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did ds/dd know how to read when entering kindergarten

Forum Opinion Poll
yes 19 20.88%
no 66 72.53%
other 6 6.59%

did your child

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3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


did your child

know how to read when entering kindergarten?

Posted 5/17/15 9:53 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: did your child

One son was reading.

The other one not as much. basic site words. but caught up quick.

Posted 5/17/15 10:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: did your child

Nope. Knew all the letters and how to write his first and last name. That was about it.

Now at the end of K he can read, knows 98% of his popcorn words, does addition and subtraction pretty easily, writes stories, starting a little big of fractions, can tell time (mostly on the hour or half hour, but getting there), and can tell me some history.

Amazing what they learn!

I wouldn't worry. I think K is the toughest grade at first. Especially for the teachers. They have kids coming in that has never been in school before and other kids who have been in daycare for a full day and can read and write. Their job is to get everyone on the same page and learning together. I am impressed.

Posted 5/18/15 8:16 AM

Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07

1718 total posts


did your child

No, and even now finishing 1st grade, he is struggling with reading. He has come a LONG way, but not where they want him to be.

Posted 5/18/15 11:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: did your child

Believe it or not I think you might not get 100% what you are looking for from this question. I have found that people define true reading very differently. So don't get freaked out if everyone says their kids are reading - often what they consider reading isn't true reading.

That said, my DS went into K reading very well - I would say first grade level at least. But, no one taught him to read, he just learned on his own and is just an extremely bright kid. My DD is in pre-k now and will be going into K next year. She can "read" as well but, it's different. She was taught to read in pre-k with sight words and word families etc. and that is what she can read - she can read books where she can sound out all the words and have all the sight words she knows (probably at least 100). So I would say she is probably on an end of K level.

Overall though I will tell you - there really is NO advantage (except bragging lol) to reading before K. My DS was bored out of his mind. And now he is in 2nd grade and reading on an end of 5th grade level and COMPLETELY bored out of his mind and not even in a reading group. So I have learned that it doesn't matter at all - totally fine and maybe even better just to go in and learn to read in K and first.


Posted 5/18/15 11:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/08

2476 total posts


did your child

Not at all. They focused on that the 1st half of K and she picked it up pretty quickly.

Posted 5/18/15 12:23 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: did your child

Nope. He could identify several very basic sight words by memorization (the, he, she), but that's it.

By mid-way through the year he was at a high 1st grade reading level.

It's amazing how quickly they will learn in K.

Message edited 5/18/2015 2:14:41 PM.

Posted 5/18/15 2:14 PM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


did your child

No- not really at all. Maybe a few site words, but I don't remember. Now she's reading on almost a second grade level.

Posted 5/18/15 2:23 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: did your child

Not actually reading but could read his name and some sight words.

Posted 5/18/15 4:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

2326 total posts

Ms. Brat

Re: did your child

Both of my kids entered reading.

One spontaneously read at 3.5. The other learned in pre-k.

Posted 5/18/15 4:30 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: did your child

Nope, but he's finishing first grade and is a strong reader.

Posted 5/18/15 4:41 PM

loving life

Member since 1/07

5413 total posts


Re: did your child

I am a teacher, I teach reading as a pull out teacher to struggling kids, there is always a mix some kids can read a little, most kids cannot read, I find reading when entering k to be the exception as opposed to the norm

Posted 5/18/15 8:40 PM

3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


Re: did your child

Completely forgot I posted this Chat Icon
Thank you for the responses
I'm not worried just very curious

Posted 5/19/15 11:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: did your child

He was able to read somethings, not books...

Posted 5/19/15 7:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

4580 total posts


Re: did your child

My one daughter was reading at the end of k level in pre-k...the pre-k teacher did assessments and told me...I honestly had no idea (and I'm a teacher)...she is now significantly above grade level in second daughter was really only identifying basic sight words and decoding some cvc words at the beginning of k...she is right on level now at the end of 1st grade.

Posted 5/19/15 9:33 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: did your child

Yes, he was reading books before starting K. Once it clicked with him, he became a strong reader pretty quickly. Most kids don't know how to read at the beginning of school though.

Posted 5/19/15 11:43 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: did your child

Posted by my3bugs

One son was reading.

The other one not as much. basic site words. but caught up quick.

Same with my boys. DS#1 had an incredible appetite for learning and reading when he was 3/4. DS#2 just didn't have the same drive, not because he couldn't he just didn't want to.

Posted 5/20/15 11:51 AM

It's all about Sophia

Member since 9/07

1731 total posts


Re: did your child

My daughter was having trouble reading entering first grade they put her in a one on one reading program for 12 weeks and she has since been on a second grade reading level (she's finishing first grade now)

Posted 5/21/15 8:20 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: did your child

He could sound out very short cvc words. With a short vowel sound. But, that wasn't really reading. He couldn't read a sentence. So I chose, "no". He just took off with it in the past few weeks actually. He is in K now and it's May. It's kind of amazing to watch him try to read every single sign or think that he sees. Chat Icon

Posted 5/26/15 7:33 AM

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