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Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

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My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Just curious.

I went to babies r us the other day and hated them all Chat Icon so now I'm debating if I REALLY need one or if I should just grab a sit n stand after this baby is here.

Posted 6/6/11 9:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

How is Joey in the stroller?

I was SOOO against a double but I knew we needed one, and now we have 2. Luca loves the stroller but it got "worse" when Izzie arrived - if she was in the stroller he had to be too, so we could almost never bring a single Chat Icon

I didn't like the Sit n Stand b/c for some reason the one we wanted, the Joovy Caboose Ultralight, with the big canopy didn't have a strap to hold DS and keep him from falling (they took it out with the newer model, so stupid).

Can you wait and see how he is when the baby comes? They might have something better out by then or he may have given up the stroller altogether.

Posted 6/6/11 9:18 AM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Posted by headoverheels

How is Joey in the stroller?

I was SOOO against a double but I knew we needed one, and now we have 2. Luca loves the stroller but it got "worse" when Izzie arrived - if she was in the stroller he had to be too, so we could almost never bring a single Chat Icon

I didn't like the Sit n Stand b/c for some reason the one we wanted, the Joovy Caboose Ultralight, with the big canopy didn't have a strap to hold DS and keep him from falling (they took it out with the newer model, so stupid).

Can you wait and see how he is when the baby comes? They might have something better out by then or he may have given up the stroller altogether.

He's fine in the stroller. Doesn't mind being there at all.

When I was at smithtown day this weekend, there were double strollers all around me and I just thought omg HOW are they getting through anywhere!!! (side by side) I got trapped with my single!

I think I might wait it out or just get a side by side jogging stroller on CL. I figure if I'm going to target or some place, I can put the baby in bjorn & Joey in the cart as usual. If I'm going for a walk, I figured is the time I'll need a double (or like disney or on a vacation somewhere).

You think you use both your doubles a lot?

I don't know why I'm having such a struggle with this. (sorry to be annoying!!)

Posted 6/6/11 9:23 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Honestly I almost never go out with both kids on my own, and when I do I use the heavy front to back double because otherwise I can't get through doorways on my own. When DH is with me, we take that one too. My nanny uses the lightweight side by side a lot when she takes the kids to the park etc.

Posted 6/6/11 9:26 AM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Posted by headoverheels

Honestly I almost never go out with both kids on my own, and when I do I use the heavy front to back double because otherwise I can't get through doorways on my own. When DH is with me, we take that one too. My nanny uses the lightweight side by side a lot when she takes the kids to the park etc.

That's what I figured. I said to DH this weekend, I'm not sure how often I'll be out alone "shopping" with two children!

Posted 6/6/11 9:27 AM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I was really debating not too..bc DD HATES the stroller, well this weekend we put the new stroller together and DD can't get enough it, she made DH take her out in it for a walk, something she hasn't done in g-d knows how long...I think the fact that she heard the baby was going to be in it too had something to do with it, so now I'm glad I got it, but it's sooooo heavy!!!

Posted 6/6/11 9:30 AM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Posted by pickles16

I was really debating not too..bc DD HATES the stroller, well this weekend we put the new stroller together and DD can't get enough it, she made DH take her out in it for a walk, something she hasn't done in g-d knows how long...I think the fact that she heard the baby was going to be in it too had something to do with it, so now I'm glad I got it, but it's sooooo heavy!!!

what did you get?

Posted 6/6/11 9:31 AM

My loves!!

Member since 1/06

9203 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I wouldn't be able to leave the house without a double of some sort. In my truck I always have my Peg Perego Aria for when we get somewhere and one or both of the boys are sleeping. 90% of the time they will stay sleeping when I put them in and it makes my shopping trip much more I have the Joovy Caboose Ultralight for normal everyday use. Rylan LOVES this stroller. I also keep my Maclaren Quest in there for when I have 1 kid with me.

Posted 6/6/11 9:42 AM

Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

did you try the combi SBS? i've had it twice and love it!!! it fits everywhere. same width as a wheelchair so it does fit in places where you don't think you will!! good luck!!

Posted 6/6/11 9:50 AM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Posted by Metsmomma

did you try the combi SBS? i've had it twice and love it!!! it fits everywhere. same width as a wheelchair so it does fit in places where you don't think you will!! good luck!!

I don't think I looked at the one yet. TY!

Posted 6/6/11 10:06 AM


Member since 5/09

6414 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

we didn't! We instead got a radio flyer wagon when Andrew was big enough to sit steadily on his own! That is the greatest investment ever. But Teddy will NOT sit in a stroller anymore. But Teddy was also about to turn three when Andrew was born. Anything younger than that and we may have invested.

Posted 6/6/11 10:08 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

My opinion is to wait it out. If you aren't going to be out with them together ALL THE TIME then I would get a Sit and Stand Deluxe. I have it and it's perfect for the random times I have the two boys out together. Would I want this as my everyday stroller? No. But for once/twice a week - it serves it's purpose.

I have heard great things about the Peg Aria Twin though. Look into that one.

Posted 6/6/11 10:20 AM


Member since 8/07

5974 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

DD was just under 3 when LO was born. We got a used sit and stand. sometimes I wish we had a double stroller but now that DD is 3 I don't feel like we would have gotten much use out of it. DD likes the sit and stand. the challenge though is that she can get off of it freely and will sometimes not get back on !

Posted 6/6/11 10:22 AM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

3881 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I have 2 under 2. I think you need one.
I hate them too, but if you need to go out with both of them you'll need it.

I got kolcraft contours (version of the expensive city mini double) $172
I hated all the doubles and refused to spend so much $$ on a stroller.


When we are all together, we generally take 2 strollers or a snap and go and let DD walk.

Posted 6/6/11 10:30 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

722 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

its really pricy but its a great idea, the bugaboo donkey? its a signle or a double? but its side by side.

some other company I think did the same thing for less money.

Posted 6/6/11 10:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/11

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Due Dec 29th!!!!!

Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I dont think you have to decide right now.....Joey will be 6 months older when the baby is born and at his age, 6 months is a huge difference.

I say borrow moms sit n stand and see how he does in it. If hes fine in it.....problem solved. The one I got over the weekend, has both a strap along the back so he cant fall if standing and has a seat buckle if he is sitting so he cant get up or fall off.

I think you are overthinking this Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/11 10:44 AM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I don't have one. My dd was 3 months shy of 3 when ds was born. I was afraid dd would want to sit in a stroller once she saw ds in it but she's fine. I do have the peg that has a small footboard on the back for her to stand on for when we walk long distances. She's 3 & 1/2 now and wants to walk.

Posted 6/6/11 10:49 AM

number 3...coming soon!

Member since 4/09

1811 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I went to BBB this weekend to look at them. The only one that I considered is the City Mini Double. I have the single and love it so I think the double is the way to go. It supposedly fits through a single doorway. Only thing I don't like is the basket.

Posted 6/6/11 11:04 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I'm not sure what the age difference between your kids will be, but my girls are 20 mos. apart and I only got a Sit and Stand. At that we only used it for walks around the neighborhood. I don't think it had ever even seen the inside of my trunk! My older DD never enjoyed the stroller and she was a pretty good girl so she held on to the single stroller and walked alongside me in stores, etc...

The last time I used it, the girls were 2 and 3 and I walked about two miles and wanted to die...the whole thing was so HEAVY and forget about making turns!!

Posted 6/6/11 11:15 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

My kids are 2.5 yrs apart. I didn't trust my son would stay on a board especially when crossing busy streets and I didn't want a double stroller either so I got a single stroller , Valco Tri Mode, with an attachable toddler seat. When he outgrew it, we switched a hitch hiker board. I'm planning to resell it soon if you are interested. It's in an great condition and has lots of accessories.

Posted 6/6/11 1:13 PM

love my boys!

Member since 4/06

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I had 2 under 2 and a double was a MUST for me. I am a SAHM so I am out a ton with both of them, and in the beginning I used it for walks to get out of the house. They are now 17 months and 3 and I still use the double for walks around the neighborhood as the sit&stand is a royal PITA to push. I got a hand me down sit and stand and it does serve a purpose, but for me to get out into the world when they were little a double was a must for me.

Posted 6/6/11 1:36 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

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Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

Posted by DPerotti

Posted by pickles16

I was really debating not too..bc DD HATES the stroller, well this weekend we put the new stroller together and DD can't get enough it, she made DH take her out in it for a walk, something she hasn't done in g-d knows how long...I think the fact that she heard the baby was going to be in it too had something to do with it, so now I'm glad I got it, but it's sooooo heavy!!!

what did you get?

the city select...DD is a big girl and she is thankfully very comfortable in it!!!!

Posted 6/6/11 1:39 PM

Team One of Each

Member since 10/09

2150 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

love love love my city select we used it as a double all weekend its awesome both facing eachother or both facing out or opposite so many options and so easy to maneuver!!!!!!!

Message edited 6/6/2011 1:46:11 PM.

Posted 6/6/11 1:45 PM


Member since 5/07

9579 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I'm in the same boat as you OP....I'm think i'll wait until next Spring/Summer to see if I like anything else. I plan to use the Moby wrap, but I am looking into the City Mini DOuble as rec by other on here. DC will be 22-23months apart and my DD LOVES her stroller.

Posted 6/6/11 1:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1420 total posts


Re: Any Mommies of two NOT get a double stroller?

I originally had the sit and stand. DD who is 4 hated it the seat was not comfy at all. Then I go the Combi Side by side (we do a lot of walks) DD loves it I take it everywhere I am with the 2 of them all of the time. the only time I have a problem with it is when I need to go deep into the racks at stores.. DD walks alot but when she wants to sit she wants to be comfy.. it was the best money i think I ever spent!!!

Posted 6/6/11 2:29 PM
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