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Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

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i love my kids!

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Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I'm such a worrier & I find that sometimes I worry about something happening to DD that I cry...I know I probably sound I the only one that worries about this??

Posted 4/24/11 11:47 PM
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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I do this sometimes, but then I take a deep breath and remind myself that if I worry over things that haven't happened or that I cannot control, my life would be consumed by worry. Don't allow yourself to go there, you can't or else you'll get caught up in things that aren't even realChat Icon

Posted 4/24/11 11:50 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Yes! I have had the most irrational and awful thoughts since having babies. I think it is natural to worry about these LO's that we have such a deep love for. I try to put the thoughts out of my head but it is hard. I just want them to always be healthy and happy!!

Posted 4/24/11 11:56 PM

LIF Adult

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Due Dec 29th!!!!!

Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)


Posted 4/25/11 7:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

yup.. all the time! I am hoping it goes away and is just bc I am a new mom but people say it doesn't!

Posted 4/25/11 7:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Yes, all the time. My older DS slept over my MIL's last night (he's 5) and I woke up at 2:00 in a complete panic worrying about him (irrational things like, I hope her house doesn't go on fire, I hope when she takes him to breakfast in the morning, she doesn't have an accident) I actually had to get out of bed and walk around a bit to shake the bad feelings. This happens A LOT to me.

Posted 4/25/11 7:57 AM

Little Lady

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I was just saying to DH last night that I freak myself out with the awful things that I think could happen to DD. I envision them and her looking at me with a "help me mommy" face and I break down... Chat Icon glad to know I'm not the only one!

Posted 4/25/11 8:01 AM

love my 2 boys

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

yes all the time....Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/11 8:22 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I try not to, but I do sometimes have disturbing dreams so I guess the thought is bouncing around my head anyway.

I used to worry about everything, but for my own health and sanity I've been making a serious effort at not worrying about things I can't change.

Posted 4/25/11 8:28 AM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

All the time. I worry for my niece and nephews, too. It keeps me up at night! Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/11 9:39 AM

I'm a lucky mama

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

yes. but with everything.
i have a crazy mind . it actually has got better.

Posted 4/25/11 9:44 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Every single day.
Every time I look at her.
It's horrible.
I have a very morbid outlook on things.
I have always been this way.
Sometimes I have to force myself to stop or think about something else.

I even think about it with my cats, my DH, etc.

It's horrible.

Posted 4/25/11 9:45 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)


I get this images and they just freak me out.

I'm like that with DH too. If the firehouse alarms go off and he is due home, I call him just to make sure it wasn't for him. I panic. My mind is constantly in overdrive. I have no "relax" button. Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/11 9:48 AM

Girls Rule

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

ALL the time myself!!! I'm glad I read this post... I thought I was a freak for thinking like that!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/11 9:51 AM

summer fun!

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I think about it Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/11 9:51 AM

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

All the time.

Posted 4/25/11 9:52 AM


Member since 7/07

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I worry so much it prevents me from wanting a large family. It sounds crazy I know.. but its consuming to worry all the time.

Posted 4/25/11 9:53 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I am not a worrier by nature, so tragic, horrible things? No, I never worry about that. However, I am super-emotional over just about everything so currently I am worried that no one will be able to make it to DD's 4th b-day party and THAT'S making me worry to the point where I can't sleep.

Posted 4/25/11 9:58 AM

Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

I try not to worry...I look at all the positive and try to stay at that level

Posted 4/25/11 10:14 AM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Posted by cj7305

Yes! I have had the most irrational and awful thoughts since having babies. I think it is natural to worry about these LO's that we have such a deep love for. I try to put the thoughts out of my head but it is hard. I just want them to always be healthy and happy!!

Same here. I've developed fears I never even knew I could have. I'm afraid of illness, fire, child name it I fear it. I try not to think about it because I'll drive myself crazy. I just want to her safe and happy always. I think its sort of normal for me its normal anyways

Posted 4/25/11 10:21 AM

i love my kids!

Member since 1/09

1963 total posts


Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Thank you all so much for sharing with me b/c I was starting to think I was crazy lol!! I do worry about this kind of stuff w/ DH, my mom etc but I can usually get rid of the thought quick but w/ DD I have trouble....I think like many of you said b/c your child your supposed to protect etc!! I guess its all apart ofbeing a parent. When I was pregnant I worried about her inside now the outside!

Posted 4/25/11 10:29 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Yes, all the time and it's crazy. I scare myself.

Message edited 4/25/2011 10:33:17 AM.

Posted 4/25/11 10:32 AM

cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

every second of everyday.
she is my world and i dont know how i would live if something happened to her...even when she is driving me insane she is still my world.

Posted 4/25/11 11:15 AM

Love these munchkins

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

Yes! Especially now that she is "spreading her wings"..shes so independant...runs into the street, put bottle caps in her mouth, eats rocks etc...Scares me all the time..mostly to think of something happening while someone else is watching her. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/25/11 11:19 AM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you ever worry about something happening to your DC (S)

There are times when I get myself so worked up about god forbid something happening to one of my children that I will start to cry.

Message edited 4/25/2011 11:21:27 AM.

Posted 4/25/11 11:21 AM
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