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******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

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My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by AScottWolf

Aaah 1 month!!

I have to say, thankfully the anxiety about L&D are becoming less and less each day. I just want to meet my Chat Icon !!

Wow so close! I'm about 6 weeks away and I feel ya, I'm ready to meet my little Chat Icon

Well, I'm not reallyyyy ready, just impatient I guess Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/13 4:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I go tomorrow for my growth scan at 34 weeks!! I am so excited and so curious how much my little one weighs!!! My family thinks I'm gonna have a big baby Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/13 11:23 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I was wondering what everyone else doing regarding clothes.

For those who have received clothes or even bought clothes, how are you deciding what to keep and what to return? I feel like Sept. weather is all over the place. It can either be summer weather or real fall weather.

Posted 8/9/13 12:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

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******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Alittle late to the party.... Due 9/12 team green baby!

Posted 8/9/13 1:05 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by AScottWolf

I was wondering what everyone else doing regarding clothes.

For those who have received clothes or even bought clothes, how are you deciding what to keep and what to return? I feel like Sept. weather is all over the place. It can either be summer weather or real fall weather.

Yeah, I'm really confused also. I've never really been around babies, let alone newborns, so I don't even know what they wear!

I have a bunch of onsies, but no pants. Do babies just hang out pantless, or should I get some? Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 1:09 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

142 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by AScottWolf

I was wondering what everyone else doing regarding clothes.

For those who have received clothes or even bought clothes, how are you deciding what to keep and what to return? I feel like Sept. weather is all over the place. It can either be summer weather or real fall weather.

We bought a few sleepers, onesies and side snap onesies in 0-3 mnth size. Long sleeve and short since Sept. Is a toss up weather wise. We did receive NB size onesies and returned them for 0-3 mnths.

Message edited 8/9/2013 1:10:43 PM.

Posted 8/9/13 1:09 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

3415 total posts

My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by N2709

Alittle late to the party.... Due 9/12 team green baby!

Welcome! Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 1:10 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

142 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by N2709

Alittle late to the party.... Due 9/12 team green baby!

Welcome! Chat Icon

Thank you!Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 1:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

142 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by AScottWolf

I was wondering what everyone else doing regarding clothes.

For those who have received clothes or even bought clothes, how are you deciding what to keep and what to return? I feel like Sept. weather is all over the place. It can either be summer weather or real fall weather.

Yeah, I'm really confused also. I've never really been around babies, let alone newborns, so I don't even know what they wear!

I have a bunch of onsies, but no pants. Do babies just hang out pantless, or should I get some? Chat Icon

I only have two pairs of pants and a few sleepers.... Im wondering the same thing Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 1:15 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

My boys mostly had in the one piece sleepers. Wash a few newborns as regardless of size will be in for a few days. Then some 0-3 month outfits.

Posted 8/9/13 1:52 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by MrsO

My boys mostly had in the one piece sleepers. Wash a few newborns as regardless of size will be in for a few days. Then some 0-3 month outfits.

This is what I did. I had 5 newborn onesies which I washed (and freakin' shrunk Chat Icon) and 3 sleepers. Everything else is 0-3 that I washed that I KNEW i was keeping.

I see so many cute clothes out but I'm wondering if the fall stuff is out already or if it will be coming out in a few weeks.

Posted 8/9/13 1:59 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I just looked through the clothes and first decided what I liked - there were a few "whoa, that's LOUD" items lol and then I just looked and tried to make sure I didn't have too much of the same thing and pretty much had basics and a good variety of everything starting with newborn on up until like 18 months. I have a ton of clothes, which is awesome.

We rec'd our baby furniture, not sure if I posted this already, and DH set it up with my FIL. The crib is adorable - very nice quality too! And same goes for the dresser... we set up a bunch of items that he will need right away. Everything feels real now because his room is all set to go.

I still have to place that darn decal order and the order for the closet doors - argh!

We had my 35 week sono and appointment today - baby boy weighs 5 pounds, 5 ounces and they said he is right on target - the perfect weight. They stated that he should be in the high sevens when born. I was 7 lbs 12 oz. He appears to absolutely have Daddy's nose and lips - they are very distinct. And he apparently has a TON of hair. Daddy thinks he TOOK his hair from him and now we both know how/why DH went bald so rapidly lol... he gave it all to the baby :) :) :)

The dogs are acting funny - they go into the baby's room, sniff the items, and look at me like something is up! It's cute.

We toured the maternity ward at St. Catherine's - it was beautiful, all new, the tile and vanity in the bathrooms are nicer than our house! LOL! I could live there! The private rooms, which are first come, first serve are beautiful. The entire ward was really nice, VERY quiet when we went - just one mommy there! And the staff seems FANTASTIC, soooo nice. We were happy about that.

We have our "prenatal" class offered through the doc's office this weekend - so, that should be good. It is a long day though - like six hours Chat Icon

I've been reading books that I find very helpful -- Jo Frost's Confident Baby Care (The Super Nanny), The New Contented Little Baby Book - VERY helpful. And two books from the Baby Whisperer - some English lady, who is awesome. I have to say, the majority of the stuff I read is by english authors and I really like how they operate - calm, cool, collected, and strict without being too strict. They really seem to know their stuff.

DH decided to get in on the reading -- he read "The No Cry Sleep Solution" and "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and another book, can't remember the name, on healthy eating and raising the child to eat real, fresh food. He is currently doing research online on choosing the right pediatrician. He was very happy with "The No Cry Sleep Solution" - very well written with set guidelines and TONS of tips to get your child on a nice, healthy sleep pattern. He loved it and thankfully, he gave me the "Cliff's Notes" version of the book and the methods behind it. He did the same with the other books too - very helpful.

We both bought some DVDs and watched them -- Laugh and Learn about Childbirth, Laugh and Learn about Newborn Care... and lastly, The Happiest Baby on the Block -- that was reeeeally great. We liked that a lot. The L&L ones were alright - it was informative but the lady is a little "out there".

So far, we have really learned a lot and feel it has helped our confidence and overall knowledge of the kind of parents we want to be. DH is verrrrry involved and I'm glad - we make a nice team!

37 days Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 10:12 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by babymill13

I go tomorrow for my growth scan at 34 weeks!! I am so excited and so curious how much my little one weighs!!! My family thinks I'm gonna have a big baby Chat Icon

Did you go? How much is LO weighing in at so far?? Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 10:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/13

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by DaniRella

Posted by babymill13

I go tomorrow for my growth scan at 34 weeks!! I am so excited and so curious how much my little one weighs!!! My family thinks I'm gonna have a big baby Chat Icon

Did you go? How much is LO weighing in at so far?? Chat Icon

5lbs 11oz Chat Icon and I go for another sono in 2 weeks...the doc thinks I will have a 9lb baby Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/13 11:26 PM

I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07

3061 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Ummmmm is anyone else flipping out that their counter has now possibly hit the 20's!!! 29 days.... holy $hit.

Ok... im done.

Posted 8/10/13 9:44 AM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Chat Icon I'm in the teens!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

What's everyone up to this week?

*The nursery is basically all done (still waiting for furniture and rug).
*Hospital bag is fully packed.
*All my paperwork for work and fmla is in.
*Swing and rock n' play are put together
*Diapers (nb and size 1) are purchased along with wipes
*Clothes, towels, sheets I plan to use within the first week or so are washed and put away.

I need to:
* go to the drug store and get some stuff for after birth (colace and sItz bath)
* finish some artwork for the nursery
* have my dog get a haircut (yes..part of my planning for baby).
*have DH put the car seats in which he'll probably do today if the rain hold out.
* order glider

And...that's about it.

Whenever the wolf pup wants to show up we're as ready as we'll ever be.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Although I'm going to try to hold out for the rest of the month, technically this is my last week of work.

Posted 8/18/13 11:48 AM

my cup runneth over

Member since 1/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

28 days 11 hours according to my ticker...and I am so DONE.

I don't remember feeling this crappy last time. I feel so useless. I have no energy.

Going on Wed. for growth sono. I'll be 36 weeks Tuesday. "One more week and I'll be full term" has become my mantra.

I am in no way, shape or form ready for this baby.

Things to do:
-Baby doesn't have a nursery and won't until January at the earliest (construction)
-Swing & bouncy seat, boppy, bottles and sterilizer are all still in storage
-Bassinet is still at my moms
-Carseat is being installed on the 28th
-I have a hair appt. on the 27th Chat Icon
-My bag is about 50% packed
-I haven't packed a bag for baby yet
-Double stroller still needs to be put together
-Need to get/make a big sister t-shirt for DD

Things that are done:
-Arrangements for DD while we're in the hospital
-Bought size 1 diapers
-All clothes, blankets, towels, washcloths, burp cloths that I'll need in the first few weeks are washed and ready to go
-Carseat & base are out of storage and washed & ready to be installed
-Names are picked out Chat Icon or Chat Icon
-Going home outfits are ready Chat Icon or Chat Icon

Chat Icon I really need the nesting phase/one last burst of energy to show up..I just stressed myself out Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/18/2013 12:39:29 PM.

Posted 8/18/13 12:37 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

3415 total posts

My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Ah I feel like there's so much to do and so little time! DH and I set up the pack and play, high chair, some swings, and other random stuff. I'm trying to organize the clothes and little items, but it's kinda hard without the furniture.

I feel like I'm making some process, but randomly. Question, are you guys installing the car seat yourself and then having it inspected or having it professionally installed?

BTW, writing thank you's is exhausting! Lol

Posted 8/18/13 5:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

142 total posts


******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

23 days and 15 hrs!
To do:
Tweak nursery
Finish up my bag/baby
Wash car seat
Narrow down names

I know there are a few more.... Wish i could remember :)

Posted 8/19/13 8:52 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

142 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Ah I feel like there's so much to do and so little time! DH and I set up the pack and play, high chair, some swings, and other random stuff. I'm trying to organize the clothes and little items, but it's kinda hard without the furniture.

I feel like I'm making some process, but randomly. Question, are you guys installing the car seat yourself and then having it inspected or having it professionally installed?

BTW, writing thank you's is exhausting! Lol

Im still forcing myself to finish writting themChat Icon

Posted 8/19/13 8:53 AM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

27 days to go and lots to do

Get the house a little more organized
Get the nursery organized we set up the crib but nothing else
Clean the car seat
Pack hospital bag
Get a diaper bag
Gifts for the boys from the baby
and in my dream world get my 3.5 year old to sleep in his own bed :)

I can't believe the final countdowns are on. This pregnancy flew by.

Posted 8/19/13 9:40 AM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

3415 total posts

My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by MrsO

27 days to go and lots to do

Get the house a little more organized
Get the nursery organized we set up the crib but nothing else
Clean the car seat
Pack hospital bag
Get a diaper bag
Gifts for the boys from the baby
and in my dream world get my 3.5 year old to sleep in his own bed :)

I can't believe the final countdowns are on. This pregnancy flew by.

I don't know how you BTDT moms do it with other kids to take care of...rock on!

Posted 8/19/13 11:56 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I'm scheduled:

Tuesday September 3rd

Just over two weeks to go!

(DH and I had a good laugh - that date is my ex of almost four years' birthday - it was just something that the two of us looked at each other and started laughing about)

I'm looking forward to it - whether doc wanted me to do vaginal or c-section really didn't matter to me, I was going to do whatever the medical professional advised me to do. He advised this for very valid reasons and I said, sure. That's pretty much my response to just about anything he says Chat Icon I'm not nervous - and I don't mean about the delivery/surgery/whatever - I'm really not nervous about any of it - becoming a mom, bringing him home, the delivery, the hospital, etc. - I'm ready, I feel ready, I feel 110% confident in it. I'm good to go. It's time :) DH is pretty much the same, which is good.

The entire room is set up including anything baby boy may use when he comes home. Anything that is six months + is in the garage, waiting to be called up from the minor leagues Chat Icon

I still need to:

Have the car seat installed (I have an appointment for that).

Pack my bag, which I don't really need to do now since I know when I'm going in... prob like a few days before.

This is going to sound ridiculous but: get a brazilian, get a haircut, and get my mani/pedi. I know, but I'm sorry - I want to look and feel like me Chat Icon and Lord knows I won't really have time to go afterwards for a while.

MIL is ordering a stork for us, that was sweet.

Let the photog know the date of the delivery so she can schedule a date for him to have his newborn shoot.

Square away everything with work and maternity leave - submitting the paperwork and all that stuff. I'm 90% there, I just have to finish a few things off. My last day will literally be the day before my CS - which is actually Labor Day and we are closed so the last official day of work will be the Friday before (August 30th - DH's bday!).

That's it, pretty much. Everything's done.

I just need HIM. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/19/2013 2:24:24 PM.

Posted 8/19/13 2:23 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

12475 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

My OB moved up my Due date to September 6.

I'm so not prepared. I have nothing.

Such a difference between expecting #1 and expecting #3 Chat Icon

We are in the process of getting into a lease for a Chrysler Town and Country, DH needs to go pick up the infant carseat a friend is giving us, my sister needs to go through all the NB clothes and pull out any and all gender neutral items (we've been passing clothes back and forth for 4 years now Chat Icon), I need to get to the store to buy bottles, swaddle blankets, a new monitor and something for baby to wear home.

I need to pack my hospital bag, clean my house, stock the fridge and get my DD1 ready for pre-school and register DD1 and 2 for dance.

So, yeah, not ready Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/13 3:35 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

12475 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by MrsO

27 days to go and lots to do

Get a diaper bag
Gifts for the boys from the baby
and in my dream world get my 3.5 year old to sleep in his own bed :)

I have to do all of this too! Thanks for the reminder Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/13 3:37 PM
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