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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts



has anyone had sever sleeping problems during the 1st trimester entering 2cdn trimester. All of a sudden instead of being tired I am getting 1.5-2 hrs of sleep per nite. Seems very strange at this point. I am not eating anything bad or having caffeine. In fact most of my pregnancy Ive had morning sickness. ANy thoughts?? TIA

Posted 5/21/06 7:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: insomnia

i don't sleep much. i am up all the time to pee and it takes forever to go back to sleep. i always have soething on my mind.

Posted 5/21/06 7:29 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: insomnia

you just made me laugh! I forgot about the peeing part. Yes, thats a big thing too! its at least 10xs during the nite which also keeps me up. But I am not stressed I am just not tired either...HMMM

Posted 5/21/06 7:32 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 4/06

19 total posts


Re: insomnia

Every night I wake up at about 1:30 or 2:00 and am so nausea, sometimes I throw up at about 3 or sometimes I just watch tv or read and remain nausea. I dont get back to sleep until about 5. It is the worst . I am never sick during the day only at that time in the night. I hope this ends soon. I am soo tired.

Posted 5/21/06 8:17 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: insomnia

Posted by preggonewbie

Every night I wake up at about 1:30 or 2:00 and am so nausea, sometimes I throw up at about 3 or sometimes I just watch tv or read and remain nausea. I dont get back to sleep until about 5. It is the worst . I am never sick during the day only at that time in the night. I hope this ends soon. I am soo tired.

I dont get morning sickness through the night...THANK GOD! I just get it all day long!

Posted 5/21/06 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: insomnia

I was/am experiencing what you described - I would fall asleep no problem (usually around 11pm) and wake up by 1am. I couldn't fall back to sleep and if I did, I'd have to get up and pee. I went through this for about 2 weeks (10 -12 weeks preggo). Now I'm just starting my 13th week and I sleep until about 5am, but that its. I'm hoping it gradually gets better because its very hard to function on such little sleep.

Hope it gets better soonChat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 9:28 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: insomnia

Are you tired?

Someone suggested I get a nitelite for the late night bathroom runs b/c if you turn the light on, all that light can change your melatonin and mess up your sleep cycle...

Posted 5/21/06 4:40 PM

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