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Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

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party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

I am at my wits end. Especially since she was sleeping at one pt from 7 pm - 6am

now anywhere from 1am - 5 am she flips out and the bottle is the only thing that soothes her

I dont remember my boys doing this at this age


Posted 3/22/13 8:00 AM
Long Island Weddings
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love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

10923 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

yeap.. my son still wakes MOST nights for one feeding.. just about 4oz only.. sometimes hell sttn but only for like.. 3 days and then up again for one feeding.Chat Icon

eta: he was 5 months on Sunday

Message edited 3/22/2013 8:08:14 AM.

Posted 3/22/13 8:08 AM

Me and my love

Member since 3/13

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Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

My DS too. He'll be five months shortly and has yet to go a night without waking for at least one feeding, if not two. For a few days he gave me a seven hour stretch, but that hardly lasted. I feel your pain. I figure he's having another growth spurt.

Posted 3/22/13 8:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

4399 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

DD didn't STTN without a feeding until she turned 1. 5 months is still young, but hopefully he stops waking up soon!

Posted 3/22/13 8:40 AM

Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

1816 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

How big is she? I think the night feeding can stop when they take in larger, less frequent feedings. Or, it may be a growth spurt.

Posted 3/22/13 9:04 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 8/11

4096 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

My dd is five months and has never gone 11 hrs without waking. Im still waiting for that! The longest she's made it is about 9 hrs but it's usually more like 8, and then she goes back to sleep for an hour or two after eating. But sometimes she does still wake after only 6 or 7 hrs. I figure she's still very young and growing quickly. Could it maybe be that your dd is going through a growth spurt? Maybe these new night feedings wil just be temporary. Or try getting her to drink a little more before bed. Dd usually falls asleep during her last feeding and I try to gently wake her and she usually ends up drinking more.

Posted 3/22/13 9:22 AM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

"4 month sleep regression"

Posted 3/22/13 10:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/11

1024 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

I am laughing b/c my DS still wakes up at 18 months to nurse. I mean, I know that is my fault mostly...
I have no advice obviously :) Hope he starts sleeping for you again soon!

Posted 3/22/13 11:46 AM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

That seems totally normal to me. both my girls didnt drop the middle of the night feeding until they were much older then 5 months.

Posted 3/22/13 11:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/08

2702 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

DD still needs to nurse in the middle of the night and shes 6 months old.

Posted 3/22/13 12:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/11

3170 total posts


Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

DS occasionally took a night bottle till he was about 8 months old.

Posted 3/22/13 12:54 PM

Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08

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Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

I was told that by 6 months they should be able to STTN w/o a feeding. Give it another month. In the meantime I would start decreasing the amount you give MOTN. Until you are just down to one oz.

It could also be sleep regression. DD did this and a bottle soothed her back to sleep. Lasted about 2 weeks. Hang in there, it will pass!

Posted 3/22/13 1:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

Your title made me lol because my 5 month old still wakes up 4 times at night (yes, you read that correctly, 4-sometimes 3 if I'm lucky) to be nursed. I would literally give my left arm to only be getting up once a night.

My ped told me yesterday to get earplugs and sleep on the couch so you could always go that route Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/13 2:51 PM

just hangin' around...

Member since 11/06

6305 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

Posted by jerseychick

Your title made me lol because my 5 month old still wakes up 4 times at night (yes, you read that correctly, 4-sometimes 3 if I'm lucky) to be nursed. I would literally give my left arm to only be getting up once a night.

My ped told me yesterday to get earplugs and sleep on the couch so you could always go that route Chat Icon

Chat Icon
dd wakes an average of 3x a night and she's 4 1/2 months

Posted 3/22/13 8:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

Posted by jerseychick

My ped told me yesterday to get earplugs and sleep on the couch so you could always go that route Chat Icon

I'm thrilled that my 11 month old is finally down to once a night...most nights!

I think it's totally normal for a 4 month old to want to eat at night, even if they STTN sometimes at an earlier age.

Posted 3/22/13 8:45 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

DD didn't STTN without a feeding until after 6 months

Posted 3/22/13 10:27 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

I think it is normal for a 5 month old to get up for a night time feeding and would expect a growth spurt soon. Once a child is over 15 lbs is when I experienced that they are able to sleep longer (also keep in mind STTN means 6-8 hours), so if your DC is sleeping from 8pm to 2-4 am that is STTN. They might need to get bigger in order to give you the extra 2 hours.

Message edited 3/22/2013 10:54:22 PM.

Posted 3/22/13 10:53 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: Almost 5 months old and still wanting a night feeding!

Posted by Annie91606

How big is she? I think the night feeding can stop when they take in larger, less frequent feedings. Or, it may be a growth spurt.

I'm thinking the same. With DD some nights she needed more before bed.

Posted 3/23/13 1:05 AM

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