my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
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LIF Infant
Member since 10/10 200 total posts
my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
OK, so he will be 5 on the 30th of this month, but is it normal that both his bottom teeth are moving already? I noticed this when he started kindergarten last month and i thought maybe i wasnt taking care of his teeth the right way!!!!
Is this the normal age for kids to start having loose teeth and losing them? I thought it was around 6 or 7 years old!
Thanks! (am i being a paranoid crazy mommy?????)
Posted 10/12/12 10:43 PM |
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Member since 1/09 7395 total posts
Name: Maureen
my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
I definitely remember a few kids in my kindergarten class losing teeth. 5-6 is usually the age when that starts, sometimes as early as 4 though.
Posted 10/12/12 10:50 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
My 6 year old lost two teeth by 4.5 years old. She lost 8 teeth before her 6th birthday. She had 4 adult teeth by 5.5. My other DD just turned 5 and has no loose teeth in sight.
Message edited 10/12/2012 11:59:09 PM.
Posted 10/12/12 11:57 PM |

Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
my son lost his first took a few weeks ago, right after starting kindergarten. he is about 5 1/2
Posted 10/13/12 7:34 AM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
A little girl in my preschool class (4years old) just lost her 1st tooth this past week. It was one of the front bottom ones.. I thought it was kinda early for them to start to loss them but i guess its not..
Posted 10/13/12 3:42 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 1893 total posts
Name: Janine
Re: my sons bottom 2 teeth are moving at 4 yrs old?
DD lost her first tooth right before she turned 5. Now (a year later) she has lost at least 8 teeth and her top two middle and 4 bottom middle adult teeth are pretty much grown in.
She did get her baby teeth early too though - her first at 5 months and she had her one year molars come in at 10 months.
From what I have seen from her classmates, at this point (the beginning of first grade) some kids have lost a bunch and some not so many - totally depends on the kid.
Posted 10/13/12 10:01 PM |
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