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Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

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My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

I am not talking about abuse or neglect, just maybe a lack of interest in their child's life. Or maybe the way they speak to them is too casual. Or maybe they don't know the line between parent and friend. Or maybe they curse in front of them. Things like that.

(I realize this may be moved to the parenting board, but it is not a question for parents specifically, rather for all people.)

Posted 1/24/07 10:23 PM
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My little lamb

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aka momma2b

Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

there are a handful of parents of my students that are like that.

Posted 1/24/07 10:30 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Yes - and it hurts considering that the children had to be conceived via IVF. Alot of work, emotion and trouble went into conceiving the children, but once they are here they are ignored.

It's sad.

Posted 1/24/07 10:43 PM


Member since 9/06

3046 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?


I knew someone whose parents fit your description and she had a lot of problems growing up (self esteem issues, drugs, grades etc)

but I also know someone who it had not effected in a negative way - which is a very surprising yet fortunate thing

Message edited 1/24/2007 10:51:07 PM.

Posted 1/24/07 10:49 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Sadly I do know one dad that has decided to drop out of the life of his 4 year old (at the time). She's now 6 & still has a hard time over it. He calls occasionally, she sobs afterwards that she misses him. It kills me to hear it. Particuarly because the couple went through 5 years of infertility, 2 mcs & finally adoption. He was supportive through the whole process, however in the end it turned out that he was a selfish SOB that couldn't handle that the world no longer revolved around him.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Actually looking at the list of questionable parenting skills - I can name many moms that lose their temper, curse in front of them, don't know the line between parent & friend. I won't call them questionable parents though.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say speak to them too casual??? Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/07 10:52 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/06

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In due time. No pun intended.

Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Yes, and I decided to post in my Chat Icon name to answer this.

I have one friend who is divorced and found himself a "replacement family." His own (non-custodial) kids are far from neglected but the new wife and her kids have taken precedence.

I have another friend who just does not have a clue as to how to be a parent. It's pretty funny because she always brags about what a great mom she is.

I do not judge parents strictly, either. I have not walked a mile in their shoes. I have a lot of friends with kids, so maybe 2 that I am critical of is not bad.

Posted 1/24/07 11:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Yes and I'll just leave it at that. You never know who's reading.

Posted 1/24/07 11:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

yup, a former friend of mine actually seemed bothered by her kids, they interferred too much with her social life and she wouldn't let that happen, so she alwasy has them with her parents or with a sitterChat Icon You'' notice I said "former friend", her ethics and morals really hurt our relationship, and it came across in every aspect of her life, not just her parenting skillsChat Icon

Posted 1/24/07 11:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Yes. My friend's wife is the worst.Chat Icon She treats her children like they are a constant burden, and they know it too.Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/07 8:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

A good friend of my curses in front of her kids all the time. And when they curse back at her she gets mad. I've told her. Who do you think she learned it from. Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/07 8:14 AM


Member since 5/06

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Message edited 6/5/2009 12:02:18 PM.

Posted 1/25/07 8:29 AM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

6655 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

YES. Unfortunately, I know about 3 people who fall into that category. It's very sad because you have to wonder why they even had a child to begin with if they are so much more interested in their own lives and don't even think about how what they are doing/saying can be shaping their child's life.

Posted 1/25/07 8:46 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

sadly i do and its family. she calls her mother by her first name if she doesn't answer to mom. if me or my sisters ever did that, my parents would kill us. my sisters and i range from 29-35 and we still call them mom and dad

Posted 1/25/07 8:52 AM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

YUP!! That's all I'm gonna say!

Posted 1/25/07 9:03 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Posted by nrthshgrl

I'm not sure what you mean when you say speak to them too casual??? Chat Icon

Perhaps I shuold have articulated that thought with a different choice of words. What I meant by "casual" was that often parents speak of things that are too adult in nature in front of (or directly to) children as if they too, are adults. For example, speaking about family matters of other families, or personaal business of friends or things that maay be considered "gossip."

Posted 1/25/07 9:40 AM

Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06

2646 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Unfortunately yes. I know a woman who brags that she conceived all three of her children afer clubbing hookups. Her children call the babystter "mom". She gets agitated when she has to spend more than 15 mins with them alone. I just want to shake her!!!Chat Icon Wake up!! One day your kids are going to hate you!!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/07 9:45 AM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by nrthshgrl

I'm not sure what you mean when you say speak to them too casual??? Chat Icon

Perhaps I shuold have articulated that thought with a different choice of words. What I meant by "casual" was that often parents speak of things that are too adult in nature in front of (or directly to) children as if they too, are adults. For example, speaking about family matters of other families, or personaal business of friends or things that maay be considered "gossip."

Yes, I know someone who does this in front of her kids which IMO is very bad. Certain conversations should not be held in front of children.

Posted 1/25/07 9:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

YES!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I see this all the time at my job, and although I always report abuse, most of the time its not abusive behavior that I see, just stupid behavior by the parents.

Ill give one example: One 3 year old girl running around the Peds ER area sticking her hands in the top of the sharps container where the dirty needles go, all while mom is watching. We tell her what is in those bins and can she hold onto her child so she does not get stuck with a needle that could be infected with HIV or god knows what. Mom tells us, "If she wants to play in there that is her business". Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I could go on forever how people dont know how to take care of thier children...

Message edited 1/25/2007 10:05:47 AM.

Posted 1/25/07 10:04 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Posted by BellaPaige

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by nrthshgrl

I'm not sure what you mean when you say speak to them too casual??? Chat Icon

Perhaps I shuold have articulated that thought with a different choice of words. What I meant by "casual" was that often parents speak of things that are too adult in nature in front of (or directly to) children as if they too, are adults. For example, speaking about family matters of other families, or personaal business of friends or things that maay be considered "gossip."

MIL does this....SIL is still a child and has no business knowing other people's business. It irks me to no end!!!

Yes, I know someone who does this in front of her kids which IMO is very bad. Certain conversations should not be held in front of children.

Posted 1/25/07 10:52 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Posted by cpanyc

Yes. DH and I just use them as a learning tool of what we DON'T want to do when we become parents.

Agreed. I don't judge others but i just take note of the behavior and decide it is not the way I would want to be. On another note i don't feel cursing makes you a questionable parent. I don't really think cursing is that bad in the proper situations! I think we coddle children too much

Posted 1/25/07 11:18 AM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

There's days when I question if I'm a good parent. The occassional curseword flies and I get the parrot reaction from the backseatChat Icon I try not to laugh though when I hear my words repeated in a tiny voice "Learn how to f'ing drive buddy!". Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm sure there's plenty of other things that I could be judged on by others. Like that I co-sleep with her, I let her stay up later than she should, etc.

Posted 1/25/07 11:26 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by nrthshgrl

I'm not sure what you mean when you say speak to them too casual??? Chat Icon

Perhaps I shuold have articulated that thought with a different choice of words. What I meant by "casual" was that often parents speak of things that are too adult in nature in front of (or directly to) children as if they too, are adults. For example, speaking about family matters of other families, or personaal business of friends or things that maay be considered "gossip."

Ah then I'm guilty of this. My son was told not to come back to kindergarten after many issues we had with the principal (long story but 3 school employees plus a teacher wrote up statements saying my son was not at fault). Apparently he's overheard phone conversations because when he was asked why he transferred schools, he said "Oh because the prinicipal was a big jerk" (we didn't call the principal a big jerk but I'm sure we've complained about her numerous times).

Posted 1/25/07 11:27 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/06

411 total posts

In due time. No pun intended.

Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Message edited 1/25/2007 9:08:58 PM.

Posted 1/25/07 11:53 AM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

1151 total posts


Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

YES. a family member.

They left their 1 yr old in the car over night in the winter because they got wasted and "forgot" to bring her inside when they got home.

Shes lucky to be alive. And this isnt the first incident nor the last.
Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/07 12:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

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Re: Do you know anyone with questionable parenting skills?

Posted by kaklesmay

YES. a family member.

They left their 1 yr old in the car over night in the winter because they got wasted and "forgot" to bring her inside when they got home.

Shes lucky to be alive. And this isnt the first incident nor the last.
Chat Icon

WHOA!!! That is pure craziness!!!

Posted 1/25/07 12:26 PM
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