 4am. the boob soreness comes and goes but right now they are KILLING me and feel like 1,000 lbs.

yay for July moms! Chat Icon

Posted 11/26/10 10:00 PM

Hidey Ho!

Member since 2/10

1669 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

congrats!!! im due july 23rd- so far my symptoms are:
sore and swollen boobs
very tired by mid-afternoon/evening
achy & cramps in belly- mostly gas i think
vivid dreams- i actually had one that i was having triplet baby chicks! hahahahah
peeing ALL the time

so far no morning sickness as of now- im 6 weeks today. im keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way! lol i thought the same thing about the lack of symptoms though, dont worry.

best of luck july mommies!!!!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 11/27/2010 4:16:42 PM.

Posted 11/26/10 10:17 PM

Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09

8306 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

WOW there's a lot more July moms than I realized!!!!

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Posted 11/26/10 10:44 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

8423 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

im due either 6.30 or 7.1 we'll see how baby measures in an hour or so Chat Icon

if you are due 7.30, you may just be too early to have symptoms. mine didnt kick in until about 7w but its been rough since then.

nausea (havent puked yet though!)
extreme exhaustion
body aches
#2 issues
brown spotting on and off

that's all i can think off of hand. but other than OHSS IVF complication, i felt pretty normal up until aroundd 7w.

Posted 11/27/10 8:16 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

140 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

im due july 1st'ish.

i havent had many symptoms that arent tolerable. Generally i feel really great. what i have noticed is:
constipation (i think from pre-natals)
random tiredness where i can nod off for 2-3 hours (im not normally like that)
sore boobs (ive had this from before testing for my BFP)
lately i feel a little nauseous, mainly when i lay down at night. Yesterday was the first time i had major dry heaving but no throwing up
random times of smells bothering me (its been alcohol and buffalo wings lol)

Posted 11/27/10 8:23 AM

it's only forever

Member since 11/10

1598 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

wow this is so cool to see all these july mommies. it makes it seem so REAL. i have been having symptoms pretty much the entire time:
sore, heavy boobs
waking up twice a night to pee (started at 6 weeks)
not sleeping well
come and go nausea but no throwing up thank god.

ETA i am due july 11

Message edited 11/27/2010 8:45:30 AM.

Posted 11/27/10 8:32 AM

Mason's mommy!

Member since 12/09

3623 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I'm not a July mommy,but I will tell you that I had zero pregnancy symptoms (besides a little cramping) until after I hit 8 weeks.

Literally I wouldn't have even known I was pregnant Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/27/10 8:35 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/09

379 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

Posted by Mugsy4

I'm due July 11. The morning sickness comes and goes. I really didn't have any symptoms at first except for gas and cramps. Then my boobs started to hurt a bit, and I started to get some morning sickness.. Today, I don't even feel pregnant. My boobs are just a bit sore, not too bad.

Have a happy and healthy 9 months :O)

This is exactly how I feel. Whew! I am glad someone else feels the same! I'm due July 6th I think. I have a dr. appointment on Wednesday!

Posted 11/27/10 8:44 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

143 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I'm Due July 8th !!!

I havent had too many symptoms...

Nausea on and off
Tired alllll the time
Little Cramping
Definitely gassy
Sore sore boobs
Pee a lot

I think that's it!!! Congrats to all you July mommy's I am still can't believe I am preggers yet....

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Posted 11/27/10 9:06 AM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

i'm due july 16th!

these are my symptoms so far:

always exhausted (i get about 10 hours of sleep and its just never enough)
sore, firm and heavy boobies
intense hunger, but then i'll feel really full after a couple bites of food (i need to eat something like every 2 hours cause i'll feel hot and shaky if i dont)
no m/s... yet

but other than that, i'm ok!

Posted 11/27/10 4:00 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/10

28 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

due 7/30

experiencing fatigue and nausea so far (though neither are as bad as they were with my 1st)

Posted 11/27/10 8:34 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

280 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I'm due July 11th too :O)

Posted 11/27/10 8:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/07

132 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I am due July 20th and I am soo tired and nauseous. My nausea started on week 6 with DS and it started the same exact day with this pregnancy. Hopefully it doesn't last a whole 10 weeks like last timeChat Icon I've been having cramping on and off too.....

Message edited 11/28/2010 7:52:56 AM.

Posted 11/28/10 7:52 AM

Thank you St. G for my boy PJ!

Member since 5/10

1756 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

I'm due July 22nd! I just started my 6th week. My frist Dr.'s appt is Wednesday. Like you, I'm a little nervous that I have a few symptoms, but after reading these posts I feel better.

I have sore boobs that are definitely bigger.
Very sensitive nips
My skin feels amazing!
Change in BM
I always feel so full after I eat...for like hours!
bloat...I have a bloat bump!

It is so exciting to see all these July Mommies!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/10 8:00 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/09

198 total posts


Re: Moms Due in July..

Hi, I'm due July 11th :)
I've had:
sore boobies (bigger too ;))
nonstop fatigue no matter how much I rest
lots of cramps, usually towards the evening
gas pains
dry heaves
my stomach growls, bu thenI dont wan to eat
no appetite
cravings for something one second, gone the next before i can even leave the couch to get it.
I'm sure there's more that I'm fogetting.
But I couldn't be happier and I can definitely deal with anything as long as its just symptoms.
Congrats to all mommies to be!

Message edited 11/28/2010 8:58:13 AM.

Posted 11/28/10 8:57 AM
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