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WWYD - Neighbor related

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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

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WWYD - Neighbor related

There is a house in close proximity to mine. New people bought it like 2 1/2 years ago. It is a 4 bedroom 2 story house. Initally the husband and wife moved in with his parents. Every week they would put things out for the garbage man, like a lot of stuff. We didn't think anything of it. At the same time 1 car started staying overnight... then a second. So we have a blue car (1 man), black car (man and woman), the husband/wife, and parents there.

About a year ago the husband/wife and parents stopped showing up, they only come sporadically. The Black and Blue cars stay every day.

Come this past week when now in addition to the black and blue cars there is a green truck AND a new red van.

I noticed one day that in the upstairs room a butcher block and cabinets in the window (shades are drawn 99% of the time). I think they turned a 1 family home into a 2 family.

I am not usually the anal neighbor. But would you call the town and say something. I am as live and let live as the next guy but with 3 small kiddos I like knowing who is living by me.

Posted 4/17/08 8:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

hmmmm...that's a tough one. Can you talk to the owner/neighbor next time you see him? I wouldn't threaten to call the town or anything like that, just be honest and say you're concerned because of the kids and want to "know" who your neighbors are.

Posted 4/17/08 8:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

If any part of it seems like a danger to you or a health hazard, then yes. Otherwise I am not entirely sure. One of my neighbors has had a dead car in her driveway a long time, plus there are 3 cars that belong to people who live there and then there are the cars of anyone who happens to stop by to see them. They are the nicest people, but if we did not know them, it could appear to be something it is not (they definitely haven't changed the inside to a 2 family, though). I guess it depends on how long you have been noticing this for and how they treat you as a neighbor. ETA: Have you met them?

Message edited 4/17/2008 9:02:02 PM.

Posted 4/17/08 9:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

I wouldn't talk to them, if they weren't courteous enough to explain the situation to you before hand, I wouldn't deal with them at all. I would however, without hesitation call the town and let them handle it.

Posted 4/17/08 9:02 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

As long as they arent bothering me i'd let it go. It's hard to own a house here.

Posted 4/17/08 9:13 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Ive met the owners. Nice people. The other people who live there they speak limited English (they are Polish)but I have never formally met them. They keep to themselves, except the constant flow of different cars in and out. It's gotten to the point where DH and I make bets on how many cars will be there when we get up.

Last summer, there was one person on a bike we saw coming and going, another on a motorcycle... I just remember this now.

Message edited 4/17/2008 9:15:44 PM.

Posted 4/17/08 9:14 PM


Member since 7/07

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Message edited 11/18/2011 3:34:47 PM.

Posted 4/17/08 9:16 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by KPtoys

I am not usually the anal neighbor. But would you call the town and say something. I am as live and let live as the next guy but with 3 small kiddos I like knowing who is living by me.

I would call in a heartbeat. No doubt about it. I don't go for that "a million people living in a one family house" BS.

Message edited 4/18/2008 9:27:08 AM.

Posted 4/17/08 9:23 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

I wouldn't call the town. As long as it's not disrupting your life, then I don't see the problem with them having a tenant. But maybe I say that because I have one. Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/08 9:24 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by 2girlsforme

I wouldn't talk to them, if they weren't courteous enough to explain the situation to you before hand, I wouldn't deal with them at all. I would however, without hesitation call the town and let them handle it.

I totally agree.

You talking to them will mean nothing. You are not the law, obviously the law needs to step in and the last thing you should do is be alerting them to the fact that it's YOU who called.

You talking to them will mean nothing and go nowhere. As if they are going to tell you the truth anyway, they don't even care what the laws are.

Posted 4/17/08 9:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Eh, I probably wouldn't bother. I don't think it will help, and then you will have tension between you and your neighbor. they will probably assume it's you that called the town

Posted 4/17/08 9:28 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

I just went outside to turn off a light in my car and yes, upstairs they DO have a kitchen.

It isn't so much them having tenants but it's the AMOUNT of people they have there and the number that just seem to keep coming and going.

It isn't my life, my house but I worry about weirdos and my kids.

Posted 4/17/08 9:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by KPtoys

I just went outside to turn off a light in my car and yes, upstairs they DO have a kitchen.

It isn't so much them having tenants but it's the AMOUNT of people they have there and the number that just seem to keep coming and going.

It isn't my life, my house but I worry about weirdos and my kids.

In that case, go with your gut.

Posted 4/17/08 9:36 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by KPtoys

I just went outside to turn off a light in my car and yes, upstairs they DO have a kitchen.

It isn't so much them having tenants but it's the AMOUNT of people they have there and the number that just seem to keep coming and going.

It isn't my life, my house but I worry about weirdos and my kids.

Weirdos can still live next door without tenants or two family homes KWIM? What if there was no kitchen upstairs and just a lot of people coming and going or staying with them? There isn't much you could do about that. I wouldn't bother especially since it will create tension. Plus, how do you know for sure they don't have a CO for a two family house?

Posted 4/17/08 10:24 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/08

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

it could be an "illegal" apt, it could be extended family. if you feel they are posing a danger to your family, then yes, something should be said/done, but if not, and it's just people living their daily lives, let it be. i've know people who rented apts that were illegal, and i know people who've done the same. it's not really your business what goes on in another home, unless you feel it's a danger.

Posted 4/17/08 10:41 PM


Member since 9/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

This is a tough one - you are getting a lot of differing opinions here, and good ones. Because there is a lot to consider.

Growing up, there was one rented house with an absentee landlord there. At first it was fine. Then the upstairs tenant started peeing out the window onto the driveway. And a rusted car with three tires was parked there. And the grass was waist high.

My Mom and other neighbors put a stop to it, and eventually, the landlord sold the house and a family moved in. Happy ending.

But I was a house renter for 12 years, and I was a great neighbor. I improved the outside of the house, was friendly with everyone, treated the house accordingly. Just because people rent, doesn't mean they are transient sex offenders who you need to shield your children from.

What I would say is treat them as they are people - not renters. If the house starts falling to disrepair or there are late/loud parties, suspicious activity going on, etc. then decide how to act. In the meantime, if it makes you feel better, check the sex offender registry.

You never know, they might wind up being nice people. Maybe you could even go over and introduce yourself, welcome them to the neighborhood and start a dialogue so at least you know their names?

Posted 4/18/08 8:41 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

I grew up in a two family house until 2nd grade. We had wonderful upstairs neighbors who were very nice. Two years after we moved the house got boarded up for being a crack den. It just goes to show you that even the nicest individuals may be up to no good. I would mind my own business until it directly affected my family.

Posted 4/18/08 8:54 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

I wouldn't say anything unless they were causing trouble or stopped taking care of the house.

Posted 4/18/08 8:54 AM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Honestly, I would call the town and complain. It is obviously having an effect if you can notice that there are a lot of people in the house.

If they want to get permits to have an apartment, thats fine. They should be paying their fare share of taxes -

eta: I also grew up in a two family house. My grandparents lived downstairs and we lived upstairs. it is a LEGAL two family.

Message edited 4/18/2008 8:58:56 AM.

Posted 4/18/08 8:57 AM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by teenigrrl
it's not really your business what goes on in another home, unless you feel it's a danger.


I'm a homeowner and don't love all my neighbors. But we can't control who lives around us- and jumping to conclusions about what may or may not be going on at our neighbors isn't fair to them. I wouldn't want my neighbors looking around my property- who I have living with me/staying with me, etc. would be none of their business. There are many reasons people have extended family live/stay with them, ilness, death, etc. What if they were going through something like that? Peeking in their windows wouldn't make that any better. It might create tension within the neighborhood.

Posted 4/18/08 9:05 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by SweetTooth

I wouldn't say anything unless they were causing trouble or stopped taking care of the house.


Posted 4/18/08 9:18 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by faithann

Posted by teenigrrl
it's not really your business what goes on in another home, unless you feel it's a danger.


I'm a homeowner and don't love all my neighbors. But we can't control who lives around us- and jumping to conclusions about what may or may not be going on at our neighbors isn't fair to them.

It actually is your business if they aren't paying taxes based on having multiple occupants (two family, etc). It is every tax payers business to be honest. Most towns TELL you to report illegal rentals, as they need neighbors to help them catch these things. Where I live they put it in the town bulletin to please report illegal rentals, as they do not help the neighbors, only hurt them (tax wise).

Jsut call anon, they will never know it's you.

Message edited 4/18/2008 9:24:39 AM.

Posted 4/18/08 9:23 AM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

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Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by 2girlsforme

I wouldn't talk to them, if they weren't courteous enough to explain the situation to you before hand, I wouldn't deal with them at all. I would however, without hesitation call the town and let them handle it.

Yes & yes.

I completely agree. If it is illegal housing, the town will take care of it.

Posted 4/18/08 9:26 AM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

In long as it isnt disturbing you I would leave it alone..

We had a house on our block that has an illegal apartment in it. The old owner and renter were nice people but then they moved out and the owner sold the house. The new owner is never home and doesnt have children...he rented to someone who had a constant stream of cars coming and going. They were quit enough but it just seemed odd..well aparently the renters were dealing drugs out of the houseChat Icon Which we didnt know about until the SWAT team showed up and busted them...

Now it's rather unfortunate for the new owner but we dont want anyone renting that apartment any more...someone on our block called the town and reported the apartment. It wasnt me and I wouldnt have done it but Im glad that they a Mommy of 6 I like to know who my neighbors are.

Posted 4/18/08 9:31 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: WWYD - Neighbor related

Posted by june262004

As long as they arent bothering me i'd let it go. It's hard to own a house here.


Posted 4/18/08 9:34 AM
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