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What are your food aversions?

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Member since 9/06

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Me!! All about ME!

What are your food aversions?

I had none the first time around & now even just the smell of Oranges repulse me Chat Icon Ughh. Actually all fruit make me sick to even look at it.

Yogart too,

Anyone else?

Posted 11/30/10 9:00 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

4399 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Everything! Coffee, tea, orange juice, all veggies and salad. It stinks! Hoping it goes away in a couple of weeks. All I want to eat are carbs. Not a good way to not gain weight.

Posted 11/30/10 9:28 AM


Member since 10/09

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Re: What are your food aversions?

Corn and grilled chicken.

Posted 11/30/10 9:28 AM


Member since 5/10

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Re: What are your food aversions?

can't smell or look at coffee in morning...but later on in day, I will want one.

and salad.

Posted 11/30/10 9:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

2348 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Meat! Chicken, steak, etc. Anything about it the smell of it, the way it looks, the taste. Yuck!

Posted 11/30/10 9:34 AM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

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Re: What are your food aversions?

anything I threw up during the first 16 weeks...which is ALOT. Slowly I am trying to try some of it again.

Posted 11/30/10 9:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

1364 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Pizza and mashed potatoes. My two FAVORITE things! Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/10 9:39 AM

Loving my bundle of pure JOY!

Member since 4/10

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Re: What are your food aversions?

my first trimester, i couldn't even look at most foods. the ones that bothered me the most were meats, lettuce, eggs, red bull, and ketchup.

Posted 11/30/10 9:47 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/07

132 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Pretty much everything except McDonalds, egg bagels, and root beer.....I am not having an easy time eating over here. I opened up the fridge this morning and just looking at it made me heaveChat Icon

Posted 11/30/10 10:06 AM

We are so blessed!!

Member since 1/07

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Re: What are your food aversions?

Posted by dlj97

Everything! Coffee, tea, orange juice, all veggies and salad. It stinks! Hoping it goes away in a couple of weeks. All I want to eat are carbs. Not a good way to not gain weight.

OMG me too!! I can't eat enough carbs! All of the above make me sick to even think about, except OJ, that I still like.

Posted 11/30/10 10:28 AM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

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Re: What are your food aversions?

chicken and eggs.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
but honestly, what seems appealing and unappealing changes every day...

Posted 11/30/10 10:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/09

1423 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

For the entire first trimester I was repulsed by vegetables, salad, chicken, fish, eggs, and oddly crackers (not good for my MS issues) pretty much anything that wasn't a carb made me ill.

Now most of that has gone away, but I still have trouble with eggs and fish.

Posted 11/30/10 12:03 PM

my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

steak, chicken and anything fried really turns my stomach...i've been eating all kinds of junk Chat Icon i wish i was craving fuits and veggies Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/10 12:05 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/10

407 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

a lot of beverages- water, ginger ale, all repulsed me.
Food - I only want cold fruits, fresh veggies and things like that.

Posted 11/30/10 12:06 PM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Meat in general - and I LOVE meat

Hot drinks (coffee, tea, etc)

I've been living on bagels and brothy soups

Posted 11/30/10 12:07 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

generally anything poultry but lately if you spread enough buffalo wing sauce and blue cheese or something equally delicious on a piece of non dry chicken I'm game.

Posted 11/30/10 12:11 PM


Member since 8/07

7972 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

For a while it was tomatoes and tomato based things like sauce and salsa. I can eat sauce again now (thank God!) but the tomatoes themselves still bother me.

Also, anything that has a lot of seasonings on it. It's like overload for my nose.

Posted 11/30/10 12:11 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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Re: What are your food aversions?

Red sauce. I hardly touch pasta these days. And it stinks because I love Italian food!!!

Posted 11/30/10 12:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/10

762 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Anything meat... I force it down cuz I feel like I have to get some protein but if it was up to me I'd stick to nothing but sides and salads... the more carbs the better!

Posted 11/30/10 12:26 PM

Mason's mommy!

Member since 12/09

3623 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

My first tri I was grossed out by salads and vinagrette (which is funny because I eat that every day). It got better by the 2nd tri, and now at 29 weeks I have zero aversions.

Posted 11/30/10 12:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

132 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Coffee Chat Icon . I'm hoping I get that back eventually because even though I know I'm probably better off, I find coffee to be such a social and comforting thing.

And swedish fish - funny thing is that a few days before I got my BFP I finished a whole bag of these in no time at all. I have a bag also sitting in my desk here at work and since finding out I'm pg, I can't stand the thought of them Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/10 1:25 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/07

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We Are So Grateful!

Re: What are your food aversions?

Carrots and lettuce.

Posted 11/30/10 1:56 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

140 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

buffalo wings and the smell of alcohol. DH comes home from watching sunday football and when i smell the beer on his breath i wanna throw up.

Posted 11/30/10 3:11 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

In pregnancy #1 and #2 - chicken and eggs.

In this pregnancy - some milk/dairy like products. I am 26 weeks and just started handling milk in cereal (mostly cereal and a little milk). Can't drink milk, eat yogurt, soft serve ice cream (one of my favorite things in the world and just started stomaching regular ice cream in small doses), no whip cream (which I craved with #2), even things like cheesecake, canoli filling, anything think and creamy. Also oatmeal which I was eating everyday before pregnancy still makes me gag.

As for fruit - I can't get enough of it - probably my only craving although not as strong as it was early on in the pregnancy.

Message edited 11/30/2010 5:40:50 PM.

Posted 11/30/10 5:39 PM

He's 1!

Member since 8/08

5649 total posts


Re: What are your food aversions?

Coffee and spearmint flavored gum

Posted 11/30/10 6:25 PM

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