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******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

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You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by kahlua716

My OB moved up my Due date to September 6.

I'm so not prepared. I have nothing.

Such a difference between expecting #1 and expecting #3 Chat Icon

We are in the process of getting into a lease for a Chrysler Town and Country, DH needs to go pick up the infant carseat a friend is giving us, my sister needs to go through all the NB clothes and pull out any and all gender neutral items (we've been passing clothes back and forth for 4 years now Chat Icon), I need to get to the store to buy bottles, swaddle blankets, a new monitor and something for baby to wear home.

I need to pack my hospital bag, clean my house, stock the fridge and get my DD1 ready for pre-school and register DD1 and 2 for dance.

So, yeah, not ready Chat Icon

It reminds me of that commercial -- first time mom: has like 12,000 pounds of stuff with her and the stroller all loaded up and the diaper bag packed to the brim -- all just to leave the house with the baby. Then, it says third child: and she just grabs the baby and a handful of cheerios Chat Icon

Message edited 8/19/2013 3:41:57 PM.

Posted 8/19/13 3:41 PM
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LIF Toddler

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Furniture was delivered. Waiting on bassinett...should be this week. Had my shower last week so my mom helped me organize we could before furniture arrived. Started washing things.Hospital bag just about done. We will start purring thing together this week and putting car seat in. Have my first internal tomm..ugh LOL cant wait to get there and see whats doing with LO. I've been soo tired and with Chat Icon movements feeling pressure here and there. Other than that, feeling good. Almost done running around. Have to do thank yous!!!!

Posted 8/20/13 11:30 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

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******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Message edited 8/20/2013 4:29:56 PM.

Posted 8/20/13 12:08 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by DaniRella

I'm looking forward to it - whether doc wanted me to do vaginal or c-section really didn't matter to me, I was going to do whatever the medical professional advised me to do. He advised this for very valid reasons and I said, sure. That's pretty much my response to just about anything he says Chat Icon I'm not nervous - and I don't mean about the delivery/surgery/whatever - I'm really not nervous about any of it - becoming a mom, bringing him home, the delivery, the hospital, etc. - I'm ready, I feel ready, I feel 110% confident in it. I'm good to go. It's time :) DH is pretty much the same, which is good.

I just need HIM. Chat Icon Chat Icon

This is how I feel too (except i'm not 100% confident.. more like 75% depending on the day lol). As long as it's the best for me and the baby I'm cool with whatever. Although no one's mentioned it, I feel like in the back of his mind my doc is considering a c-section for me so we'll see if this happens when I have my final growth sono 4 days before my actual due date.

I'm trying to look at labor and delivery (however it happens) as an athletic event that I've been training for for the past 9 months. lol

Posted 8/20/13 12:17 PM

My Sunshine

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by AScottWolf
I'm trying to look at labor and delivery (however it happens) as an athletic event that I've been training for for the past 9 months. lol

That's a good way of looking at it. I'm just hoping I don't totally lose my mind when it happens!

Posted 8/20/13 1:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/08

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I am 4 weeks away.. and I am officially done... Returning back to work (Teacher) next wednesday.... kids come September 4th.. I am due September 18th.. I am so ready to go into labor just need to make it to next Wednesday so I can get my days!!!! Hoping to go into labor maybe the 7th/8th... it is baby 3.. hopefully she comes a bit early.... I am so exhausted following the other two around all day and setting up my classroom :(

Posted 8/20/13 3:27 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by AScottWolf
I'm trying to look at labor and delivery (however it happens) as an athletic event that I've been training for for the past 9 months. lol

That's a good way of looking at it. I'm just hoping I don't totally lose my mind when it happens!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

YES! This is how I look at it -- like my career - a challenge and I want to do the best possible job I can. I'm just waiting for the official to shoot the gun so I can start the mission! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/20/2013 4:05:01 PM.

Posted 8/20/13 4:04 PM

I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07

3061 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

How are we doing ladies??? Only 4 days left of Aug after tonight!!!

I am #10 on the countdown and flipping out... I have 12 days left on my counter... and I am flipping out lol

Holy cow I am flipping out! lol

How is everyone else doing?

I am having such anxiety with my DD not being the only one... I just want her to be happy, and she is soooo excited for her little baby sister, its all me... but I am just so upset that I don't think she realizes how much it will change. Although I hope it doesn't at all... I know it will.

Went for my last sono today 38W and baby is 8.5 estimated... so figure if I go full term 9.5.

I feel huge and tired...

So... how is everyone else hahahah lmao.

ETA... I am usually never a worrier or a negative person... but holy cow... I am done and cranky and worried lol

Message edited 8/26/2013 10:42:34 PM.

Posted 8/26/13 10:41 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by CarlieJLD7

I am having such anxiety with my DD not being the only one... I just want her to be happy, and she is soooo excited for her little baby sister, its all me... but I am just so upset that I don't think she realizes how much it will change. Although I hope it doesn't at all... I know it will.

Not so much anxiety, and he has no clue whats about to happen, but I feel this way about my 9yr old dog lol.

Otherwise..were ready, as ready as we'll ever be.

I'm almost on single digits which is weird.

Posted 8/26/13 11:03 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

omg same here - but disbelief too!

six days and twenty three hours lol

Posted 8/27/13 12:00 AM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by CarlieJLD7

I am having such anxiety with my DD not being the only one... I just want her to be happy, and she is soooo excited for her little baby sister, its all me... but I am just so upset that I don't think she realizes how much it will change. Although I hope it doesn't at all... I know it will.

I felt this way last time too. I even cried when I brought the baby home because I thought DD1 was going to have a rough time and I was taking away her chance to be the "baby" for awhile longer (they are only 20 months apart).

It was so much better than I thought it would be!!! DD loved her sister and wasn't jealous at all. Of course, now that DD2 is almost 2, there is jealousy, but it's still not bad.

I'm a little worried that it won't be as easy of a transition for DD2 to go from baby to big sister- but I'm trying to be optimistic Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm #6 on the list now!! 9 days to go!

I'm praying I make it until at least next Wednesday. We finally bought a car and should have it by this weekend- so at least I'll have a way to get all 3 kids around town Chat Icon

I've done some food shopping. I still need to buy bottles and the RNP sleeper. I need to finish packing my bag for the hospital and pack my girls' bag in case they need to spend the night at my mom's.

Still need to sign DD 1 & 2 up for dance.

I have the neutral NB clothes and bassinet ready to go.

Gotta pick up the carseat from a friend and clean it.

Other than (ALL OF) that- I'm all set! Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/13 3:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

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******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Message edited 8/30/2013 8:59:44 PM.

Posted 8/27/13 3:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/13

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I'm still debating what day is going to be my last day of work Chat Icon
My DH wants me to stick it out till the 16th or 17th and I'm due the 20th! I told him I need at least a few more days to get everything together and I feel like I'm not even halfway done! Chat Icon
I packed only half of my hospital bag, washed the baby's clothes, put the carriage together and that's pretty much it!
The car seat has to be set up, the bassinet needs to be put together and because we are waiting to move into a new place, I have to live with my mother in law (which lives upstate) when the baby's born until they say its ok to start moving things in!! Even that is not a definite date Chat Icon
I am freaking out!!
I feel very unorganized and I hate the fact I can't stand for more than an hour at a time to clean or pack things up in my apartment!!
Chat Icon
My DH works out of town a lot and has no time during the week to help me. I work sun-thurs from 1-9:30 and the only days free are Fri and I'm not home during the day and if I get off work on time which is rare, I'm exhausted at night!! Chat Icon
We are supposed to be picking up a new car on Saturday and now DH tells me he may not be able to go due to work so now I have to fit that into my schedule AND my crib is still being held for over a week now at BRU and can't pick that up without him!!!
OMG!! I'm venting and I can't stop
Chat Icon
Sorry ladies, I needed to get this off my chest Chat Icon
Any advice? Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/13 5:21 AM

Big Brothers to Be

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by babymill13

I'm still debating what day is going to be my last day of work Chat Icon
My DH wants me to stick it out till the 16th or 17th and I'm due the 20th! I told him I need at least a few more days to get everything together and I feel like I'm not even halfway done! Chat Icon
I packed only half of my hospital bag, washed the baby's clothes, put the carriage together and that's pretty much it!
The car seat has to be set up, the bassinet needs to be put together and because we are waiting to move into a new place, I have to live with my mother in law (which lives upstate) when the baby's born until they say its ok to start moving things in!! Even that is not a definite date Chat Icon
I am freaking out!!
I feel very unorganized and I hate the fact I can't stand for more than an hour at a time to clean or pack things up in my apartment!!
Chat Icon
My DH works out of town a lot and has no time during the week to help me. I work sun-thurs from 1-9:30 and the only days free are Fri and I'm not home during the day and if I get off work on time which is rare, I'm exhausted at night!! Chat Icon
We are supposed to be picking up a new car on Saturday and now DH tells me he may not be able to go due to work so now I have to fit that into my schedule AND my crib is still being held for over a week now at BRU and can't pick that up without him!!!
OMG!! I'm venting and I can't stop
Chat Icon
Sorry ladies, I needed to get this off my chest Chat Icon
Any advice? Chat Icon

Can any friends or family help you out since dh isn't able to. That is a lot to handle at the end.

Posted 8/28/13 10:09 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/13

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Can any friends or family help you out since dh isn't able to. That is a lot to handle at the end.

My Mom lives far from me and also is not in good shape after a bad fall to help with anything heavy. My two friends that live close by work full time and my SIL has a family of her own and works full time. I brought this situation up to DH and he says everything is going to work out and to stop worrying. It's easy for him to say Chat Icon
I was going to call another person this weekend to find out if they can help me at least pick up the crib with me.
I agree though I didn't realize towards the end how hard this can be Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/13 11:19 AM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I know I still have 8 days but I want him here now! lol.

Everyone keeps saying, "Enjoy these last few days.." I feel like a 5 yr old at Christmas. lol

Posted 8/29/13 1:24 PM

Love my babies

Member since 4/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Is anyone else so uncomfy that they are sleeping like crap? I have the worst hip pains so its so hard to sleep on my side and sleeping on my back isn't comfy either. My countdown says 17 days. Hoping this baby comes sooner then later!

Posted 8/30/13 10:14 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/12

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Message edited 8/30/2013 9:00:32 PM.

Posted 8/30/13 10:23 AM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by EndlessSummer719

Is anyone else so uncomfy that they are sleeping like crap? I have the worst hip pains so its so hard to sleep on my side and sleeping on my back isn't comfy either. My countdown says 17 days. Hoping this baby comes sooner then later!

Yes. Except my hips feel fine. For the past 2 months or so my neck and shoulders have been killing me at night and when I wake up. I almost dread going to sleep b/c I know i'm going to be in pain when I wake up.
I stretch for 15 min. before bed and I wake up but it's not helping. At this point, for the past week I'm now getting headache's as a result.

I'm done lol.

Posted 8/30/13 11:38 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/11

393 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I can't believe September Mommies will soon begin giving birth!!!!Chat Icon

We are finally winding down. Since after the shower its been organizing, washing, etc. Furniture has bee delivered and decorated. Everything I can wash, has been. Bottles have been steamed and found a home for them. Diaper bag is packed. Hospital bag is packed and in car. Bassinet arrived the other day, DH put together the pack n play and swing. We are going to put car seat in get inspected and put stroller together. We needed a break in between tasks bc it becomes a little too much emotionally. I have been unpredicatably emotional but feeling good otherwise. Started internals last week. Todays appt was the GBS so that was fun LOL.~ 21 days..Chat Icon Hope all you ladies are feeling well!!!!!

Posted 8/30/13 12:17 PM

my cup runneth over

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

OMG the hip pain!! I walk around like im a zombie in the Thriller video for like 10 min every morning until my hips can function. I'm getting so much pain and pressure down there that any movement at all hurts. I was 10 days early with DD. I'm hoping for the same with #2!!

Posted 8/30/13 12:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/13

822 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Sleeping has been so hard!!!! My hips kill me and this cramping is unbearable Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/13 12:28 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I rec'd a call from the doc a few hours ago stating that due to a MAJOR conflict in his schedule as well as the two other docs that would be present during the cesarean, he had to change my date from September 3rd until September 9th (six days later).

This is fine, I mean, I don't really care either way - although the 9th is DH's first day of school (he teaches)... but luckily, his school is extremely understanding.

The nice part is that September 9th is our six year wedding anniversary Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/13 6:12 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by DaniRella

I rec'd a call from the doc a few hours ago stating that due to a MAJOR conflict in his schedule as well as the two other docs that would be present during the cesarean, he had to change my date from September 3rd until September 9th (six days later).

This is fine, I mean, I don't really care either way - although the 9th is DH's first day of school (he teaches)... but luckily, his school is extremely understanding.

The nice part is that September 9th is our six year wedding anniversary Chat Icon

Ugh.. if I had a date scheduled and they moved it back I'd be upset lol. Chat Icon

It's nice to have it on your anniversary though. I would have put $ on a bet that said I wasn't going to make it to Sept. (although there's still 1 more day but I doubt it). DH likes the idea of the baby being born in Sept. since our anniversary is the 17th.

Message edited 8/30/2013 6:31:51 PM.

Posted 8/30/13 6:31 PM

I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07

3061 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by DaniRella

I rec'd a call from the doc a few hours ago stating that due to a MAJOR conflict in his schedule as well as the two other docs that would be present during the cesarean, he had to change my date from September 3rd until September 9th (six days later).

This is fine, I mean, I don't really care either way - although the 9th is DH's first day of school (he teaches)... but luckily, his school is extremely understanding.

The nice part is that September 9th is our six year wedding anniversary Chat Icon

YEAH! We will be date twins... That is my due date too.. and they were going to do the 2nd then 3rd but when they realized its labor day they knew it was going to be crazy and I asked also to keep it for the 9th.

So... 9/9 it is! My DD was 11/11 and we were married 7/7/07 so I really wanted to keep it for 9/9. Just praying she stays in there!

Posted 8/30/13 8:09 PM
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