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LIF Infant

Member since 9/15

246 total posts



Anyone have children that have stridor?

Posted 10/20/16 2:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 3/15

164 total posts


Re: Breathing

Yes. All 3 of my kids just had croup. My 2 year old had stridor pretty bad and my eight month old was starting to get it but since I knew exactly what it was and what to look for we caught it early and got her on medication.

Posted 10/20/16 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

6163 total posts

Momma Bear


Isnt stridor something a baby is born with? Its an extra flap on the larynx, not a disease. Or am I mistaken?

My nephew was born with it and had to be in an incubator for a period of time after he was born.

Posted 10/21/16 12:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/15

164 total posts


Re: Breathing

Posted by BlessedMomma

Isnt stridor something a baby is born with? Its an extra flap on the larynx, not a disease. Or am I mistaken?

My nephew was born with it and had to be in an incubator for a period of time after he was born.

Stridor isn't the extra flap, the extra flap is causing the stridor. Stridor is a type of wheeze that's caused by and obstructed or narrowed airway. There are different causes.

Posted 10/21/16 4:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/08

269 total posts


Re: Breathing

Yes, my DS has stridor. He was diagnosed with Laryngomalacia, and tracheomalacia. Essentially his airway is narrow and floppy. He is 3 and it hasn't really caused any major issues, however he has been pretty lucky in that he hasn't had any major respiratory illnesses either.

Posted 10/22/16 10:30 AM

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