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LIF Infant
Member since 4/11 80 total posts
Class size Prek-3
My daughter is starting Pre-k 3 and the size of her class is 23 with one teacher and an aide. She goes to daycare now and her class size is 11. So this is going to be quite a change. Does the 23 class size sound normal?
Posted 9/1/16 9:28 AM |
Re: Class size Prek-3
Posted by CNS2010
My daughter is starting Pre-k 3 and the size of her class is 23 with one teacher and an aide. She goes to daycare now and her class size is 11. So this is going to be quite a change. Does the 23 class size sound normal?
yup -- for pre-k, meaning pre-kindergarten, I have seen 28 kids in a preschool class.
23 is large for nursery school, 3 year olds. They usually don't have more than 18.
Message edited 9/1/2016 1:52:17 PM.
Posted 9/1/16 9:31 AM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
Posted by CNS2010
My daughter is starting Pre-k 3 and the size of her class is 23 with one teacher and an aide. She goes to daycare now and her class size is 11. So this is going to be quite a change. Does the 23 class size sound normal?
Not sure what "pre-k 3" means, but my daughter's pre-k class last year had 12 kids. Kindergarten has anywhere from 20-23 kids usually.
Posted 9/1/16 10:20 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Class size Prek-3
What is Pre-K 3? Is that pre-k as in the year before kindergarten? (4 year olds?)
Or nursery school - which is 3 year olds?
Posted 9/1/16 10:24 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/11 80 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
Sorry I should have clarified - it will be 3 year old kids.
I guess the equivalent to nursery school.
Posted 9/1/16 11:08 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Class size Prek-3
OK I was confused because Pre-K is Pre-Kindergaten- the year before Kidergarten. Those classes- especially in a Universal Pre K in the district- tend to be larger.
I can't recall what size my DD's 3 year old class was at her daycare- she stayed at her daycare until Kindergarten so I am not sure. They had to follow the same child to teacher ratio as always- since they were a large center. So it didn't matter that she was now in the 3 year old room- the teacher/aide/student ratio was the same
Message edited 9/1/2016 11:32:36 AM.
Posted 9/1/16 11:22 AM |
For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07 13921 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
My ds in a class of 14 with 2 teachers. But were OOS that may be why lol
Posted 9/1/16 11:29 AM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
Posted by CNS2010
Sorry I should have clarified - it will be 3 year old kids.
I guess the equivalent to nursery school.
Oh, ok. Not pre-k.
I feel like that is a lot of kids in a 3 year old class. When my kids were in 3 year old classes, they had 15 kids at most with 1 teacher and 1 assistant teacher.
Posted 9/1/16 11:55 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09 740 total posts
Name: Lisa
Class size Prek-3
What kind of school is this? NYS regulations for day care is 1:7 ratio at three years old with a maximum of 18 children. If the school is not a day care and is registered with NYS, then the ratio is 1:8 with a max of 20.
I don't think a private school is required to be registered with NYS, but most private schools do follow these ratios.
23 children with two adults is very large for a preschool class.
Posted 9/1/16 1:01 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Class size Prek-3
That sounds like a lot for one teacher and one aide. Dd had 9 kids in her 3yo class. The other classes were a little bigger but hers was smaller bc they had the smallest room.
Posted 9/1/16 1:16 PM |
Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
Class size Prek-3
That sounds like a lot of 3 year olds for 2 teachers. DD had 16 kids in her pre-k class with a teacher and teacher's assistant.
Posted 9/1/16 1:31 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Class size Prek-3
Our 3 year old preschool class closes at 16. There is one teacher, one teaching assistant, and one teacher's aide.
Posted 9/1/16 5:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/11 847 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
My daughters class last year was 18 kids with 3 teachers and also usually had a parent of the day helping....that seems like way too many kids for only two teachers I would ask about that
Posted 9/1/16 11:13 PM |
I'm a lucky mama
Member since 1/10 7585 total posts
Name: L
Re: Class size Prek-3
my dds 3y program had 8 kids with 2 teachers. prek was 13 kids with 2 teachers and an aide.
the number you said sounds large for a 3y program
Posted 9/2/16 3:52 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/14 232 total posts
Name: K
Class size Prek-3
When I worked at a preschool class our 3 year old room could not go over 16 kids with 1 teacher and 1 aid. We were allowed to go to 19 but we had to have another aid in the room. So 23 sounds like way to many for 2 adults in the room.
Posted 9/2/16 3:35 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: Class size Prek-3
My son's 3 year old preschool class will have approx. 15, but their max is 18, with 2 teachers. I was told they can't go above a 9:1 ratio of kids to teachers.
Posted 9/2/16 5:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/08 2476 total posts
Class size Prek-3
My son's class has 20 with 1 teacher and 2 assistants.
Posted 9/13/16 6:33 AM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Class size Prek-3
We have 15 with 1 teacher and 1 aide
Posted 9/13/16 9:30 AM |

Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Class size Prek-3
That sounds like a big class to me. When my DS was in the 3's I think he had about 12 kids with a teacher and an assistant. When he was in the 4's, it went up to 16 with teacher + 2 assistants.
We're now OOS but his pre-k here was 10 kids, a teacher + an aide. K was 17 kids, 1 teacher.
Posted 9/13/16 2:23 PM |
Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12 14481 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Class size Prek-3
Dd is in nursery school 3s and she has 7 kids in her class with two teachers.
The other 3s class in her school has 8 kids and two teachers. And a lot of these kids only go m/w/f so on t/th it's 5 kids with two teachers.
Posted 9/14/16 12:54 PM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Class size Prek-3
That sounds like a lot. My DS's class was 15 kids to 1 teacher and 1 assistant.
Posted 9/14/16 3:13 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
MY son is in a Montessori class setting. It's a mixed class of 3 and 4 year olds. There are a total of 16 kids, with one teacher and one aide.
Posted 9/14/16 6:05 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Class size Prek-3
My DD"s Pre-K class has 26 kids, with one teacher and three assistants.
Posted 9/23/16 8:05 AM |
Feeling Blessed
Member since 6/07 2963 total posts
Re: Class size Prek-3
My son's preschool (3yr old) program last year had 10 children, with one teacher/one aide.
This year his pre-K class (4yr old) has 15 children, with one teacher/one aide.
Personally, at these young ages I feel the class sizes should be less than 20 because they're still learning so much about how to stand in line, take their turn, sit in a circle. I want the teachers to have time to hug him, pull him into their laps, help him with his jacket/shoes. Having so many children in a room will make that difficult.
My older sons (elem school aged) have class sizes of 24+ and I think that's too many students, too. I'd like class sizes to be maxed out at 20, but that's my opinion.
Posted 9/26/16 9:54 AM |