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What is your gap between kids?

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Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Our girls are 15 months apart (just shy of 16 mos). I LOVE it. They are constant companions for each other and watching them interact is too cute. We knew we wanted our first two close and we were very happy that it worked out.

Posted 2/1/12 6:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm one lucky girl

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

32 months apart.

Posted 2/1/12 7:01 PM


Member since 3/09

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

17 months apart.
33 yearss old with #2.
The benefit is I started late and always wanted 2. Had a tough time getting preggo with #1... So #2 was sort of a surprise. They will aiso be close.
The big negative is they are both babies.

Posted 2/1/12 7:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

5 years, 2 months

What are the drawbacks and benefits?
Drawbacks-starting everything over with a new baby after 5 years.
Benefits-don't have 2 children in daycare or diapers.

Why did you choose (or not! ) the gap?
Financial reasons

How old were you when the first was born and then the subsequent LOs

27 and 32

Posted 2/1/12 7:19 PM

3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

I am currently pregnant with our second DC but they will be 23 months apart

Posted 2/1/12 7:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: What is your gap between kids?

#1 and #2 are 24 months apart almost to the day.

#2 and #3 are 4 years apart.

#1 = age 30
#2 = age 32
#3= age 36

Posted 2/1/12 7:29 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Posted by maymama

hoping for 29 months apart Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 2/1/12 8:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

DS and Chat Icon Chat Icon will be 28.5 months apart...

Posted 2/1/12 8:09 PM

My two boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

DSs are 18 months apart, not by choice. DS #2 was an oops moment. Chat Icon

For me, having 2 under 2 isn't as hard as I thought it would be. We are pretty sleep deprived, but it's easy to have 2 in diapers, they love each other, and DS will never remember a time without his brother. I know they are going to love playing together once DS #2 can walk about.

I was 29 and 31 for their births.

Posted 2/1/12 8:37 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

2 years and 8 months b/t the two and I am very happy with it. My DS (he's the first born) has always been an easy baby and child. He has been a big help since my DD was born.
ETA: had DS at 27 and DD at a few months shy of 30

Message edited 2/1/2012 8:43:42 PM.

Posted 2/1/12 8:42 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

2.5 years exactly. For us it turned out to be perfect. DD#1 was pretty self sufficient by the time DD#2 came along.

Posted 2/1/12 8:44 PM

Big Brothers to Be !

Member since 2/10

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Exactly 2 min apartChat Icon I wouldn't want it any other way..both dh and I agree if the next one is a singleton we would feel bad they didn't have a twin tooChat Icon Chat Icon they are already bffChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/12 9:01 PM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

My dd and soon be born dd2 will be 21 months apart. I hope its going to be a good age gap. I might have waited a but longer but I have fertility issues so I didn't want to wait too long. I'm glad the girls will be really close in age so they can have someone to play with. I also won't be out of the "baby stage" diapers and stuff like that. I don't think it will be that much of an adjustmenet for me to add one more diaper to change.

I was 27 when dd was born and I will be 29 when dd2 is born in May.

We may try for a third but I want to be done by 33.

Message edited 2/1/2012 9:29:00 PM.

Posted 2/1/12 9:28 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

3 1/2 year gap.

Granted ds#2 is only 9 days old, but i like the age gap because ds#1 loves helping, is self sufficient in a lot of ways and is more independent since he's older, so he's not as needy.

We wanted more of a 3 year gap, but it didn't work out that way.

I was 27 when ds was born and 30 when ds#2 was born.

Posted 2/1/12 9:33 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Ours will be 3.5 years apart. Originally I wanted them a little closer together, but I like the age gap. DS is potty trained and independent. I'm sure it won't be an easy adjustment, but I can definitely see him helping me with the baby. We haven't told him yet, but he talks about wanting to be a big brother and all of the things he's going to do for the baby. Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/12 6:28 AM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Chat Icon Chat Icon 4 min apart. Sorry I couldn't resist Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/12 6:49 AM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: What is your gap between kids?

DS1 and DS2 are 18.5 months apart.

DS1 will be 4y 3m, DS2 will be 2y, 9m when DC3 is born.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED having the first two close together!! It was exhausting, overwhelming - and WONDERFUL Chat Icon I literally wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Now that they're 2.5 and 4, they're besties and it is the freaking cutest thing in the world to see.

I am actually very concerned about how far apart this one will be. For me, I hope it's another boy but for the baby, I almost hope it's a girl - this way she will have her own identity and life and not always trying to keep up with the boys. It took DS2 6-9 mos to 'catch up' with DS1 (in that he looked at him as a person, would play with him - not as a baby, but as a playmate). They're going to be lightyears ahead of this baby and it makes me really sad.

BUT - that's what I know. I might have a totally different opinion if I had the first two 3 years apart and the last one 18 mos later.

ETA my ages - I was 29 when DS1 was born, 30 when DS2 was born and 33 for DC3's birth.

Message edited 2/2/2012 7:07:13 AM.

Posted 2/2/12 7:05 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Posted by Leeners

I am actually very concerned about how far apart this one will be. For me, I hope it's another boy but for the baby, I almost hope it's a girl - this way she will have her own identity and life and not always trying to keep up with the boys. It took DS2 6-9 mos to 'catch up' with DS1 (in that he looked at him as a person, would play with him - not as a baby, but as a playmate). They're going to be lightyears ahead of this baby and it makes me really sad.

That's an interesting perspective. See, I always think the opposite--my girls are so close in age and then #3 is 3.5 years behind AND a boy so I always worry he'll have absolutely NOTHING in common with them.

But you know what...I think it really doesn't matter in the end (and not like you can control these things anyhow...). My dad is the youngest of five sons and guess who he was the closest to? Yes...the oldest. Also, I just read an interview with Cooper Manning--older brother of Peyton and Eli. He and Peyton are 2 years apart and he and Eli are 7 years apart. You can tell that both he and Peyton were closer to Eli than they were to one another. Their closeness bred a rivalry that they didn't have with the one so far behind. Just food for thought. I think we're worried needlessly!

Message edited 2/2/2012 8:27:56 AM.

Posted 2/2/12 8:27 AM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Between #1 and #2 - 15.5 months
Between #2 and #3 - 3 years

The first age difference was a lot easier for me. I liked having them pretty close. Having the baby and a 3 yr old boy was nuts!

We are on the fence about a 4th, but I'm worried about it, bc if we ended up going for it, #3 would be about 3.5 when $3 would be born (if it all works out timewise)

Posted 2/2/12 9:32 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

Landon and the twins are 26 months apart. I originally wanted the gap to be even closer (like 15 months!), but with being the primary caretaker for my mom with cancer, and then my irregular cycles, we had to wait. It worked out with the larger gapbc I had twins. The gap was perfect IMO. Landon is/was very smart and advanced, so at 26 months he was so independent and grown up, but at the same time they will all still be close in age and all be BFFs (maybe Chat Icon )
I was 27 when Landon was born and 29 when the twins were born.

Posted 2/2/12 9:45 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: What is your gap between kids?

Posted by Michelle1123

#3 would be about 3.5 when $3 would be born (if it all works out timewise)

is the baby's name going to be $3?

Posted 2/2/12 9:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/11

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

22 months apart and we couldn't be happier...

worked out perfectly for us...

its great so far. havent hit the time where he takes her toys yet but.... and there are LOTS of diapers & crying & neediness!! but soon enough they will all be grown out of it

Going to start TTC #3 in a few months which will hopefully make dc2 & dc3 20-22 months apart

I was 33 & 35 with my first 2... hopefully if plan works I will be 37 with #3

Posted 2/2/12 10:00 AM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

My girls are 3y 3m apart - for me, it's perfect. Charlie is really independent - she dresses/undresses herself, fetches her own snacks, makes her bed lol - and she started pre-school when Annabel was born so it leaves me time to spend with the baby. i wouldn't change anything even if I could.

I was 35 when Charlie was born and 38 when AnnaB was born.

Posted 2/2/12 10:51 AM


Member since 3/06

2018 total posts


Re: What is your gap between kids?

had DS#1 at 30, DD at 32, DS#2 at 34.

DS#1 and DD are almost 27 mos. apart and

DD and DS#2 are 26 mos. apart.

it's challenging to have them so close together, but already DS#1 and DD are great playmates and hoping they'll all be best friends in the way my siblings were.

Posted 2/2/12 12:23 PM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

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Re: What is your gap between kids?

I'm currently expecting #2 and when he/she arrives, DD will be about 2 1/2. I'm not sure about the drawbacks and benefits just yet since #2 isn't here yet Chat Icon, but we knew we wanted to have them somewhere around 2 years apart or so. I have no real rhyme or reason why we thought this gap was good, we just did/do, lol. I was 28 (a month shy of 29) when DD was born and will be 31 when this LO is born.

Posted 2/2/12 12:40 PM
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