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LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/11 705 total posts
Would you leave a steady teaching job that you've had for 6 yrs to sub 3 days a week in LI?
This would mean DC wouldnt have to go to daycare (they'd be with family 3 days and you the other 2 days).
It would also mean having to cut many corners financially and continuing to rent, putting buying a house on hold for a while. It would be for about a year or 2 then I'd go back to work. Hoping the subbing gets my foot in door for a job.
Just to add, I am very unhappy at the school I'm at (charter school in BK with 3 hour roundtrip commute) and while it is a steady job, I don't plan on retiring from there.
Posted 8/6/13 12:11 PM |
We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: WWYD??
Do you have tenure?
Posted 8/6/13 3:24 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/11 705 total posts
I am in a charter school so we don't get tenure.
Posted 8/6/13 3:37 PM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Re: WWYD??
I've been a permanent sub in a Long Island district for 5 and a half years and due to continued excessing having my foot in the door hasn't meant a whole lot. The other subs in my building have been there anywhere from 3-5 years as well. I know it varies district to district.
If you're miserable in the charter school it may be something to explore for a year and then reevaluate.
Posted 8/6/13 4:30 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: WWYD??
In your situation I think I would, from what I understand there is not much security at charters, you say you are miserable and with a commute like that, yes I would. If you were leaving a NYC tenure position I would say no,
Posted 8/6/13 4:34 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: WWYD??
Between your commute, not liking the job, and not having an opportunity to get tenure, your current job doesn't sound like such a great deal. If you'd be happier subbing for the time being & it'll simplify your life, plus you can spend 2 days a week with your child & save money on daycare, it sounds like a good move. But maybe be prepared for the possibility you won't be able to find a fulltime teaching position in the near future since openings seem to be so rare now.
Posted 8/6/13 5:03 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: WWYD??
Posted by DiamondGirl
In your situation I think I would, from what I understand there is not much security at charters, you say you are miserable and with a commute like that, yes I would. If you were leaving a NYC tenure position I would say no,
I agree.
Posted 8/6/13 6:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 573 total posts
Re: WWYD??
Posted by MichLiz213
I've been a permanent sub in a Long Island district for 5 and a half years and due to continued excessing having my foot in the door hasn't meant a whole lot. The other subs in my building have been there anywhere from 3-5 years as well. I know it varies district to district.
Agreed. I was a permanent sub in a large LI district for 3 years and my "foot in the door" meant nothing and was leading me nowhere.
I'm now in a unionized NYC charter school and love it.
Posted 8/6/13 6:42 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11 706 total posts
Name: Lara
If you plan to return to teaching then I wouldn't leave.
Posted 8/7/13 2:47 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 573 total posts
Another thing to consider is while you may be getting your foot in the door, you'll be behind a list of excessed teachers who will be called back for a job before you.
Posted 8/7/13 9:06 PM |
Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07 4922 total posts
If you need the money, I would not leave my current job. Personally, I hate subbing so that would be a huge factor in my decision.
Posted 8/7/13 9:36 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/11 705 total posts
Thanks for the responses. I am afraid of not being able to find amother job in a year or two when I am ready to go back. I guess I have to think about it some more before making a decision.
Posted 8/8/13 6:44 AM |
Sweet P is here!
Member since 4/11 2026 total posts
Name: R
Re: WWYD??
Is it an option to try and find a charter that is closer?
Posted 8/8/13 8:23 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: WWYD??
Please don't quote as I might delete.
I was/am in a very similar situation except I am DOE. The upcoming year is my tenure year.
I am lucky enough to still be on the sub list of an old LI district where I was a leave replacement. During the school year I get called almost every day.
I am not in a very good spot in the DOE so it is really tempting for me sometimes.
I felt that this summer was the time to make the move and possibly still salvage a teaching career because if I quit mid year no way in hell could I get a reference from where I am - and surely that would send up a red flag with future interviewers.
It was discussed in my household and ultimately we decided that I should stay. It's the best thing for my family as it means more financial security and a better career path for me. Also, we feel that my son is thriving in daycare two days a week and, like you, we wouldn't be utilizing that; my mom would watch him on the 3-4 days that I would work.
Another thing that led to my decision is that like another poster said, subbing stinks. I hated literally watching people perform the occupation that I was trying so hard to get into. Only you know if that would bother you, though. The one thing about subbing is that the kids are always happy to see you.
Your situation is a little different as you have less invested in the school without growth/security. Talk to DH and think it over some more; you still have a little time.
Good luck!!
Posted 8/9/13 8:02 PM |
We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: WWYD??
I'm going to be honest, I would not leave a full time job for a sub job 3 days a week. I have sat on many interview committees for my district and one of our requirements for positions is that they currently have a full time teaching position, even if it's just a leave replacement position. We rarely call in subs for an interview. I understand you want to get your foot in the door, but unfortunately subbing is no longer a guarantee of even a courtesy interview.
Posted 8/10/13 2:47 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/12 1013 total posts
Re: WWYD??
I left a tenured NYC teaching position in 2008. I just moved to Suffolk County from Queens and found out I was pregnant. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the commute (4 hours round trip) with an infant. It was the craziest thing I did. It was the best decision I ever made. I finished up the year and I wound up in a leave replacement. The following year I got a probationary spot. Things are tougher now I know, but I know I couldn't deal with the commute. The hardest part about leaving was that I LOVED where I was and I made great friends, but it was the best decision for me and my family at the time. I have no regrets.
Posted 8/12/13 10:10 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 8/13 23 total posts
A long commute is terrible. I did it. If this isn't a job you see yourself at then I would leave and spend more time with your family. Maybe you could tutor on the side to make extra money.
Posted 8/13/13 11:11 PM |