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Member since 5/05 1261 total posts
Moms due in are you feeling?
I'm almost 8 weeks..OMG I can't believe that already! How are you ladies feeling?
Posted 9/11/09 7:28 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I'm 10 wks today and feeling great. Still very minor symptoms. I have been more tired lately, Occassional insomnia (last night was bad), real hungry, but only when I wake, pee 3 or 4 times in the night and my belly is starting to grow (this is my 2nd child, 4th pregnancy) infact I have school today and don't know what the heck I'm going to wear that won't be uncomfortable sitting at a desk all day. Overall tho I feel great, I hardly "feel" pregnant! I had the same kind of pregnancy with DS, but with my history I worry all the time. Can't wait for my Ultrascreen on 9/29. That seems like so far away.
How are you feeling?
Posted 9/11/09 7:40 AM |

Member since 5/05 1261 total posts
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I haven't been feeling too good latley. I started feeling nauseas last seems like everyday there is a new challenge. This is my 2nd pregnancy, 1st child. I had a mc 2 yrs ago, but I have to think positive, cause I've passed where I was last time, which was 4 weeks.
Posted 9/11/09 7:45 AM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I am 10w4d today. Still having really bad m/s. Really tired most of the time. I have this really bad pain right by my tailbone when I bend over.
I was just telling DH that I hope I feel better soon, bc I really want to enjoy my pregnancy!
Posted 9/11/09 10:41 AM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I'm 10w3d today.
A little queasy on and off- but nothing terrible.
I either have no appetite at all, or I'm starving. Never just hungry.
Still really tired- I have no problem falling asleep- but I wake up several times during the night.
I can't wait til my appointment next week so I know everything is still ok.
Posted 9/11/09 11:17 AM |
nicholas is one!!

Member since 9/07 6081 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
im 10 weeks today. been nauseus since the beginning and had throwing up for 3 weeks .. on zofran now. has made me a little better but still nauseus... insomnia too. no appetite really.. thats about it. lol. looking forward to feeling better so i can also enjoy my pregnancy. next ob appt is on the 21st and then the 28th is my ultrascreen appt.
Posted 9/11/09 11:20 AM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I'm 7W2D today and knock on wood, I feel fine besides waves of exhaustion.
Posted 9/11/09 11:23 AM |
My boys :-)

Member since 3/09 6659 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I'm 9 weeks and I'm ok...better so far than I expected.
Evern though:
I'm either not interested in food or absolutely ravenous.
Tired all the time I can sleep anywhere, but don't sleep through the night I wake up at least two times a night to go to the bathroom.
I don't have as much nasuea but it comes and goes.
Toothpaste makes me gag...UGH..every morning and night I go through this.
I still have slight cramping but not as much as earlier.
Hope everyone is feeling ok. I can't wait to get to the 2nd trimester 
Posted 9/11/09 11:59 AM |
My greatest joy is my baby boy

Member since 1/07 2772 total posts
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
i am 9w3d today and i'm feeling good, but each day is different. like bluekat toothpaste makes me gag so that is a day struggle but othherwise, the nausea is gone and I'm not as exhausted as I was just last week, although when i'm tired it hits me like a ton of bricks and i need to sleep. as far as food, i'm either starving or i could care less about eating - which is mostly at night around dinner time.
looking forward to my next appt on 10/4 so i know everything is still ok!
Posted 9/11/09 12:39 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
Im about 10 weeks and change a feel ok.
Tired, but nothing I can't deal with. DD has been sleeping great lately so that really helps.
Go for my 12 week ultrasound on 9-23, DD's 2nd birthday.
Posted 9/11/09 2:10 PM |

Member since 5/07 4747 total posts
Name: Shiv
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and feel great! I have had no sickness at all. I just get tired faster these days, so I try not to schedule too many things in one day. My pants are starting to get tighter but no weight gain, so I guess it's just bloating? All in all, this has been a very uneventful pregnancy so far.
I can't wait to be out to everyone and be able to talk about it. We've told everyone close to us but will tell everyone else at 12 weeks!!
Oh and I'm a BM in my BF's wedding next week, very excited but hope I'm not too shot before the party's over!
Posted 9/11/09 3:30 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/09 688 total posts
Name: Kate
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
7W2D today! Just had our first internal sono yesterday and saw the babe with yolk sac, and saw (but didn't hear) the heartbeat which was 142, and the lady said that was perfect!!
feeling nauseous pretty much all the time :( it's so hard because it's too early to tell people, but i'm feeling so sick at work and people are like "should you maybe go to the dr.??? you haven't felt well for like a week!!"
also very tired, and not able to eat too much, yet somehow have gained like 2 lbs...?? weird.
hope you're all feeling great!!!
Posted 9/11/09 4:49 PM |
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
Almost 8 weeks here and I feel like complete crap, complete nausea on and off all day but worse at night. My insomnia has gotten better for this week and I am actually only waking once a night. I just hope that I only have 4 more weeks of this.
On a happy note, went to the doc this week, little nugget's heartbeat was pounding away! next appointment is the ultrascreen on October 6th.
Posted 9/11/09 5:59 PM |
Member since 8/09 3846 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
In my 8th week and I am over (I think) my really bad nausea which I had for about 2 weeks so I can finally eat like a normal person. Even though I have become SO picky about what I eat. Last night I had mashed potatoes and a salad! I am SUPER tired but that could also be because I just started work again (teacher). I am still suffering from mild insomnia, I just can't fall asleep at night, then I ALWAYS get up to pee at around 3 and 5 a.m. I am also still having mild cramping which freaks me out, but other than that I am ok! I cannot WAIT for the 2nd trimester.
I tell you I am not really liking being pregnant because all I do is worry. I say a little prayer before I pee each time to ensure that it will be ok! I can't believe I will be worrrying for another 7 months!
Posted 9/11/09 6:00 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/08 873 total posts
Name: lauren
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
I am 10w4d today. Still having really bad m/s. Really tired most of the time. I have this really bad pain right by my tailbone when I bend over.
I was just telling DH that I hope I feel better soon, bc I really want to enjoy my pregnancy!
I'm 10 weeks 4 days also. I am also having pain in my lower back when I bend over. It is driving me crazy. Other then that I have been having naseua on and off mostly at night.I'm really tried all the time but surprisingly I'm sleeping better then I did before pregnancy. I guess i'm luck LOL.
Posted 9/11/09 6:01 PM |
Happy Family

Member since 8/09 6266 total posts
Name: JO
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
I am almost 10weeks and I am feeling really goood!!...I am really picky with food now, but I havent had any naseau(sp) My boobs are huge and I have been really tired and can fall asleep at a drop of a hat!
Posted 9/11/09 7:15 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/08 611 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
i'm feeling great so far just tired, pee a lot & always hungry! i'm almost 8 weeks- i'm a day b4 you! hope you are feeling better!
Posted 9/11/09 8:08 PM |
Time flies!

Member since 1/06 5698 total posts
Name: Aimee
Re: Moms due in are you feeling?
Okay all in all - but I have heartburn almost every single night and my back has been hurting every single morning when I wake up. But...things could be worse.
I was 8 weeks yesterday I think. Have my first sono next Wednesday.
Posted 9/12/09 12:11 AM |