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Talk to me about Discipline and your 2 year old

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Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

5694 total posts


Talk to me about Discipline and your 2 year old

My DS will be 2.5 in April. Lately, he is really trying to exert his will on me. I always said spanking would not be for me, and I have been trying the time out approach. He gets the concept and will stay in his time out area for a minute but, will stand there and scream and cry. It really breaks my heart but, I can not let him continue to throw his cup on the floor or try to stuck his fork in his eye when eating, hitting or just not listening!

Most recently, now all you other moms out there, please tell me this is normal?!

Getting into his car seat is a HUGE deal.
He will sometimes hop up into it himself but, then he will come out walk to the other side of the seat and play games, all the time smiling saying "you can't get me"! At first, I find it cute, but don't want him to think this is a game, he still does anyway.. I will have to resort to pulling him and sticking him in his seat, he arches his back and is very strong for his age. He will NOT sit back in his seat and let me buckle him in! I was soooo frustrated today I thought I was going to LOSE it. After 10 minutes of trying to tell him calmly to please get in his seat, I finally was able to get him in there and buckle him up. He threw a tantrum the whole way home. screaming, kicking, he throw off his sneaker and his socks and threw his sock at me while I was driving. GRRRRR ( It sounds funny now with him throwing his sock at me, but at the time I was LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU)?!!!

WHAT has gotten into him? Is this the terrible two's everyone told me about?

When he is being good, he is very good. He listens, communicates, he is very musical and I believe very advanced for his age. However, when this stuff happens with his tantrums, he is a total different child!

I do not want to spank him and that's just my opinion but, I was very close today.

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Plus, I know he's not feeling well lately he has a sinus infection and pink eye, so maybe this is triggering his bad behavior more.. but, he's doing this now for a couple of weeks.

I have a long road trip coming up in a couple of weeks. Driving down to Florida and I am already dreading it. Seriously. I am getting anxiety over it. I won't fly. Flying is not my thing. So, driving it is!

Posted 3/15/14 9:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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car seat tech & geek :-)

Member since 2/06

4346 total posts


Talk to me about Discipline and your 2 year old

I dont do a specific "time out" with my son. I make him sit on the bottom step (that leads to upstairs) and tell him he has to sit there until he is done crying and then we will talk. If he gets up I sit him down and tell him again. I say nothing else to him until he is finished. Once he is done I ask him why he is sitting on the step (ex. "I pushed my sister") I'll ask him if he knows he's wrong (ex. "Do you think that was a nice thing to do or a mean thing to do?") I'll turn the tables on him (ex. "What if I pushed you like that, would you like it?") And we finish up (ex. "You need to go see if she is okay and tell her sorry") and I always end it with a hug and a kiss and an I Love You.

Posted 3/15/14 10:41 PM

car seat tech & geek :-)

Member since 2/06

4346 total posts


Talk to me about Discipline and your 2 year old

As for the car seat, now that the weather is getting nicer can you "bribe" him a bit to get good behavior? Tell him you are going to the park. If he acts up whem you go outside, don't go. Make sure he knows that you aren't going because he isn't behaving right and sitting in the car seat like he is supposed to.

Posted 3/15/14 10:43 PM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: Talk to me about Discipline and your 2 year old

I will spare you my ramble on my challenges and success stories. My son is 4 and I've posted these links on this forum before. I really believe in positive discipline and for the most part I'm compliant, when I am it works amazing. When I loose patience and do a time out, punish, or bribe, I pay for it later, it just doesn't work for us.

[Car Seat Tantrums - Handles with Respect

Articles and advice on toddler discipline

Its normal, and let me tell you the smarter they are the more crafty they are at driving you insane. You have to keep yourself a model of self discipline and be calm and strong. It will take 3 horrible car seat strap ins, maybe, as long as you stay calm, don't shame, don't punish, just insist on the way it is supposed to be, stay strong and empathetic to him "I know you love to run around and have me chase you!, but its time to get in the seat, either you hop in yourself, or I will have to grab you"

I promise you, a few times and he will get it, this is just the way it is, and he will revel in hoping in.

Posted 3/15/14 11:03 PM


Member since 6/05

6030 total posts


Re: Talk to me about Discipline and your 2 year old

Posted by mommyIam

Its normal, and let me tell you the smarter they are the more crafty they are at driving you insane. You have to keep yourself a model of self discipline and be calm and strong. It will take 3 horrible car seat strap ins, maybe, as long as you stay calm, don't shame, don't punish, just insist on the way it is supposed to be, stay strong and empathetic to him "I know you love to run around and have me chase you!, but its time to get in the seat, either you hop in yourself, or I will have to grab you"

I promise you, a few times and he will get it, this is just the way it is, and he will revel in hoping in.

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Ed: when DS is really testing me I try to remember this is what toddlers are supposed to do: they learn by testing limits and trying to exert their independence. Although I get frustrated I try not to get angry, but like PP said, I stay calm but firm.

Message edited 3/16/2014 7:14:48 AM.

Posted 3/16/14 7:10 AM

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