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Swollen Ankles

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LIF Toddler

Member since 1/11

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Swollen Ankles

How swollen were/ are your ankles during your summer pregnancy? (ie: due July, Aug, or Sept)

Posted 6/17/13 11:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Swollen Ankles

Off & on... mine are pretty swollen today again!

Posted 6/17/13 11:40 PM


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Re: Swollen Ankles

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i was carrying twins

what do u call cankles time 5 millionChat Icon

eta i was not due till fall but i swelled up at 12 weeks

Posted 6/18/13 12:04 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

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Re: Swollen Ankles

at 33 weeks it was pretty bad, now at 34 its getting better for some odd reason. I am sure it all depends how often you are on your feet. try to prompt them up as much as you can.

Posted 6/18/13 9:03 AM

New Year, New Everything!

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Swollen Ankles

I didn't start swelling until Sunday (38 weeks 2 days). My family still can't believe it took that long. Sunday was BAD. My sandals left indentations in my feet. Yesterday was still bad but not AS bad as Sunday. Today they are mild but I'm sure once I get moving today, by tonight they will be SUPER swollen again.

Thank goodness I'm due next week!!!!

Posted 6/18/13 9:06 AM

She's here!

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Re: Swollen Ankles

Depends on a bunch of factors...the temp, how much I'm on my feet, and what I'm wearing on my feet

Posted 6/18/13 9:36 AM

You're My Home <3

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Re: Swollen Ankles

For me, so far, I've been good about it - but I know that certain shoes bother me (like ones that have little to no cushion/support) - so I avoid those. I also make sure that I get up from time to time after sitting a while at work. And vice-versa, if I'm walking a lot I will take time to sit. I also try to elevate my feet throughout the day here and there. I also drink TONS of water and take a little extra vitamin C that doc approved in addition to my pre-natal. He said it would help to reduce/eliminate the swelling. So far, the above is working, I've literally had little to no swelling. If I stray from doing the above I start to feel it begin so I get myself in check lol!

Posted 6/18/13 9:42 AM

Baby Marz is here!

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Re: Swollen Ankles

my feet just started swelling up but is not an every day thing(33 weeks). If it's a hot day and i'm wearing flats then they get swollen ....unfortunately I can't wear open toe shoes at work :-/ but I do sneak in my flip flops every now and then

Posted 6/18/13 9:46 AM

Live life to the fullest!,

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Re: Swollen Ankles

I noticed yesterday when I took off my socks after work my ankles were swollen! I never in my life had cankles!!! But I do no now!! Keep my feet elevated at work and drinking a ton of water! I also got permission to wear slippers around the office!! I'll try not to wear the big bulky furry ones!..LOLChat Icon

Posted 6/18/13 11:01 AM

I <3 our squish!

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Re: Swollen Ankles

My ankles aren't swelling but my hands and feet are slightly.

The only reason I know is because they're hurting and I can't wear my rings or watching w/o a leather band anymore.

Elevate, elevate, elevate and drink tons of water (which you're probably doing anyway). Also try to avoid salt as much as possible.

Posted 6/18/13 11:50 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Swollen Ankles

Mine were INSANE- but it had nothing to do with the weather.
They started swelling in the second tri- in the winter.
By the time I gave birth in June I could barely walk or wear shoes.
But I know people who were pregnant all summer and not a drop of swelling.
It all depends on a lot of factors.
Everyone is so different.

Posted 6/18/13 12:31 PM


Member since 6/10

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Re: Swollen Ankles

i was lucky last summer

i didnt get swollen at all
i was drinking a gallon of water a day and kept my feet up while at work

Posted 6/18/13 12:36 PM

Lil Prince is here

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Swollen Ankles

With DS I had him in September, but I don't recall me feet or ankles being swollen. I remember Vitamin Water being my best friend; maybe that helped.

My ankles and feet swelled during this prenancy around the 4 month mark but has been ok lately.

Posted 6/18/13 1:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/12

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Re: Swollen Ankles

My feet started swelling yesterday in my Toms. I think the combination of carrying twins and the heat is getting to me. Today I am wearing flip flops and my left foot feels like it has pins and needles in it. I'm not sure what to wear on my feet b/c the OB scolds me every time I wear flip flops but its the only thing that is comfy and airy in this heat.

Posted 6/18/13 3:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/12

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Re: Swollen Ankles

Oh man, my feet and ankles have been swollen so badly this pregnancy, especially the past 2 weeks. My dr. today said my feet looked like Fred Flintstone's lol!

Posted 6/18/13 4:33 PM

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