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Left side sleeping

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So very blessed!! Thank u !!

Member since 8/06

6524 total posts


Left side sleeping

Does your left arm hurt or fall asleep... OMG I cant take this sleeping on the left is it really that bad to go to the right also I noticed that when IM on the right the baby moves more is it because they are uncomfortable?

Posted 8/28/10 7:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: Left side sleeping

its not bad to sleep on your right side at all... they just tell you to sleep on your left side b/c the blood flow is better when you lay on your left side

Posted 8/28/10 8:07 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/10

280 total posts


Re: Left side sleeping

I can't sleep on my left for that long anymore either... I was able to up until about 3 weeks ago and now the right side is just so much more comfortable. My doc says as long as you're getting enough rest, however you sleep is fine. If there were any signs of problems then our bodies would alert us and we'd know to move. So that's what I've been banking on!

Posted 8/28/10 8:42 AM

All moms are working mothers!

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Super Mom

Re: Left side sleeping

I get the same feeling in my left arm when i try sleeping on that side. Its ok to sleep on ur right side just the blook circulation is better laying on ur left.

Posted 8/28/10 9:19 AM

My 2 boys!

Member since 10/06

4578 total posts


Re: Left side sleeping

I got a snoogle pillow and it helped with that.

Posted 8/28/10 9:26 AM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: Left side sleeping

I roll back and forth like a rotisserie chicken, lol. There's nothing harmful about sleeping on your right side. What preggo can stay in the same position all night?

Posted 8/28/10 11:16 AM

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